Coombe Wood GC Away day - Report
2 May

Nearly 40 members and guests braved atrocious weather to play in the Spring Away Day at Coombe Wood on Wednesday 30th April on probably the wettest day of the year so far.

The start was delayed an hour and commences when the rain eased to a downpour. Considering the conditions there were some very good scores in the morning 10 holes the best being 23 points by Paul Doran.

The players were randomly split into "secret teams" and the team of Julian Diamond, Richard Owen and Paul Patching were the winners with a total of 57 points. Second, also with 57 but just missing out on count back were Bruce Cuff, Geoff Foreman and Peter Harrington. In third place were Paul Doran, Ian Smith and Tracy Wright on 55 points.

It should be noted that the worst team score was that of the 3 Presidents Julie Smith, Geoff Seed and Jim Wooldridge who scored just one point between them. They were first off and played just one hole, Julie scoring the lone point, before walking in and spending the rest of the morning in the bar area of the clubhouse. You don't become President of Richmond Park Golf Club without having brains !

After lunch the individual 18 hole competition got underway in very heavy rain which only stopped for brief periods throughout the afternoon. Overall the scores weren't as good as the morning round but given the conditions that was no surprise.

When the results were announced after an excellent dinner the overall winner turned out to be Tony Kopczak who scored 35 points and won on count back from Graham Holden (guest), Geoff Foreman and Graeme Syme all scoring the same 35 points. Fifth was Paul Patching and sixth Tracy Wright both with 34 points.

Closest the pin prizes went to Julie Smith, Julian Diamond and Doug Moffet (guest).

Thanks must go to ex President Geoff Seed, now golf secretary at Coombe Wood for looking after us so well on the day. Geoff also gave two special prizes, a free round of golf for four, these went to Tony Kopczak and Tracy Wright. So if you want a free round at Coombe Wood you know who to contact.

Dave Williams
2 May 2008