In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
28 December

Midweek Christmas Cracker

The field of 10 teams were met with some tricky early conditions. But the course improved as the day went on. When two in form players join up that leaves no margin for error for the rest of the field. Toby & Sunny were run away winners by posting a very impressive score of 40pts. Distant 2nd were Caroline Dewar & Jeremy Prescot with 36pts. Julian Tatum & Rajinder Sehmi completed the Top3 with a score 35pts. Results...

25 December

Christmas Day

Course closed.

21 December

Midweek Christmas Cracker

Report due soon. Results...

18 December

Captain v Secretary

The course seemed to be there for the taking today. Scoring proved to be excellent.

Top honours looked to be going to the Secretary himself, but having signed for a wrong score, was DQ'd, leaving the leaders in the clubhouse on 39 as the winners: Sunny Lall, who continues his good recent form, and a rejuvenated Dave Faure. A solid back 9 earns Anis Driaa 3rd place with 38pts. Henry L-B (with a stomping back 9 of 23pts) and Damian Hackett (both on 37pts) complete the Top5. Top lady was Lia Donath with 35pts. Results...

Needless to say, after this, the Captain's team (of the top half alphabetically) had an easy win.

CSS ended at 38pts. Dave Faure and Sunny Lall and the dq'd secretary are the only ones earning handicap cuts.

14 December

Midweek Champagne Chase

Brett Colley, John Ahad were the early leaders in the clubhouse on 38pts (John will regret the 18th hole). Henry L-B posted an excellent score of 37pts. But they were all beaten by the late starters. Toby "rattle" Hunt's form on the greens was outstanding, The result was a very impressive score of 39pts. His score was soon matched by Jeremy Prescot. Finally victory went Jeremy based on countback. Kim Chaffert completed the Top 6. Results...

CSS: 37pts (Men), 36pts (Ladies). John Ahad, Brett Colley and Jeremy Prescot all earn handicap reductions.

11 December

Christmas Hamper

Glorious blue skies greeted those vying to win the hamper, but the rain of the previous day could be the reason for keeping the CSS to 36 points for both men and ladies.

A very excited Sunny Lall was on tenterhooks until the last card had been entered, but he did emerge the winner on 39 points beating Ray Esin by one. Both Sunny & Ray get their playing handicaps reduced by one shot to 22. In third place, one further point back, was Lee Marshall, beating Pete Harrison on countback. First place lady, who will also receive a hamper, was Val Riziotis in 16th place on 33 points. Results...

7 December

Midweek Medal

What a difference a week makes. The field were met with clement weather conditions. Mild temperatures, receptive greens and a wind that only became stronger towards the end of the day allowed for some excellent scoring.

Chris Jones posted an outstanding net score of 60 (gross score 80) to win today's competition. Alexander was a very impressive 2nd with a net score of 61. The gap with the rest of the field is huge (to use Trump's favourite word). Toby finished 3rd by posting a net 67. Henry LB, Mark Rosamond and Richard Smith complete the Top 6. Results...

CSS went down to 67. Three players earn handicap reductions: Chris Jones now plays of 18, Alexander's new handicap now stands at 16, Henry LB will now only get 12 strokes.

4 December

Monthly Medals


Report due soon. Results...


Sometimes you can only take what the golf course gives you. And in the case of yesterday's competition Prince's gave very little. Frosty greens and winds near the end of play proved quite a challenge for the field.

Nigel Gaymond proved the most resilient by posting a net 68 and beat Paul Brown on countback (tough luck on the 18th Paul). Roger Rojas finished 3rd by posting a net 69. Shout-out goes to Caleb Mills: first competitive round and a nett 70 places him into 4th. Henry L-B and Sunny complete the Top 6. Results...

CSS increased to 69. Paul B. is the only player earning a handicap reduction and plays off 12 again.

30 November

Midweek Alpha TeamEvent

The field was met with frozen fairways and greens. Some extra bounce on the fairways and serious difficulty holding the balls on the green were the result. Playing conditions must have been particularly challenging for the early morning starters. The conditions of the course improved for the 10am starters once the sun had broken through.

The ladies proved to be best figure skaters. Lesley Mason was on fire today. A stunning score of 42pts (!) earned her 1st place. Elaine posted an excellent score of 38pts to finish 2nd. Alexander Krasnenkov was the 1st man with 36pts and finished 3rd. Results...

In the Team competition the Green Team edged out the Blue Team. So Veronica, Mark, Chris, Richard, Mike and Tim your price is waiting for you (the other members of the Green team should have already received their share of the spoils).

CSS Men's 36pts, Ladies 35pts. Lesley is the only player today to get a handicap cut (down to 19 - Wow!).

27 November

Champagne Chase


A grey November day greeted the contenders for the champagne prize, with a chilly wind that seemed to get colder and stronger throughout the round. A small field of 10 were bunched together with just 3 points separating 6 players. No high scores for the ladies though, with ever consistent Jayne Maxwell taking 1st place on 33 points. In 2nd spot, as last week, was Joan Mulcahy on 32 with Tenesi Karakaneva taking 3rd spot on 31 with a better back 9. Results...


No need to talk about the weather or the condition of the course today. Just one word can describe today's results: EPIC! Pete Harrison posted an a stunning score of 45 pts. You have to feel sorry for Henry LB. Normally a score of 40 pts would be good enough to win a comp. But today he'll have to settle for 2nd. Lee Marshall edges out Eric Lit (both on 39 pts) on countback to finish 3rd. Liam Bridger's eagle on the 15th helped him to finish 5th. Finally Jim Fogarty beats Jon Cooper, Nigel Gaymond and Stephen Mason on countback to finish in the Top 6. Results...

CSS went up to 37pts. Pete H. also receives an ESR and his new handicap now stands at 8.1! Very well done. Henry LB & Lee Marshall also see their handicaps cut.

23 November

Midweek Texas Scramble

A decent turnout for this Texas Scramble competition. Team chemistry and a bit of tactics were in order.

Mark Rosamond, Henry LB & Brett Colley went out first and were leaders in the clubhouse (edging out Ray, Tamas & Kim by 1 shot).

But nobody proved a match for the long drives of Darren, the consistency of Stephen and the grit of Graham. That trio bettered the score of MR, HLB & BC by 5 shots! Their score proved too big an obstacle for the rest of the field.

Well done the three of you. Results...

20 November

Winter Comp Rd 2 / Princes Eclectic Rd 1


The overnight downpour reminded everyone of the lack of run encountered over the winter. It didn't however, deter in-form Veronica Mitchell who was on target for another cut until the last hole, but whose performance was good enough to earn her 1st place for the second consecutive week on 34. One point behind was Joan Mulcahy, whose recent travels in various continents probably ensured a relaxed round. Results...

In the accompanying Eclectic, most competitors failed to hole out on every hole, resulting in just 3 ladies having a qualifying score. There is much to play for in the coming 3 rounds.


It took some courage and a lot of optimism to brace the weather conditions today. Heavy rains caused a lot of standing water (the bunkers had to be avoided more than ever).

Runaway winner today was Pete Harrison. Pete's round was a model of consistency: 19pts out and 20pts in! Solid back 9's by Nick Rogers and Nigel Gaymond earned them places in the Top 3. Based on countback Nick takes 2nd place from Nigel.

Special mention goes to new member Barry Page. First comp with a full handicap and a strong round of 36pts and 4th place. I hope you put money in the sweep Barry! Usual suspect Toby and a early morning starter Darren complete the Top 6. Results....

CSS was raised to 37pts. Pete Harrison is the only player earning a handicap cut (down to 10).

16 November

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 2

The field were met with the course in virtually the same condition as last Sunday - no roll on the fairways, bit more zip on the green, mild breeze but higher temperatures.

Brettt Colley and Kim Chaffart both scored 38pts. Top honours go to Brett based on countback. Brett's round can be described as saving your best for last. 24 pts (!) on the back 9 with three birdies in the last four holes!. Henry LB, one of the other early starters, posted a solid score with 37pts. Derek Gibbs, Mike Jones and Patrick Poletti complete the Top 6. Results...

Kim is the only player to get a Handicap Cut and now plays off 12 (again).

13 November

Winter Comp Rd 1 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 1


After the rain of yesterday, conditions underfoot were surprisingly good and the competition was played in crisp air and mainly sunny skies. However, there were only 2 ladies who took advantage of what will probably be one of the better autumn/winter days and as such CSS went up two requiring only 34 points to play to handicap.

Veronica Mitchell scored a very impressive 37 points to beat Jayne Maxwell by one. Both players will be playing off one shot less next week. It was 6 points back before the rest of the field appeared. Results...

In the associated Eclectic, Veronica and Jayne are obviously leading the way.


The effects of yesterday's rain were still visible: no roll on the fairways and a bit more zip on the greens. The course was there for the taking for either the long hitters (all carry, no roll) or somebody with a good touch on the greens.

Tamas as one of the early starters was leader in the clubhouse with 37pts. Paul B. also ended with 37pts (but will regret the last 2 holes - Sorry to rub it in Paul). But the late starters prevailed. Greg Saunders came in with a solid 38pts. Damian Hackett continued his good form by posting the same score as Greg. In the end Greg edged out Damian on countback. Nigel Gaymond and Toby Hunt completed the Top 6. Results...

CSS remained at 36pts. Paul Brown & Damian Hackett both earn handicap reductions.

9 November

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 1

24 players were met with morning rain resulting in some standing water and water in the bunkers.

Henry LB set the early pace and was leader in the clubhouse with 38pts. Mike Assender kept up his good form and posted 36pts. The charge by the late morning starters was led by Ted Holt. A ferocious back 9 by Ted (21pts !) vaulted him into 1st place. Seong Lim, Mark Rosamond and Tore Burman completed the Top 6. Results...

CSS ended at 37pts. Ted's good play sees his playing handicap drop to 19.

6 November

Monthly Medals


Report due soon. Results...


Chilly temperatures and a cool breeze met the field of competitors this afternoon. Conditions didn't prove too much of a challenge for Mike (Assender) & Mike (Shabani) and Patrick Murphy. All carded net 64's. Mike A. edging out Mike S. and Patrick on countback. David Sandifer finished 4th with a net 65. Stephen Mason and Richard Owen continued their good form with net 66's, Stephen edging out Richard on countback to finish 5th. Results...

CSS finished at 67.

