Ladies SPRING Weekend Away - Report
23-25 March

Thirty four members and partners attended the spring weekend away, including five new members, experiencing a weekend golfing debut with their usual Sunday colleagues. Some excesses were reported! However, they did say they would repeat the experience.

The chilling easterly wind and rain for two days did not dampen the enthusiasm, especially when Sunday became sunny and all the intrepid golfers forgot the icy conditions of the previous two days. Although the scoring was not record breaking owing to the windy conditions, we have mainly happy memories of our visit.

This includes the wonderful birdlife on the course, the pleasant rooms with balconies overlooking the lake or swimming pool, the log fire in the bar and the well cooked food.

The greens were our bête noire, resulting in high putting scores. The golf course was relatively newly constructed (in the last 10 years), with small plantations of trees (giving relief – in more ways than one – to all entering).

Thanks go to Julie Smith for the organisation.

The Spring Weekend Away has a Ladies' Trophy awarded to the overall winner and this year the Lockie Trophy was awarded to Maureen Slade.

Prizes were also presented for nearest the pin, and Saturday and Sunday team events and second and third positions.


  Ladies Men
1st Overall   Maureen Slade
Lockie Trophy winner
Jon Cooper
2nd Overall   Lia Donath Ian Smith
3rd Overall   Ros Gray Peter Harrington
1st Saturday   Julie Smith Jack Koychev
2nd Saturday   Di Jackett Stanley Hunt
3rd Saturday   Sheena Harrington -
1st Sunday   Caryl Goldsworthy Graeme Syme
2nd Sunday   Cheryl Woodhouse Arthur Dolby
3rd Sunday   Molly Hood -
Nearest Pin Saturday Anne Koychev Stanley Hunt
Nearest Pin Sunday Louise Williams Arthur Dolby

There were also team ball competitions on each day.

  • The winners on Saturday Di Jackett, Cheryl Woodhouse, Stanley Hunt and Martin Goldsworthy   
  • The Sunday winners Ros Gray, Di Jackett, Aileen McKenzie, Arthur Dolby

Cheryl Woodhouse
30 March 2007