Clandon Regis GC Away day - Report
5 May

27 members and guests enjoyed a very sunny day at Clandon Regis Golf Club. The course was in excellent condition although the greens were a little slow.

The competition was over 27 holes with one of our guests Robert Katz coming out on top with 57 points. Second was Dave Winter with 55 and third, after a count back, Julie Smith.

There were also prizes for the best scores on the three nine holes, these were won by Lee Eden for his morning round of 21 points, Ian Smith scored 18 on the afternoon front nine
and Martin Wright 20 points on the back nine.

Closest the pin prizes went to Julie Smith, Ian Smith, Dave Winter and Arthur Dolby. Longest Drives were won by Paul Appleton and Julie Smith.


  • Overall competition (27 holes)
    1st: Robert Katz (guest) - 57 points
    2nd: Dave Winter - 55 points
    3rd: Julie Smith - 55 points
  • Best 9 (not overall prize winner)
    1st nine: Lee Eden - 21 points
    2nd nine: Ian Smith - 18 points
    3rd nine: Martin Wright - 20 points
  • Nearest the pins
    Julie Smith
    Ian Smith
    Dave Winter
    Arthur Dolby
  • Longest drive
    Julie Smith
    Paul Appleton

Dave Williams
5 May 2006