2 November

Midweek Medal

Players were met with some chilly conditions. But overall the course was in good condition. Honours were split between the early starters and 10.00 AM groups. Habe Crocker was the leader in the clubhouse. Richard Owen's inspired putting supported his challenge. But in the end Habe's round of 68 (net) was not beaten. Seong Lim (beaten on countback by Richard), Brett Colley, Darren Enthoven and Ted Holt complete the Top 6. Results...

CSS: 71 (Men) - 73 (Ladies). Habe's handicap now stands at 14.

30 October

Lissaman Cup
Honours Board

The foggy conditions persisted until most had finished their rounds, but the lack of wind and with the ball still running the lack of choice of clubs didn't bother the 6 who played below their handicaps.

The runaway winner was Tenesi Karakaneva with a stunning net 62. Steve Cross took 2nd place from early clubhouse leader, Ray Esin, both on net 67. Results...

The competition was a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

26 October

Midweek Harrington Trophy

Always a challenge to tackle 18 holes with just 4 clubs. Looked like Anis and Cheryl picked the right clubs. Both posted excellent scores. A net 62 earned Anis 1st place. Ann Gardner and Darren Enthoven completed the Top 4. Results...

23 October

Charity Cup
Honours Board

The level of golf turned out to be outstanding today. Six players scored 40pts or more and no less than 13 (!) 2's. As a result CSS jumped to 38 pts.

Honour to the Ladies with Jane Fraser winning today's comp with 46 (!) pts, closely followed by Allison Chadwick with 44pts. Roger Rojas prevented a Ladies sweep by edging out Lia (42 to 40pts). Honourable mention goes to Mike Assender and Martin Heinrich for completing the top 6. Results...

Jane, Alison, Roger, Mike and Martin all saw their handicaps reduced.

22 October

Autumn Mixed

Report due soon. Results...

19 October

Midweek Charity Trophy

A nice turnout for the Midweek Charity Trophy. Clement weather inspired the early morning games to some pretty good golf.

New member Tim Vaughn-Spencer and Habe Crocker were the early leaders in the clubhouse. But nobody proved a match for Caroline Dewar's score of 43 pts! The (other) ladies say that this was a long time coming. Results...

CSS for both men and ladies remained at 36pts. In the process Caroline earns an ESR of 0.5 and her handicap now stands at 26.6 (down from 30.3). The top five all saw their handicaps reduced.

16 October

JQ Robertson
Honours Board | Top Dog Trophy

The early morning forecast of rain kept a good number away from the park, but by 11am they were probably regretting their decision. Rain cleared and the sun came out leading to some good scoring. For once the early starters got the worse of the weather, although it didn't affect Keith Cassidy who recorded 43 points to win by 3 points from Kyojung Lee who continues his good run of form.

With the CSS going to 37 points, Keith was rewarded with a 1.8 cut to his handicap and Kyojung a 0.9. First lady was Tenesi Karakaneva in 6th place with 38 points. Results...

12 October

Midweek President's Prize

Thirty turned out on an autumnal day and scoring overall was very good. Paul Concannon had an exceptional round with 24 points on first 9 to finish winner on 43 points. A countback last 6 separated Tore Borman from Derek Gibbs both 40. Henry Lindesay-Bethune and Joseph Shin took 4th and 5th places with 38s. Caroline Dewar finished best lady on countback from Habe Crocker with 37. CSS was elevated one over SSS at 38 points with handicap cuts for Tore and Paul. Results...

In his first competitive round with RPGC, Tim Vaughan-Spencer shot eagle on 9th to join the Eagle Tree.

9 October

Monthly Medals


Congratulations to Donna Wilson who has achieved her aim of reducing her handicap to 18 this year - 17.5 to be exact. After today's storming performance of a net 64 to win the last monthly medal of 2016, the handicapping system has also noted her run of good form and applied an ESR of 0.5 on top of the 1.5 competition reduction. Results...

In second place was Habe Crocker with a net 67 which was good enough for her to be the Barton Bowl winner. For the first time for many years, the winner of the main competition of the day is not the same as the Barton Bowl winner, but congratulations to both of today's winners


Blue skies and brilliant sunshine were the order of the day until cloud inevitably built up. Early clubhouse leader Kyojung Lee seemed to have the medal in the bag but again a player in the last game came through to win – Rob Morley with a masterful 58! Well done to Rob who earns a 3 shot handicap cut. Lee Marshall shot an excellent 64 for second position whilst Kyojung finished third 65. Kyojung’s score followed an excellent 44 points the previous day on Duke’s. Results...

This was the last round in the Grand Medal Trophy and Dave Fauré held on to win on 336 – 5 clear of Tony Bergqvist with Charlie Whiteman a further 5 back. Final leader board...

8 October

Mens Invitation

This year's Men's Invitation was competed for by 14 eager and competitive mixed pairings. All competitors were greeted in the clubhouse with bacon rolls and coffee which, as later became apparent, had clearly got the competitive hungers fired up in the members.

The Captains, Paul and Lia, opened play at 11:04 with two straight drives, which remained the only straightforward part of the day. The weather immediately changed from sun to showers (possibly in shock at the two straight drives), and scoring became variable. Four and a quarter hours of highly competitive golf followed.

At close of play there was a noticeable hush in the galleries as each pairing in turn could be heard whispering "we left a lot out there". There was no need to worry however as we were treated to a nice slice of Barbara's home made chocolate cake and ice cream (a real treat), which certainly calmed the nervous worries of all concerned. A suitable end to a very sociable day.

Final scores were extremely close with five pairings separated by only one point and the dreaded countback. Winners were Captains Lia and Paul with 38 points (inward 9, 19 points). Second place went to Jon and Susan also with 38 points (inward 9, 17 points). And third place went to Paul Grand and Ann with 37 points (inward 9, 20).

All-in-all a thoroughly enjoyable days golf played in good spirit and amongst great company. Golf at its best.

6 October

Winter Rules
Report by Peter Harrington

As of today we have introduced Winter Rules for all play at Richmond Park. Local Rules Notice...

For the benefit of our newer members, I will mention that in layman's language winter rules allows the ball to be marked, lifted, cleaned and replaced within 6 inches of the marked spot but not nearer the hole, and where the ball comes to rest on a closely mown area. In the Rules of Golf, closely mown is defined as grass cut to fairway height or less. It follows that the winter rules relief is not permitted when the ball is in the rough, or semi-rough !!

5 October

Midweek Medal

A pleasant autumn day ended in glorious sunshine but was played using preferred lies for the first time this season. Conditions clearly suited Alison Chadwick who won the medal with 70 on countback from Mark Rosamund and Mike Assender. Results...

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal, Stephen Mason clung on to win with 198 – 10 clear of Brett Colley and Paul Grand. Well done Stephen! Final leader board...

2 October

Silver Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

An early autumnal nip in the air greeted 45 competitors but it turned into a very pleasant day for golf. Very good play resulted in 3 tying for first place with Danny Deprez on 66 winning countback from Richard Owen and Roger Rojas. Paul Rockett took 4th place with Veronica Mitchell best lady on 72. CSS remained at SSS. Results...

This was the final round of the associated Anniversary Cup with Veronica Mitchell confirmed winner on 211 from Jayne Maxwell 215 and leading man Richard Owen also 215. Final Leader board...

28 September

Midweek Autumn Pairs

Fair conditions prevailed with the wind gradually increasing. Playing against ladies’ pars and Sis enhanced scores as did the new 90% handicap allowance in this 4BBB pairs event.

Chris Jones and Richard Owen were the worthy winners on 49 points, one ahead of Tore Burman and Alexander Krasnenkov. Good teamwork earned Paul Grand and Alison Chadwick third place on 46 points. Results...

25 September

Monthly Medal


Six pairs of ladies turned out for the second leg of the Ladies Autumn Meeting playing a 4 BBB. There were some very good scores.

In third place with 41 points were Joan Mulcahy and Sonia Inniss. In second place with 43 points were Maureen Slade and Susan Smith. And romping home with a stonking 44 points the winners were Deborah Potter and Tenesi Karakaneva. Results...

We had nibbles and drinks after and prizes (thanks to Deborah and the Tate) for the day's performances and for performances in the Autumn Medal were awarded.


Very early rain gave way to sunshine and blustery conditions. Members basked in the autumn sunshine by the clubhouse and toasted Igor Stark for an exemplary 62. But a beaming Habib Amir in the last game revealed that he shot an extraordinary 58. Well done Habib! Nigel Ward and Charlie Whiteman scored 63s. Results...

Overall scoring was to leave CSS at SSS. With an ESR of 2.0 Habib was cut from 20 to 15 for his performance!

In the penultimate round of the associated Grand Medal Trophy, Dave Fauré on 336 has a 10 shot advantage from Charlie Whiteman. R7 Leader board...

21 September

Midweek Anniversary Cup

Perfect golfing weather conditions prevailed although greens pace was variable and many had an overhang of uncut grass. The mid-morning contingent followed a cracking pace set by the ladies for 4 hour rounds. Early starters posted 67s and Toby Hunt and Paul Grand were up to the challenge with just two dropped shots through 9 and net 65s. Toby won on countback. Chris Jones posted 66 for third with Richard Owen and Henry Lindesay-Bethune following with 67s. Results...

50% of competitors were within their buffer zone of SSS and CSS was reduced by one from SSS. Toby, Paul, Chris, Richard and Henry all received handicap cuts with Paul earning an ESR of a further 0.5.

In the associated Midweek Anniversary Cup, Paul emerged the winner on 205, nine ahead of Brett Colley and Cheryl Woodhouse. Final Leader board...

18 September

Burgess Cup / Monthly Medal & Autumn Meeting


Conditions were definitely softer underfoot after the rain of last week, but scores were pretty much unaffected and the CSS was cut to 72.

The winner by 3 and continuing her recent good form was Veronica Mitchell with a 69 and the only one to receive a handicap cut. Her 0.9 cut reduces her to 18.6. In second place, 3 shots behind was Jane Fraser. Results...


A largely windless day following recent rain provided good conditions. Scoring was excellent with 10 pairs beating 36 points.

The winners on 43 countback were Danny Deprez and Jim Fogarty from James Shine and Shane McGillycuddy. Danny and Jim needed to keep their good form through the last two holes finishing birdie, par for 7 points. James and Shane already had 42 in the bag standing on 17th tee but finished with only 1 further point. James and Shane had 2 ‘blobs’ overall as did Nigel Gaymond and Jon Cooper who took 3rd place with 42 points so there were more points available. Results...

