Rusper GC Away day
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  • Wednesday 4th May 2005


  • Rusper Golf Club, Rusper Road, Newdigate, Surrey, RH5 5BX.
  • Rusper Golf Club is situated approx 8 miles south of Dorking off the A24. Keep on the A24 to the Beare Green Roundabout, turn left at the sign for Newdigate, follow road to T junction, (approx 1.5 miles) and turn right. Rusper Golf Club is approx 1.5 miles on the right.
  • Tel: 01293 871871

What's included

  • Coffee and bacon roll (08.00-08.30)
  • 18 holes stableford (09.00) starting at the 9th
  • Two course lunch at the club house:
    Steak & kidney pie, Chunky apple pie, Coffee
  • 18 hole stableford (14.30)
  • Prizes for nearest the pins and longest drive
  • Prize giving at approximately 19.00
    Food available at the bar, collar & tie not required


  • £50.00 per person for C&B, 36 holes, lunch, and sweep
  • Cheques payable to "RPGC"


Dave Williams
16 March 2005