Ladies Autumn Weekend Away - Report
6-18 September

The Autumn 2019 Ladies Richmond Park Weekend Away was a great success and very enjoyable. At Wokefield Park Estate from 6th-8th September with mainly dry weather, some sun, many bunkers and the arrival of autumn.

The winner of the overall Ladies 36 hole competition and the Gill Hibbs Trophy is Cheryl Woodhouse with 65 points. Second was Lesley Mason on 62 points and a close third was Jane Maxwell on 61 points.

The men's winner was Greg van Heerden with 72 points, second was Nick Rogers on 70 points and a close third was Stephen Mason on 69 points.

A big thank you to Cheryl who organised the weekend, the games and prizes. Thanks to all 28 for a really lovely weekend.


  Ladies Men
1st Overall   Cheryl Woodhouse Greg van Heerden
2nd Overall   Lesley Mason Nick Rogers
3rd Overall   Jayne Maxwell Stephen Mason
1st Saturday   Veronica Mitchell Jon Cooper
2nd Saturday   Alison Chadwick Phil Flanagan
Nearest Pin - Saturday Caroline Stilwell Patrick Murphy
1st Sunday   Sheena Harrington Peter Harrington
2nd Sunday   Caroline Stilwell Patrick Murphy
Nearest Pin - Sunday Lia Donath Patrick Murphy

Deborah Potter
September 2019