14 September

Fred Hawtree Bogey Cup

Another hot early Autumn day greeted competitors. Ample run was available and greens were in good condition but with some random bounce on fairways.

A challenging format, but 72% of competitors scored within SSS of 1-up resulting in CSS being elevated to 2-up. Early starter Derek Gibbs was the winner on a commendable 5-up with a countback separating Stephen Mason and Toby Hunt who both finished 4-up. Results...

11 September


A splendid round of 42 points from the winner Cheryl Woodhouse who additionally earned an ESR and now plays off 21. Results...

There was a glorious eagle from John Ahad on 15. Chris Jones and Pete Davis also recorded eagles this month. Eagle tree...

9-11 September

Autumn Weekend Away

Fiona Coombs won the Gill Hibbs Trophy over the weekend.  Best man was Jon Cooper. Results...

7 September

Midweek Medal

The September midweek medal was played on a gloriously sunny and warm late summer’s day. Unfortunately for the near 30 RPGC members who turned out to compete on the Dukes course, it was the day that Glendale had chosen (without telling us) that they would be carrying out maintenance on all but one of the greens, providing instead ‘temporary fairway greens’ for us to play to. Whilst the shortened hole lengths favoured the competitors, the holes cut in the fairway made putting difficult and unpredictable.

Nevertheless, some excellent scoring was achieved by the ladies, with Veronica Mitchell winning the monthly medal glass with an excellent 63. Three shots behind in 2nd place was Alison Chadwick (66) and Cheryl Woodhouse completed the ladies 1-2-3 with a 68. Chris Jones took the top spot for the men on 69 (and 2nd place in the sweep). The competition was, of course, a non-qualifier for handicaps. Results...

4 September

President's Putter

Having listened to the weather forecast, most of us were expecting a nice sunny day but were disappointed to be met with squally showers early on, a blustery wind and constant cloud cover. It did however seem to sharpen the focus of many, with 3 people at the top on 41 points.

Taking 1st place on the back 9 was Kyojung Lee, from Pete Harrison and Jon Cooper. One point further back and first placed lady was Lia Donath. CSS went to 37 points for both men and ladies. Results...

Although unfortunately not present for his day, the president Tim Meyer, provided a few added extras, with nearest the pins on the par 3s, longest drives and a drink for birdies on the 1st & 18th holes. Only two people can take up the drink offer - Tamas Ladacs on the 1st and Stephen Legg on the 18th.

Nearest the pin winners were Lia Donath on the 7th, Anis Driaa on the 10th and Nigel Gaymond on the 16th. Longest drive winners on the 15th were Stephen Legg and Cheryl Woodhouse.

After 5 rounds of the Top Dog Trophy, and with minimum points assigned for the unfinished matchplay events, Pete Davis currently leads with 26 points from Peter Osgood 20. R5 Leader board...

31 August

Midweek Captain's day

It was a very pleasant warm late summer’s day with a light to moderate wind. There was plenty of run on the parched fairways but the greens were reasonably receptive leading to the CSS dropping by one requiring 38 points.

There was a four way tie at the top, including the captain, all on 40 points. On countback, the winner was Derek Gibbs, followed by Mark Rosamond, then Richard Owen with Jeremy Prescott last of the four. All apart from Richard received playing handicap cuts. Results...

The early starters again monopolised the spoils, taking 1st and 2nd places in the competition and 4 of the 5 Captain’s Day ‘hole prizes’. The bacon butties arranged by the Captain were well received.

Nearest the pin winners were Mike Jones (4th) and Stephen Mason (11th). Longest Drive (12th) winners were Kate Emanuel and Joseph Shin. NTP in two shots was Ray Esin (18th).

28 August

Bank Holiday sweep

A relatively small field on bank holiday Sunday, but plenty of good golf to be had, such that the CSS went down one requiring 38 points to play to handicap. With a gross 72 and 43 points Nick Rogers was an earlier leader in the clubhouse, and remained there. Tony Bergqvist was just two behind with 41 points, and Jayne Maxwell was the leading lady in 3rd place one further shot back. Results...

24 August

Midweek Club Championship Rd 2

The second round of the men’s and ladies’ midweek club championships were played on a still and blisteringly hot day on the Duke's course. With temperatures in the 30’s Centigrade several members had to ‘retire’ part way round. We had our highest number of players ever in a Wednesday competition (41), although only a proportion of those playing qualified for the 36 holes club championship competitions.

The best net scores on the day were 67’s by Henry Lindesay-Bethune and Donna Wilson, who both earned handicap cuts of 1.2 strokes, but neither had a qualifying Round 1 in the Midweek Club Championships, so have missed out on the trophies. Coming in net 3rd and 4th on the day were Igor Stark and James Barker, both with 69s and earning handicap cuts (CSS was 71). Results...

In the 36 holes net competition the ladies took the main honours. The trophy was won by Gina with a 137, just piping Alison Chadwick on 138. Third was James Barker (140), one ahead of Richard Owen (141). Results...


In the Ladies' scratch competition, Gina Jillett (gross 92) maintained her lead from Round 1, again scoring the best of those ladies in the competition, and finished with a winning total of 176. Veronica Mitchell (gross 95) was runner up on 185 and Cheryl Woodhouse 3rd on 193. Results...


In the Men’s scratch competition, Senior Division, James Barker takes the trophy with a second round 76 adding to his first round 78, for a total of 154. James had a classy 2-under front 9 with an eagle, two birdies and four pars. Runner up in the Senior Division was Seong Lim with a 36-hole total of 163 and third was Richard Owen with 169. Results...

The Men’s Junior scratch competition was won by John Ahad with a second round 90 adding to his first round 91, for a total of 181. Runner up in the Junior Division was Parkash Arora with a 36-hole total of 189 (8 back) and third was Mark Rosamond with 192. Results...

21 August

Richmond Park Golf Club Open
Honours Board

Another challenging day on the course for many with the wind, whilst not as strong as yesterday, certainly helped a few shots on their wayward path. Although the rough is shorter, it is still too dense to find many of those shots and keeping to the fairway is still advised.

Until last year there had never been a female winner of the RP Open, and now there is another. Donna Wilson has spent her summer weeks well, playing in many opens around the country and timing her peak performance in true Olympic style to win with a net 70. Tony Bergqvist and Alison Chadwick were one shot back on 71. Results...

The nearest the pins were won by Phil Maher (PP) - 7th, Donna - 10th and Jon Cooksley (PP) - 16th. The longest drive for the men was also won by Jon Cooksley and for the ladies by Donna.

20 August

Bontor Trophy

After another typically hard-fought contest the result was another amazing draw. Further report due soon. Results...

17 August

Midweek Club Championship Rd 1

The day was blessed with glorious sunshine and proved to be the ladies’ day. The net for the day (and round 1 of Handicap Trophy) had the ladies taking 4 of the 6 top positions. Stepping up to the podium for gold was Gina Jillet 64 with Alison Chadwick 65 silver and Dave Fauré 68 bronze. Just outside the medals were Veronica Mitchell 4th 69 beating Pete Harrison on back 6 countback and Cheryl Woodhouse 6th on 70. Results...

CSS remained at SSS with Alison and Gina receiving handicap cuts. The worries arising for the club captains in the men v ladies Bontor on Saturday are whether the ladies have timed their form to perfection or peaked too early with handicap cuts.


In the Ladies scratch round 1, Gina leads the way with 84 over Veronica 90. R1 Leader board...


In the Men’s scratch round 1, James Barker leads the senior division on 78, four ahead of Seong Lim and Kim Chaffart with 82s. R1 Leader board...

The junior division is headed by Parkash Arora and John Ahad with 91s – three clear of Mark Rosamond and John Penney who have 94s. R1 Leader board...

14 August

Monthly Medal


With the Bontor coming up on Saturday, Sheena Harrington's winning score of a net 63, awarding her with a 1.5 handicap cut, was not good timing. One of those rare days when the chipping and one putting worked. Some seven shots back were Veronica Mitchell and Alison Chadwick with net 70s. Results...

CSS was reduced by one to 68.


Conditions favoured good scoring as sunny intervals eventually merged to sunny periods. An astounding 61 from Dave Fauré was best of the day to win the August medal. Dave earned an ESR of -1 and has reduced his handicap by 4 to 16.0 this month – well done! Mikel Eguidazu Arrien also shot an amazing score – 63 for second place with Nick Rogers recording lowest gross of the day and claiming third on countback 64s from Tony Bergqvist with Toby Hunt 65 and Damian Hacket 67 also beating SSS. CSS remained at SSS 67. Results...

In the good holes stats, Kim Chaffart eagled 9th whilst Roger Rojas nudges ahead in the birdie tree with 30 so far this year. Birdies... | Eagles...

In the associated Grand Medal Trophy after 6 rounds, Dave has a strong lead on 349, eight ahead of Pete Harrison 357. R6 Leader board...

10 August

Midweek Anniversary Cup

Most competitors found conditions favourable with rough gradually dying back/indeed cut short in places but unpredictable bounces counteracting the additional roll on firm ground. The winner on back 6 countback was Paul Grand from Cheryl Woodhouse and back 9 countback from Tamas Ladacs all 3 with 68s. Ted Holt was 4th with 72 and Seong Lim again recorded the lowest gross 83. Results...

The balance of scores raised CSS to one over SSS with Paul, Cheryl and Tamas being awarded playing handicap cuts.

This was the 3rd round (of 4) of the midweek Anniversary Cup. Kim Chaffart currently leads on 222, 31 ahead of Alison Chadwick but a serious contender will no doubt emerge from the pack who have only played two rounds. R3 Leader board...

07 August

Golden Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

When the sun finally emerged, it brought with it some gusty winds but we are now getting the summer run on the ball. This could well have helped with the very impressive net 60 recorded by today's winner. Henry Lindesay-Bethune will add his quite lengthy signature to the trophy and gets a 3.3 cut in handicap. Just two shots behind was Habib Amir with a net 62 who receives a 3.5 cut. In 3rd & 4th placez were Deborah Potter and Valerie Parker, both recording net 68s and handicap cuts. Results...

Despite these low winning scores, the CSS was unchanged from the SSS at 71 and 73 for the men and ladies respectively.

After three rounds of the Anniversary Cup, current holder Veronica Mitchell is now two shots clear of Jayne Maxwell. R3 Leader board...

6 August

Mitcham Friendly

RP won 3-0 with two 4&3 victories, with the 3rd game being a close fought affair ending 1up.

The 2nd leg was postponed from the original date and will now occur in October.

3 August

Midweek Medal

Early clubhouse leader Henry Lindesay-Bethune maintained the lead to win with 68. A spirited challenge from Jeremy Prescot 69 earned second place with lowest gross of the day Seong Lim third with 70. Jeremy and Seong earn playing handicap reductions in a round which saw CSS elevated by 2 from SSS. Results...

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Brett Colley 280 has a three shot advantage from Mike Shabani 283 with Paul Grand third 286. R6 Leader board...

31 July


Turnout was good at 32 despite the disruption in the Metropolis and Surrey due to the cycling event. Scoring was quite good with CSS unchanged from SSS 37 points.

Tony Kopczak emerged the overall winner with 40 points beating Jayne Maxwell 39 with a countback separating Paul Appleton from Kyojung Lee 38s. Results...

Front and back 9 best scores:
Front Nine: 22 pts Tony Kopczak Kris Lynch Kyojung Lee
Back Nine: 22 pts Tenesi Karakaneva.

27 July

Edward Cup

Early intermittent showers eventually gave way to extended sunny periods and conditions were perfect for golf. Reflecting the conditions, CSS was elevated to SSS+1 at 37 points. The overall winner with 40 points on countback last 6 was Lesley Mason from Brett Colley with Seong Lim 3rd on 38. Results...

Competitors noticed white lines along the centre of 8th and 9th fairways and shrugged their shoulders attributing them to be for perhaps a Glendale competition. Vehicles measuring pollution on recently diverted ditch/wildlife reeds/pond area could be seen on 12/13th.

24 July

Diamond Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

The ladies were again to the fore, with the Lady Captain, Lia Donath, returning to form and carding a net 63 to win the Diamond Jubilee by six shots from Veronica Mitchell and Cheryl Woodhouse one further back. Results...

A shot into the rough was stlll proving by and large to be penal so the ladies with their tendency to hit the fairway prevailed. CSS remained unchanged, awarding Lia a cut of 2.8 and each of Veronica, Cheryl and the first placed man, Tamas Ladacs, all receiving a cut to reduce their playing handicaps by one shot.

After two rounds of the Anniversary Cup, first place is also taken by the ladies, with Jayne Maxwell and Veronica both on 142. R2 Leader board...

23 July

Amida Friendly
Report by Susan Smith

We were lucky to have beautiful hot summers day for our mixed friendly match with Amida at their course. Always a fun day and we achieved a draw so many thanks to all who played on the day. We had a great turn out with six pairs. Also well done to Tony K who brought up the rear in a singles match which he won!

23 July

New GUR Local Rule

The Committee has published a new Local Rule referring to the areas identified as Ground Under Repair at the Park. Local Rule - GUR...

If you should have any problems or queries arising with this new Rule please contact Peter Harrington.

20 July

Claret Jug

It was a comprehensive win by Caroline Dewar to take the Midweek Claret Jug with a net 62 by four shots from Paul Appleton. With the CSS remaining at 67 for the men and 69 for the ladies, Caroline's handicap was cut by three to 30 and Paul's by 0.2 to take him to 10. Results...

17 July

Captains' Day

Not only did the captains, Paul & Lia, provide prizes for nearest the pins and a team prize, they also ordered up the hottest day of the year so far. The men and ladies were playing in their own separate competitions with an interesting difference in results. Proving that by and large the ladies stick to the fairways, their CSS went down one. Conversely, the men's CSS increased by three.

The team prize, which was a waltz (1, 2, 3 scores to count on consecutive holes) was won by Kim, Toby, Deborah and Sheena with 91 points.

The captains provided us with platefuls of sandwiches and chips after the game which were devoured with relish - hot work out there today! And the ladies were presented with a gift from the ladies' captain.

Honours Board

For the ladies, Joan Mulcahy continued her recent good form to win with a net 67. Also with a 67, but beaten on the back 9 was Tenesi Karakaneva, who seems to have returned to form now the weather has too. With the best turnout of the year for the ladies, the CSS was reduced by one to 68. Results...

Val Riziotis and Sonia Inniss won the nearest the pins on the 4th and 11th respectively and Lia, the Ladies Captain, won the 'nearest the hole in three' on the 8th.

Honours Board | Top Dog

Peter Osgood made the course look easy and was the winner with a net 64 with Pete Davis and Keith Cassidy taking second and third places both on 66. With the CSS increasing to 70, all three earned reductions in their handicaps. Results...

John Cooper won nearest-the-pin at the 4th, Paul Patching won nearest-the-hole-in two at the 8th and Toby won nearest-the-pin at the 16th.

In the associated Top Dog Trophy after three events, report due soon. R3 Leader board...

13 July

Midweek Anniversary Cup

This was the second of 4 rounds and Brett Colley was the run away winner with a net 68, five shots ahead of Cheryl Woodhouse who took second place. With Brett the only one to play below par, the CSS went up by one, earning him a handicap reduction. Results...

In the associated Midweek Anniversary Cup (best 3 from 4) - after two rounds, Kim Chaffart leads the way on 148, 18 shots ahead of Stephen Mason. R2 Leader board...

10 July

Putney Park Open

Another challenging day on the golf course for those who failed to keep to the fairways. However, the Richmond Park players coped significantly better than those from Putney Park, taking the first 7 places (Results show RP players only).

Showing a return to form, Steve Cross emerged as the winner from Kim Chaffart, who continued his good run, both scoring net 70. But as the only two players under par, the CSS increased by 2 to 72 for the men and 75 for the ladies. Habe Crocker was the top lady, two shots behind to take third place. All three received handicap cuts. Results...

9 July

Clapham Common v Ruislip
Report by Paul Brown

Report due soon.

9 July

Rickmansworth Friendly

Report due soon.

6 July

Midweek Medal

Meryll Gee was the runaway winner with a superbly crafted 62 followed three shots behind by Paul Grand. Alison Chadwick 69 piped Brett Colley to take third place. Meryll achieved a net differential of -8 and will be cut by her home club. Results...

Weather was ideal for golf but the pin on 7 remained in Sunday’s difficult (impossible?) position. The impact is shown in the attached competition scoring analysis where just one par was recorded and average score of 7.72. Scoring analysis...

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy just two have completed four rounds with Paul Grand and Brett Colley tied on 287. R5 Leader board...

3 July

Monthly Medal


With a lot of knock-out matches being played, the number of competitors was reduced to one game of 4. The seemingly ever present rain continues to help thicken and lengthen the rough such that any visit to it can be expensive and can be seen in the scores. The combination of the small field and the scores, resulted in the CSS going up just one to 70. Sheena Harrington was the winner with a net 73. Results...


Kim Chaffart continued his rich vein of form to win the July medal with a glorious 65. Three behind was Anis Driaa with Paul ‘Apples’ Appleton 3rd on 69. Scoring generally proved difficult with CSS one above SSS @ 68. Kim’s score was reduced to 64 (6 on par 3 11th reduced to net double bogey 5) for handicapping purposes and a net differential of -4, possibly setting up another ESR. Results...

In the associated Grand Medal Trophy after 5 rounds, just two have completed 5 rounds to date with Steve Cross 374 leading Eric Lit 388. R5 Leader board...

29 June

Midweek Sweep

Intermittent light rain set the scene rather than the heavy rain forecast. Scoring well proved difficult but Nick Rogers was the worthy winner returning 35 points from Lesley Mason and Toby Hunt 34. Avoiding the rough was the key …as always. Results...

CSS was 1 below SSS at 35 points.

26 June

Club Championships Rd 2
Honours Boards


Jayne Maxwell, who led after the first round courtesy of a better back 9, ended the second round with a commanding ten shot lead, to regain the Club Championship with a score of 180. Gina Jillett took runners-up spot from Val Riziotis with the better 2nd round score. R2 Results... | Overall Results...

In the associated Handicap Cup, Jayne also takes the honours on a net 150, but positions for 2nd & 3rd place are reversed with Val, one shot ahead of Gina on 153. Results...

With such a small field, the Ladies' committee decided that the Pembroke Cup, for higher handicaps, would not be awarded this year and all would compete for the Handicap Cup.


James Barker shot another excellent 77 to win the overall Club Championship on 154 with Pete Harrison 2nd 161 and Peter Osgood 3rd 161. Well done James! Results...

The Junior Division was hotly contested resulting in a tie between Raymond Esin and Phil Flanagan both 187 who now go into an 18 hole playoff. In third place was Dave Fauré one behind on 188. Results...

The Handicap Trophy winner was Pete Harrison on 138, one ahead of Peter Osgood and two ahead of James. Results...

The net (sweep) for the day was won by James 70 from Pete 71 and Phil 72. Results...

22 June

Midweek Midsummer Cup

Early mizzle and humidity provided the backdrop for the midweek Midsummer Trophy. The day belonged to the winner Joan Mulcahy on 46 points. A first 9 25 points and an early birdie (a ‘Two’) on the back 9 set the stage for awe-inspiring golf which could have been even better but for a blob 7 at 18. Kim Chaffart was clearly at ease with his new handicap finishing second with 38 points with Julian James third with 37. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 37 points with Joan cut 4 playing shots.

19 June

Club Championships Rd 1
Honours Boards


Perhaps it was the length of the rough keeping the ladies away, but there are only nine entries for the Club Championship this year. After the first round Jayne Maxwell and Val Riziotis are tied at the top on 89, with Habe Crocker four shots back. Results...

With such a small field, the Ladies' committee decided that the Pembroke Cup, for higher handicaps, would not be awarded this year and all would compete for the Handicap Cup. Positions are reversed for this cup, with Val on a net 70 and Jayne, four shots back on 74. Results...

CSS increased by 2 to 71


Fair conditions prevailed for the Club Championship but the rough again caught out a number of players with lost balls etc.

In the Senior Division, James Barker shot a controlled 77 to lead from Pete Harrison 79 and Greg Saunders recovering form also 79. Results...

In the Junior Division Cuneyt leads with a one shot advantage from Stephen Mason whilst two shots further behind are Raymond and James Shine. Results...

In the Handicap Trophy Peter Osgood shot a commendable 66 to lead Greg and Pete Harrison 67s. Results...

18 June

RickmanswoRth Friendly

Report due soon.

15 June

Midweek Anniversary Cup

By and large competitors dodged any showers but needed to avoid the punishing rough to score well and avoid hunting for balls. Overall CSS was raised by three over SSS reflecting conditions. The rough even impacted disciplined rounds from Kim Chaffart (winner – 68) and Paul Grand (r-up 72) who both recorded an ‘8’ on one hole. Seong Lim took 3rd place (76) with lowest gross of the day. Results...

Kim’s 68 formed a pattern of good play and the committee resolved to cut Kim a further half shot so he now plays off 15. Well done Kim – and it now means that on the club championship you would be eligible for the senior (lower than 17) division!

The associated Midweek Anniversary Cup (best 3 from 4) reflects these results being the first round. R1 Leader board...

12 June

Platinum Jubilee
Honours Board | Anniversary Trophy

Along with the people having their celebratory picnic on the Mall today, we needed our rainproof ponchos, or similar for much of the round. And the combination of the long rough and the rain succeeded in almost 40% of the entrants NR'ing and the CSS going up by one.

In such conditions it is little surprise that the ladies, with their tendency to keep to the fairways, rose to the challenge, taking five out of the top ten slots despite there being just eight playing in total.

Habe Crocker continued her good run to take first place with a net 68 from Jayne Maxwell on 69. In third place was another new member, Kyojung Lee who only took up the sport In February. Results...

This is the first round of the Anniversary Trophy and of course Habe leads the way. R1 Leader board...

8 June

Midweek Medal

The day proved humid but players finished their round before rain and thunderstorm. The rough was long and heavy leading to much ball-searching and lost balls and contributed to CSS being raised 3 over SSS.

Mike Shabani 68 emerged the clear winner from a good 70 from Tore Burman with Seong Lim 71 taking 3rd place. A number of players had scores at the odd hole reduced to net double bogey for handicapping purposes (the Stb Adjst column) and in Seong and Toby’s case led to exact/playing handicap reductions. Results...

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Stephen leads on 198, 18 ahead of Ted Holt. R4 Leader board...

5 June

Monthly Medal


After a week of low temperatures and cloudy skies, the sun finally made its appearance to brighten up what would otherwise have been a pretty cold day for the ladies in terms of scores.

With the rough being at its early summer worst, a slight miss of the fairway could result in harsh punishment. However, despite numerous provisional balls, Habe Crocker never used any of them and took the honours with a 72, one shot better than Jayne Maxwell on 73. Definitely a game of two halves, Habe dropped only 6 shots on the back 9. Results...

With no one playing to the SSS, the CSS went up two to 71.


The sun made a welcome return after a week of cool grey skies but thick rough caught out a number of players. In a late game, Charlie Whiteman hit form with 66, just beating early leader Jon Cooper by one. Third was Cuneyt 69 on countback from Anis and Richard Owen. Results...

CSS rose one from SSS 67 reflecting the scoring difficulties.

In the Grand Medal Trophy after four rounds Cuneyt 278 leads Mike Cullinane 285 although only five have completed four rounds to date. R4 Leader board...

4 June

Mitcham Friendly

Report due soon.

1 June

Founders Cup Rd 3

Cool and windy condition prevailed and for mid-morning entrants some rain. Stephen Mason 36 remained the clubhouse leader until afternoon entrant Mike Shabani breezed past with 37 including two birdies. Anis Driaa was third on 35. CSS was reduced by two from SSS 36 points reflecting the overall playing conditions. Some bunkers remained in a poorly maintained state. Results...

In the associated best 2 from 3 rounds of the Founders’ Cup, Stephen is declared winner with 74 points, four ahead of Paul Green. Well done Stephen. Final Leader board...

29 May

Stableford Sweep

A combination of the Bank Holiday, an NAPGC match and club knock-out matches kept playing numbers down to 30 on a day that was not quite as promised by the Met office. Not only did the cloud cover keep the sun at bay for much of the day, but there was also a fairly stiff cold wind in evidence. This certainly made it harder to keep the ball on the fairway, which was pretty much a must if you wanted to score, with the rough at its late spring worst.

Despite visiting it a few times Peter Osgood still managed to take the honours with 39 points. Kerry Sargeant was second on 38 with Paul Hackett just one further back on 37. These were the only three to beat the SSS of 36 and the CSS remained the same ensuring that each received a cut to their handicaps.. Results...

25 May

Midweek Stableford Sweep

Conditions were chilly for a late May day but both light mizzle and wind abated to allow some very good scoring.

Paul Patching shot a fluent 74 gross with one birdie to win on 39 points from Liam Bridger and Peter Osgood 37s. Toby Hunt and in-form Caroline Dewar followed with 36. There were some excellent 9s – Paul 21 front, Peter 22 front, Toby and Caroline 22 back. Results...

Overall CSS was elevated by one from SSS with Paul, Peter and Liam earning handicap reductions.

22 May

Bogey Sweep / Committee Cup Rd 2

Honours Board

A mere 6 ladies turned out for the second leg of the Committee Cup but they enjoyed some lovely warm May sun that was a surprise to all. There was no doubt about the winners for the day, with both Veronica Mitchell and Susan Smith scoring 36 points. In a quirk of the handicapping system and no doubt due to the small field, the CSS went up to 38 points, which no one achieved. Results...

The result for the 36-holes Committee Cup mirrored today's results with Veronica winning the competition on 71 points, followed by Susan who was two points behind on 69. Final results...


The challenging bogey format was played in ideal weather – not too hot/cold/sunny but dry and a little wind. Scoring was very good overall with CSS elevated to 2up from SSS 1up.

Tony Bergqvist held the clubhouse lead on 4up until John Ahad trumped him with 5up to win. New member Kyong Lee was 3rd 3up whilst Stephen Mason, Tamas Ladacs and Tim Meyer finished 2up. Results...

22 May

Clapham Common v Harefield Place
Report by Paul Brown

Clapham Common Shield.
Second Round Match.
RPGC vs Harefield Place.

A fine but windy day greeted both the away and home pairings at Harefield Place and on the Dukes. Another fabulous effort on an unfamiliar course by our away guys saw all three two balls replicate their first round scores of at or close to their handicaps. Remarkable and consistent golf saw both teams tied after the away leg at Harefield Place Leg.

Scores at Harefield Place.

James / Pete D 36 points
Pete H / Roger 35 points
Toby / Jon 35 points

The three RPGC home pairings had their work cut out to match the efforts of the away guys but match them they did.

Scores on the Dukes

Richard / Nigel G 33 points
Julian / Danny 32 points
Nick / Paul B 43 points

Consistent scoring again from all RPGC pairings saw us triumph by the team totals of 214 points to 203. Well done guys and bring on the next opponent.

21 May

Ladies Invitation

A very windy Saturday provided the backdrop to this year's Ladies Invitation with 12 mixed pairs fortified beforehand by bacon rolls and coffee doing battle in an American Greensomes competition.

In third place with 36 points were Jayne Maxwell and Peter Osgood just shading out by virtue of a better back 9 Donna Wilson and Kim Chaffart also on 36 points. In second place on 38 points were Caroline Dewar and Paul Grand. Romping home as winners were Veronica Mitchell and Pete Harrison with 40 points. The day concluded with some well deserved carrot cake for all. Results...

18 May

Founders Cup Rd 2

Forecast rain discouraged a number of entrants and when it arrived it impacted the 3 starting time groups differently.

However, James Barker 38 dislodged early leader Paul Green 36 with an excellent round including three birdies to win. Peter Osgood was 3rd with a steady 35. James is cut back to 6. Results...

In the associated best 2 from 3 rounds of the Founders’ Cup, Paul Green leads on 70 by two from Stephen Mason and Kim Chaffart. R2 Leader board...

15 May

Summer Cup / Committee Cup Rd 1


After last Sunday's glorious weather, some of the ladies stuck with their shorts, whilst others reverted to polo necks and the rest of us spent the day taking jumpers off and on, which possibly accounted for the relatively low scoring.

Veronica Mitchell is leading the way on 35 points after the first round of the Committee Cup, with Susan Smith and Cheryl Woodhouse just two points behind. Results...

There is all to play for in the second round! No one played to their handicap, but enough played within their buffer zones to keep the CSS at 36 points.


Typical late Spring conditions prevailed with a chilly air stream and warm sunshine for the Summer Cup. Bunker conditions were generally poor.

The clear winner was Martin Heinrich 38, one ahead of Nigel Ward. Toby Hunt took 3rd place on countback from Tony Bergquist with 36 points. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 36 points but no fewer than eight playing handicap changes arose.

11 May

Midweek Medal

Persistent recent rain had softened up Prince’s making greens easier to hold but thick verdant grass in rough offset this. Late morning players experienced a long shower.

But there was some truly excellent scoring with Stephen Mason recording 60, one ahead of Kim Chaffart. Peter Osgood and Ted Holt struck highly commendable 64s whilst best lady Cheryl returned a glorious 65 and Habe a ‘Two’. Results...

CSS remained unchanged from SSS.

In the associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy Stephen leads on 198 but is the only player with three rounds under his belt [but a 60 and 62 does help]. R3 Leader board...

8 May

Monthly Medal


A fabulous day in terms of weather for early May saw most of the ladies getting not only their arms but also their legs out for the first time in 2016. The change to the weather saw the ball flying and running so much more than it has been, which resulted in fairly subdued scoring. Winning her first monthly medal, and the only lady to play to her handicap was Deborah Potter on a net 69. One shot back were Alison Chadwick and Lia Donath, with Alison taking 2nd place. Results...

CSS remained at 69.


On the warmest day of the year to date, low scores on Prince’s were half expected although many had Hawtree or match play commitments.

In the event Dave Fauré had the best round 67 beating three 68s from Mike Cullinane, Cuneyt Sazer. In form Secretary Peter Harrington led three 70s on countback from Jon Cooper and Evan Samuel. CSS was elevated 2 above SSS to 69. Results...

In the associated Grand Medal Trophy, Cuneyt 209 leads from Mike Cullinane 212 and Peter 217. R3 Leader board...

4 May

Founders Cup Rd 1

On a glorious day, it was Stephen Mason who produced the superior round to win with 38 points – 22 on the more difficult back 9 including two birdies. Paul Green was runner-up on 34 whilst Toby Hunt 3rd on 33 on countback from Paul Cook in his first competitive round for a while and Kim Chaffart. Leading lady was Veronica Mitchell on 32. Results...

CSS was reduced two from SSS to 34.

This is the first of best 2 of 3 rounds for the Founders’ Cup with positions accordingly.

1 May

Stableford Sweep

After the previous week of snow showers and northerly winds, the 1st of May brought sun and westerly breezes, combining to bring shorts and tee shirts out amongst the hardier competitors. Despite this, the scores were such that the CSS came down to 35 points for both men & women.

Paul Grand, an early leader in the clubhouse on 38 points, took first place, scoring 22 on the longer back 9. His (uncharacteristic) straight driving and one-putting being the secret to finally getting him a handicap reduction to 19. One point behind was Kim Chaffart who is also rewarded with a handicap reduction to 19. Veronica Mitchell and new member, Donna Wilson, were the leading ladies on 35. Results...

27 April

Midweek Bogey

Cold April conditions prevailed with the odd wintry squall. Bogey is always a challenging format but Brett Colley was winner one-up with Toby Hunt and Kin Chaffart all square. Tamas Ladacs and leading lady Cheryl Woodhouse were just one-down. Results...

CSS remained at SSS one-up with no handicap decreases.

24 April

Monthly Medal


The return of more wintry conditions did nothing to enhance the scores today. The winner was Val Riziotis with a net 71, followed two shots higher by Jane Fraser. The CSS went up by 2 to 71. Despite no one managing to play to the SSS, 5 two's were recorded on the par 3s, which must be something of a record for the small field of 11 ladies. Results...


Winter returned for the day and conditions were suited to hardy competitors used to Russian Steppes/Scotland. And so it came to pass that Alexander Krasnenkov shot a glorious 65, two ahead of very early starter Keith Cassidy. Peter Osgood and Lee Marshall shot 70s. Yet again CSS was two above SSS at 69, earning Alexander a 1.2 reduction but an ESR below a further .5 to 17.0. Results...

In the associated Grand Medal Trophy after two rounds, Tony Bergqvist leads on 138 with Peter Osgood 139 and Alexander third on 140.

24 April

Clapham Common v Haste Hill
Report by Paul Brown

In this first round match we were very unfortunate  to draw last years runners up in the National Final, Haste Hill. As you can imagine Haste Hill fielded a very strong team who were rightly full of confidence after last year's success. We fielded three pairs who played away at Haste Hill and three pairs at home on the Dukes course.

Haste Hill is a difficult and tight course and the Dukes was at its toughest, both cold and windy. We did indeed have our work cut out! Competition was fierce as you would expect from the National Runners up, but the winter golf at the Park had prepared us well.

Our away pairings of James and Pete Davis, Pete Harrison and Roger, and (the seasoned campaigners) Jon and Toby all scored a fabulous 36 points each, meaning we led the tie by five points on the away leg. An absolutely incredible effort by our away guys.

Our home pairings of Richard and Nigel Gaymond, Danny and Julian and Paul Brown and Nick certainly had their work cut out to match the heroics of the guys playing away. But manage it they did! With very credible home leg scores of Richard and Nigel 31 points, Danny and Julian 31 points and Paul and Nick 43 points we managed to overcome the very stern test of Haste Hill by the team total of an amazing 213 to 208.

In my time as Captain easily our most impressive performance in this competition. Well done guys what a result !

23 April

Spring Mixed

This years Annual Spring mixed event was greeted by some fresh breezy but bright weather.

Fourteen mixed pairs took part in a very sociable but keenly fought contest of American Greensomes. We were all welcomed to the competition with bacon rolls and coffee which set everyone up nicely for a competitive days golf.

Scoring was not easy on a challenging Dukes course which gave points sparingly in the stiffening North Wind. Four pairs were in contention for the honours with James and Susan narrowly missing out on third place on count back to Tenesi and Mike who hit a solid 35 points. In second place on 36 points was the strong pairing of Jayne Maxwell and Martin, well done to you both. Pulling away from the field with a staggering 40 points were our champions of the day Peter Osgood and Jane Fraser. An absolutely fantastic score in challenging conditions which included 3 birdies on the inward nine. A big congratulations to you both.

An excellent days golf concluded with a nice slice of chocolate cake as we raised a glass to our new Spring Mixed Champions. See you all at next years event.

20 April

Midweek Medal

Midweek Captain Richard Owen posted an early clubhouse score of 74 on a gloriously sunny day. He held the winning position on countback from Anis Driaa, Seong Lim and Chris Jones. Ed Henery and Toby Hunt followed with 75s.

Club captain Paul Brown made a surprise appearance in the clubhouse putting finishing touches to arrangements for Saturday’s American Mixed Greensomes whilst honing to perfection his 2-iron to keep a long ball under the arctic wind expected to prevail. Results...

CSS was again increased by two from SSS.

The associated Midweek Grand Medal Trophy is led by two competitors who have played two rounds so far – Stephen Mason 138 and Igor Stark 147. R2 Leader board...

17 April

Shaw Cup
Honours Board

A field of 60 competed for the Shaw Cup on a typical early Spring day. Peter Osgood seemed to have it in the bag until Charlie Whiteman was declared winner on a countback 36 points. Danny Deprez and Raymond Esin fought for third and fourth with Danny third on countback. With a back 9 of 20 Veronica Mitchell won countback on 34 from Stephen Legg and James Barker, and was best lady. Results...

The balance of scores was to reduce CSS to 34 points from SSS 36.

For the ladies the competition doubled as the NAPGC qualifier. For the men it was the second round in the Top Dog Trophy, with Pete Davis and Charlie currently leading with 12 points. R2 Leader board...

13 April

Priory Cup

With sunny and warm Spring conditions The Priory Cup was closely contested.  The winner was Raymond Esin with 38 points on countback from Alexander Krasnenkov and Anis Driaa. Paul Grand challenged with 37 and was atop the leader board for 15 minutes. Results...

10 April


Paul Massie emerged the winner from a field of 31 with 37 points, three clear of Lee Marshall. Paul Green and Julian James challenged with 33. Paul earned a handicap reduction to 22 with CSS reduced to 35 points from SSS 37. Results...

10 April

Spring Weekend Away

Deborah Potter was the comfortable winner of the Lockie Trophy over 36 holes at Dale Hill in the High Weald. Report...

6 April

Masters Bowl

Early light rain dissipated but interspersed with sunny intervals one heavy shower challenged 25 competitors. The winner of the Masters Bowl was Peter Osgood 70 on countback from Stephen Mason. Two shots adrift were Ted Holt, Chris Jones, Ed Henery and Paul Concannon. Leading lady was Gina Jillett. Results...

3 April

Coronation Cup
Honours Board

57 competitors turned out on a Spring day for the Coronation Cup. Early clubhouse leader Pete Davis posted 71 which remained unbeaten despite a strong challenge from Roger Rojas losing on a back 9 countback. Third was Kim Chaffart on 72 with Sunny Lall 4th on 73. CSS was elevated by 2 over SSS. Results...

The competition doubled as the medal NAPGC qualifier and first round of the Men’s season long Top Dog competition. R1 Leader board...

30 March

Midweek Team Event

Asides from the opening and closing holes, Prince’s had absorbed overnight rain well. However, many bunkers showed erosion from water with stones and no sand.

In the individual competition, early starter John Ahad was the worthy winner on 38 points (front 9 of 21), a point ahead of Kim Chaffart and three from Paul Concannon. CSS was one above SSS at 36 and the only playing handicap changes were increases for Graham Babington Smith, Ted Holt, Tamas Ladacs and Stephen Mason. Results...

A ‘Waltzing’ team* event took place simultaneously.  The overall winners with 72 points were James Barker, Ed Henery and Richard Owen. Results...

* Technical footnote: The handicapping software places a restriction on team events - all players must play against either the men's par & SI or the ladies' par & SI. To overcome this restriction, ladies' scores at certain holes have been amended to deliver correct stableford points since men played off men's card and ladies off ladies'.

Hole by hole scores for the team event are at this link.

27 March

Easter Mixed Stableford Sweep

The forecast's prediction of wind and rain dissuaded a number from attending and a further group abandoned their rounds as it became a reality and we were blasted with a strong squall and icy pellets of hail for several minutes. Amazingly it departed as rapidly as it had arrived and left blue skies for a few holes before soaking those at the back again. However, the results show that most people played their better golf at the start of the round, which is not the norm on Prince's.

There were just 2 people unaffected by, or perhaps enjoying, the weather. Alexander Krasnenkov and Jim Fogarty outstripped the remainder of the field coming in with 41 points, some eight ahead of the rest. Alexander, who won in the week, took the honours on the back nine. As such the CSS went up by two earning them both a 1.8 reduction in handicaps. Results...

23 March

Midweek Sweep

24 competitors turned out on a largely grey but dry day with little wind. Alexander Krasnenkov scored a deserved 39 points and his putting was to die for on the front nine. The sand on the greens did not have such a random effect as on Sunday. Mike Shabani again put in a good performance with 38 and Kim Chaffart challenged with 37 with 22 on the front 9. Results...

CSS remained as SSS (men 37, ladies 36).

20 March

Spring Stableford Rd 2 / Spring Meeting Better Ball


Eight pairs of ladies turned out for the second leg of the Ladies Spring Meeting playing a 4 BBB. In third place on 36 points were Jayne Maxwell and Val Riziotis just shading out Habe Crocker and Cheryl Woodhouse also on 36 points. Jayne and Val were in turn pipped for second place by Lia Donath and Ann Gardner also on 36 points. The winners with 37 points were Susan Smith and Deborah Potter. Afterwards the ladies relaxed with nibbles and some rather tasteful Tate Gallery inspired prizes were awarded. Results...


Another chilly dry Spring day delivered some good scoring. Captain Paul Brown was the round 2 winner on 39 and this could have been a number of points better. Paul finished one ahead of Pete Davis and three of Toby Hunt. CSS remained at SSS 36 points. Results...

The overall winner over two rounds was Toby Hunt with 74 points who led the first round on 38 tied with Raymond Esin. Well done Toby. Paul was 2nd on 71 with Paul Green 3rd on 70. Raymond finished 4th with 69. Results...

16 March

Midweek Sweep

Early spring conditions prevailed with drying worm casts but a cold Easterly. Early starter Mike Shabani proved victorious with 38 points, two ahead of Tamas Ladacs and five from Peter Osgood. Overall play was such to reduce SSS by two to CSS 35 points. The clubhouse sunshine was enjoyed by members afterwards. Greenkeeping staff could be seen on Duke’s tining and sanding the greens. Results...

13 March

Monthly Medal


Despite what turned out to be the first real spring-like Sunday of the year, none of the ladies took advantage of the conditions. Or perhaps we were so used to the wet and cold, it was hard to adjust and the competition was a reduction-only round for handicaps. The winner was Tenesi Karakaneva with a net 77. Results...


Early spring sunshine, drying ground and light wind afforded opportunities to break Prince’s. In the event, only the deserved winner Cuneyt Sazer and well-handicapped new member Tony Bergqvist were spot-on SSS 67 with Roger Rojas 3rd on countback 69 from Peter Osgood in a round which showed much early promise. Members basked in sunshine afterwards by the clubhouse pond, sheltered from the cool breeze. Results...

CSS was elevated two from SSS 69.

9 March

Midweek Medal

Persistent overnight rain meant eight temporary greens on Duke’s and so play switched to Prince’s where there were none. The first was muddy but otherwise the course was quite playable. And despite weather warnings just the odd shower came along and there was an interlude where layers were taken off due to the warm spring sunshine.

The early morning group all shot in the 60s, with Stephen Mason the victor with an amazing 62 with two birdies - well done Stephen! Mike Shabani was 2nd on 67 and Brett Colley 3rd 68. Eyebrows were raised in the chasing groups when Stephen’s 62 was visible on mobile devices on Master Scoreboard Results button. All attempted to raise their game accordingly but to no avail. With 60% of players within their buffer zone of SSS 67, CSS was reduced one to 66. Results...

6 March

Spring Stableford Rd 1 / Spring Meeting Medal


It is probably fair to say that today's round was one of those that most of the ladies would be happy to forget. The one exception being our latest recruit and currently the most consistent, Habe Crocker. With a net 68 she led the field by nine shots to win not only the Spring Meeting medal round, but also to earn herself a cut of 3.5 which included an additional ESR cut of one shot to reduce her handicap to 17. As Habe recorded the lone good score, the CSS increased by three, enabling four of the field to play within their buffer zones. Jayne Maxwell in second place was the only other lady to record a gross score below 100. Results...


Very early frost melted to give playable conditions with mud in places. Toby Hunt regained form to win with 38 points – 21 on back 9 beating Raymond Esin on countback. Paul Green and Stephen Legg took 3rd and 4th places with 36 points. With CSS reduced one to 35 points, Toby is back to playing off 12. Results...

2 March

Midweek Inaugural Trophy

Conditions were cold, wet and miserable. Many entrants did not attend and six played a few holes but returned to the clubhouse cold and soaked. Six hardy competitors persevered. Mid-week captain Richard Owen shrugged off the conditions with a highly commendable 34 points to win the trophy, one ahead of early clubhouse leader Peter Osgood and Paul Concannon. Results...

Whilst there were teething problems with the player entry screen, members may care to note that they can in future observe on their mobile ‘phones the latest leader board whilst competition is underway. View sample...

New CONGU CSS calculation was applied with all category 1-4 scores included in the calculation.

28 February

Winter Comp Rd 8 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4


The weather behaved as predicted with cold easterlies making for a very chilly day in the Park, but one benefit was the drying effect underfoot leaving the 1st and 18th as the boggiest holes. A good turn out of 15 ladies saw mixed results, with some good and some wishing for more! Jane Fraser with the bit between her teeth from last week's eclectic triumph was in determined mode, but was pipped on the back nine by our newest recruit, Habe Crocker, both scoring 34 points. CSS for the day came down two to 34. Results...

This was the last round of the Prince's Eclectic and as with the Duke's there was a change at the top, but just as in the Duke's, Jane has risen to the top to win both eclectics this winter. Final leader board...


A rude nor'easter accentuated the chill air and protected Prince’s to the extent that CSS was lowered to 34 points. The winner of 36 competitors was Tony Kopczak 37 points, two clear of Richard Owen and three of Stephen Mason, Nigel Ward and Sean Gibson. Results...

Members toasted Roger Rojas in the clubhouse as winner of (cash prize) Winter Competition with 115 points, four clear of Stephen Mason. Final Leader board...

In the Prince's Eclectic a tie resulted between Stephen Legg and Mike Shabani on 63 with Pete Harrison, Ed Henery and Pete Davis a half-shot behind. Final leader board...

24 February

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 8

It was cold and frosty to start but sunshine broke through eventually. With the 16th green now in play there were only two temps but still a non-qualifier. Patrick Murphy adapted quickly to the conditions to win with 40 points, three ahead of Peter Osgood and one more from Alexander Krasnenkov. Results...

Peter’s 37 was sufficient to improve his overall Winter Competition score to 109, and he finished just one ahead of Tamas Ladacs with Colin Pizzey another one behind. Final Leader board...

But Tamas held on to win the Duke’s Eclectic on 64.5 – one ahead of Richard Owen with Peter third on 66.5. Final Leader board...

21 February

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 4


Mild temperatures with strong gusting winds made for some interesting scoring amongst the ladies. Having returned from considerably warmer climes, the change didn't deter Susan Smith who romped to a four point win with 34 points from Deborah Potter on 30. Results...

In the accompanying Eclectic Jane Fraser recorded a very impressive seven shot improvement, despite an overall score of 26 points, she knew which holes to score on! Val Riziotis had led the way for the previous two rounds but with a final net score of 72, Jane is the winner by two from Val. Final leader board...


Overcast but mild with some wind at 13C, 39 competitors turned out for the penultimate round of the Winter Competition with three temp greens and so a non-qualifier. The winner on 38 points was Nick Rogers on countback from Cuneyt Sazer. Stephen Mason 37 took 3rd place and Stephen Legg 36 4th. Results...

With just one round (on Prince’s) left, Roger Rojas maintains his lead in the Winter Competition on 115, four ahead of Stephen Mason and five from Pete Davis and Stephen Legg. R7 Leader board...

Roger is confirmed winner of Duke's Eclectic on 66, one ahead of James Barker.  Roger also heads the birdie and twos trees. Final leader board...

17 February

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 7

Conditions were drier underfoot than Sunday but it felt much colder. Ted Holt shot an accomplished 39 points to win, one ahead of Peter Osgood and three from Colin Pizzey. Both Peter and Ted earned handicap reductions. Results...

In the final round of the Prince’s Eclectic, a tie exists between Igor Stark and Brett Colley on 63 although results automatically depict a countback. Final Leader board...

With just one round to play in the Winter Competition, Tamas Ladacs is ahead on 108, three clear of Colin Pizzey and Peter Osgood. R7 Leader board...

14 February

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3


Prince's gave a lot of love to Habe Crocker on Valentine's day, giving her a winning margin of seven points from Jayne Maxwell in second place. With an increase of the CSS by two, Habe's 39 points earned her a 1.6 reduction in her handicap to 20.5. Results...

In the accompanying Eclectic, Sheena Harrington and Jane Fraser are on a net 71. with Habe leaping up the order to 3rd, just 2.5 behind the leaders with one round to go. R3 Leader board...


A chill wind on muddy ground combined to create challenging conditions. For a long time, Pete Davis seemed to have it in the bag but Paul Concannon breezed in with a very good late score of 41 to win from Pete 39, Paul Green 38 and Pete Harrison 37. Results...

Paul C and Paul G had handicap cuts with CSS 36 points. Alexander Krasnenkov now joins the Eagle Tree following a two at 17.

In the Prince's Eclectic Stephen Legg has a half shot advantage on 63 from Mike Shabani, Pete Harrison, Ed Henery and Pete Davis. R3 Leader board...

In the Winter Competition report due soon. R6 Leader board...

10 February

Midweek Team Event

A chilly wind greeted the 25 competitors but it abated to give some bright sunshine at the end of round. Early starter Brett Colley set a challenging 42 points on the leaderboard. He was followed by two very good 39s from Stephen Mason and Mike Shabani. The competition was again non-qualifying for handicaps with two temporary greens and a significantly advanced temporary tee on the 13th because of contractors working on the small pond between the 12th and 13th fairways. Results...

Winners of the team competition were unsurprising Brett Colley, Mike Shabani and John Ahad, with an excellent combined score of 95 points. Runners up were Stephen Mason, Richard Owen and Igor Stark with a very respectable 90 points. Equal 3rd on 83 points were the teams of Toby & John Maxwell & Paul Concannon and Tamas & Peter Osgood & Alex Krasnenkov.

7 Febrary

Monthly Medal / Team Event


Report due soon. Results...


The round followed the club’s annual dinner and despite some overnight rain, conditions were not as muddy as in previous weeks. This was the first week with the new-look 3rd with silt trap and mounds left of fairway. Last year’s most improved golfer, Tamas Ladacs, had a consistent round to win the medal on 74. Jim Fogarty was second 75 and in third place was Roger Rojas 76 who also recorded lowest gross 86. Results...

Roger leads the 2016 men’s birdies and twos trees.

3 February

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 6

A very chilly but drying wind greeted competitors, abating during the round. Tamas Ladacs seemed to have the round sewn up through nine holes with 22 points but was beaten overall on countback 36 points by Colin Pizzey. Manny Hernandez and Chris Jones scored well with 35 points. Best lady was Ann Gardner 28 points sipping some Brazilian mineral water. Results...

Tamas leads the overall midweek Winter Competition on 108, just a point from Paul Grand. R5 Leader board...

Igor Stark leads the Prince’s Eclectic on 65, one ahead of Manuel Hernandez. R3 Leader board...

31 January

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due on 1st February. The rate remains unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (65 and over on 1st February).

Please check this recent Committee Notice for details and payment options.

31 January

Winter Comp Rd 5 / Princes Eclectic Rd 2


Drizzle overhead and squelchy conditions underfoot did not bode well. But that didn't seem to bother Sheena Harrington who took the honours with 36 points, which with an increase of two in the CSS, earned her a 0.3 reduction to lower her playing handicap to 14. Jane Fraser was second on 32 points. Results...

The associated Eclectic shows a similar picture with Sheena three shots ahead of Jane after two rounds. R2 Leader board...


Early light rain petered out leaving some muddy areas on Prince’s. Inspired golf with three birdies on the back nine saw Roger Rojas through to victory on 41 points and a handicap cut to 10, with Stephen Mason 2nd, 38, on countback from Paul Brown and Habib Amir. Mike Shabani joined the Eagle Tree with the shortened 14th. Results...

In the Winter Competition Roger is eight ahead of Stephen Legg and Mason. R5 Leader board...

In the Prince's Eclectic Stephen Legg on 65 leads by half a shot from Ed Henery. R2 Leader board...

29 January

Preferred Lies / Winter Rules

Our secretary Peter Harrington clarifies the situation around preferred lies and plugged ball, and this may well differ from the rules displayed by the course managers. Clarification...

27 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 5

It rained on and off but conditions were playable with four temporary greens. Manny Hernandez commanded the winning position with 36 points, two clear from Peter Osgood and Tamas Ladacs. Results...

Tamas leads the overall midweek Winter Competition on 101, just a point from Paul Grand. R5 Leader board...

And Tamas also leads the Duke’s Eclectic on 65.5, two ahead of Richard Owen. R3 Leader board...

24 January

Winter Comp Rd 4 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3


With the continuing four temporary greens on Duke's, the competition was a non-qualifier in terms of handicaps. Having achieved her handicap in similar conditions, new recruit Habe Crocker showed the others how it should be done, winning on 35 points from Susan Smith on 32. Results...

In the associated Eclectic, Val Riziotis maintained her lead after three rounds, but Jayne Maxwell, in second place, closed the gap by one. R3 Leader board...


Conditions were mild but muddy with four temporary greens and a handicap non-qualifier. Tidy golf from Roger Rojas earned victory on 38 points, one ahead of Tamas Ladacs with Alexander Krasnenkov 3rd on 35. Results...

Roger leads the Winter Competition on 107, two ahead of Charlie Whiteman. R4 Leader board...

Roger also leads the Duke's Eclectic on 65.5, 1.5 shots ahead of James Barker and Stephen Legg. R3 Leader board...

20 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 4

A hard frost made early conditions hard underfoot with ice on the pond in front of greenhouse. But it did not all melt to mud and there were no temporary greens. Scoring was not bad with Loui Suárez the winner on 37 points and Caroline Dewar 2nd with 35 on countback from Paul Grand and Paul Concannon. Cheryl Woodhouse came 5th with 34. Results...

In the midweek Winter Competition Igor Stark leads on 98 with a one point advantage from Paul Grand. R4 Leader board...

And Igor leads the Prince's Eclectic on 67, 3½ clear of Loui. R2 Leader board...

17 January

Monthly Medal / Team Event


The ladies' competition of the day, a team game, was called off due to the snowy conditions. Results...


Report due soon. Results...

13 January

Midweek Winter Comp Rd 3

Conditions were chillier than of late and there was mud and four temporary greens (so non-qualifier for handicapping) to contend with. There were some very good scores - Tamas Ladacs winning with 39 points from Richard Owen 37. Tamas completed the harder back 6 without dropping a shot. Results...

Tamas and Richard share the lead to date in the Duke's Eclectic on 69.5 - 6.5 ahead of nearest rival Stephen Mason. R2 Leader board...

Stephen and Colin Pizzey lead the overall Winter Competition on 96 – 2 ahead of Tamas and Richard. R3 Leader board...

10 January

Winter Comp Rd 3 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2


The rain of the previous day gave way to sunny skies that warmed considerably as the morning wore on, but underfoot was the usual winter challenge. Or was to most of the ladies. There was a significant distance between the first three, Val Riziotis (37), Jane Fraser(34) and Jayne Maxwell(33), and the other eight. With four temporary greens, the competition was a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes. Results...

In the associated Eclectic Val and Jayne have a commanding lead after two rounds, with Val 3.5 shots ahead of Jayne. However, only eight ladies currently have a full eclectic score. R2 Leader board...


The sun made a welcome appearance and in spite of some heavy rain overnight, Duke’s was not as muddy as some anticipated. However, mud hampered many competitors and there were four temporary greens making putting a lottery at times – a non qualifier for handicapping purposes. At the top of the leader board is Russell Bryan with a commendable 37 points. Four 36s followed with Pete Davis 2nd on countback from Paul Rockett, Lee Marshall and Stephen Mason. Nick Rogers followed up a magnificent drive on 17 with a rifled high iron shot to the green and a putt to claim the first perch on the 2016 Eagle Tree. Results...

In the associated Winter Competition James Barker currently leads by one point on 103 from Stephen Legg. R3 Leader board...

Both James and Stephen share the lead in the Duke's Eclectic. R2 Leader board...

6 January

Midweek Monthly Medal

A still slightly chilly and foggy day greeted competitors. A number of holes on Prince’s were indeed muddy. After a shaky start, Colin Pizzey got into his stride returning 39 gross on the back  to win the medal with net 67. Richard Owen pipped Manny Hernandez on countback (both 70) to take second place, Richard returning the best gross of the day. CSS was elevated to SSS+1. Results...

3 January

Stableford Sweep

Despite the rain, 16 competitors turned out for the first competition of the year. The tough conditions raised CSS to SSS plus two but there were good scores especially. from winner Ed Henery on 37pts from Tony Kopczak 36 and James Barker 35. Well done to Ed who is now solidly in single figure @ 9.1. Results...

Upcoming Events
2017 Fixture List
Previous Events
Dec 28 Midweek American Greensomes
Dec 25 Course Closed
Dec 21 Midweek Christmas Cracker
Dec 18 Captain vs Secretary
Dec 14 Midweek Champagne Chase
Dec 11 Christmas Hamper
Dec 7 Midweek Medal
Dec 4 Committee Meeting
Dec 4 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Nov 30 Midweek Alpha Team Event
Nov 27 Champagne Chase
Nov 23 Midweek Texas Scramble
Nov 20 Winter Comp R2
Princes Eclectic R1 (L)
Nov 16 Midweek Winter Comp R2
Nov 13 Winter Comp R1
Dukes Eclectic R1 (L)
Nov 9 Midweek Winter Comp R1
Nov 6 Committee Meeting
Nov 6 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Nov 2 Midweek Medal
Oct 30 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Oct 26 Midweek Harrington Trophy
Oct 23 Charity Cup
Oct 22 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Oct 19 Midweek Charity Trophy
Oct 16 The JQ Robertson [TD]
Oct 12 Midweek President's Prize
Oct 9 Committee Meeting
Oct 9 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Oct 8 Mens Invitation
Oct 5 Midweek Medal
Oct 2 Silver Jubilee
Sep 28 Autumn Pairs Better Ball
Sep 25 Monthly Medal
Autumn Mtg - BB (L)
Sep 21 Midweek Anniv Cup R4
Sep 18 Burgess Cup
Autumn Mtg - Medal (L)
Sep 14 Fred Hawtree Cup
Sep 11 Sweep
Sep 9
Autumn Weekend Away
Sep 7 Midweek Medal
Sep 4 President's Putter [TD]
Aug 31 Midweek Captain's Day
Aug 28 Bank Holiday Sweep
Aug 24 Midweek Handicap Trophy R2
Aug 21 Committee Meeting
Aug 21 RPGC Open
Aug 20 Bontor Trophy
Aug 17 Midweek Handicap Trophy R1
Aug 14 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 10 Midweek Anniv Cup R3
Aug 7 Golden Jubilee [TD]
Aug 6 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Aug 3 Midweek Medal
Jul 31 Sweep
Jul 27 The Edward Cup
Jul 24 Diamond Jubilee
Jul 23 Amida Friendly
Jul 20 The Claret Jug
Jul 17 The Captains' Day [TD]
Jul 13 Midweek Anniv Cup R2
Jul 10 Putney Park Open
Jul 9 Clapham Common v Ruislip
Jul 9 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jul 6 Midweek Medal
Jul 3 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 29 Midweek Sweep
Jun 26 Club Champ'ship R2
Club Champ'ship R2 (L)
Jun 22 Midweek Midsummer Trophy
Jun 19 Club Champ'ship R1
Club Champ'ship R1 (L)
Jun 18 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 15 Midweek Anniv Cup R1
Jun 12 Platinum Jubilee
Jun 8 Midweek Medal
Jun 5 Committee Meeting
Jun 5 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 4 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Jun 1 Founders Cup 3 of 3
May 29 Bank Holiday TBA
May 22 Bogey Sweep
Committee Cup R2 (L)
May 22 Clapham Common v Haste Hill
May 21 Ladies Invitation
May 18 Founders Cup 2 of 3
May 15 Summer Cup
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Committee Cup R1 (L)
May 11 Midweek Medal
May 8 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
May 4 Founders Cup 1 of 3
May 1 Bank Holiday Sweep
Apr 27 Midweek Bogey
Apr 24 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Apr 24 Clapham Common v Haste Hill
Apr 23 Spring Mixed
Apr 20 Midweek Medal
Apr 17 Committee Meeting
Apr 17 Shaw Cup [TD]
Apr 13 The Priory Cup
Apr 10 Sweep
Apr 8
Spring Weekend Away
Apr 6 The Masters Bowl
Apr 3 Coronation Cup [TD]
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Mar 30 Midweek Team Event
Mar 27 Easter Mixed Sweep
Mar 23 Midweek Sweep
Mar 20 Spring Stablefrd Rd 2
Spring Mtg - BB (L)
Mar 16 Midweek Sweep
Mar 13 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Mar 9 Midweek Medal
Mar 6 Committee Meeting
Mar 6 Spring Stablefrd Rd 1
Spring Mtg - Medal (L)
Mar 2 Midweek Inaugural Trophy
Feb 28 Winter Comp R8
Princes Eclectic R4 (L)
Feb 24 Midweek Winter Comp R8
Feb 21 Winter Comp R7
Dukes Eclectic R4 (L)
Feb 17 Midweek Winter Comp R7
Feb 14 Committee Meeting
Feb 14 Winter Comp R6
Princes Eclectic R3 (L)
Feb 10 Midweek Team Event
Feb 7 Monthly Medal
Feb 6 Annual Dinner
Feb 3 Midweek Winter Comp R6
Jan 31 AGM
Jan 31 Winter Comp R5
Princes Eclectic R2 (L)
Jan 27 Midweek Winter Comp R5
Jan 24 Winter Comp R4
Dukes Eclectic R3 (L)
Jan 20 Midweek Winter Comp R4
Jan 17 Committee Meeting
Jan 17 Monthly Medal - Millennium Jug
Jan 13 Midweek Winter Comp R3
Jan 10 Winter Comp R3
Dukes Eclectic R2 (L)
Jan 6 Midweek Monthly Medal
Jan 3 Sweep
2015 Previous Year