AGM - Wednesday 28th January

This year the Club's Annual General Meeting will be held at 8:00 pm at the clubhouse of the 'Barnes Home Guard Association' in East Sheen. The address is 76a Richmond Park Road and access is via a driveway stretching 50 yards from Richmond Park Road. If you have not been there before I will mention that the driveway is not easy to find and for a graphical presentation of the location please go to the BHGA website - - and enter the page entitled 'Contact Us'.

The main features of the AGM are as follows:

  • Secretary's review of 2008
  • The Treasurer's presentation of the Club's accounts for the year ended 31st December 2008
  • Election of Officers and Committee Members for 2009
  • Consideration of Proposals

For a number of years the AGM has not seen any proposals for consideration. One of the reasons behind this is that with email communication it is easier for the Club to communicate with members and vice versa. However, at our meeting on the 28th we have a very interesting proposal for consideration and, if adopted, it will pave the way for new Club arrangements to commence in 2010. The proposal is reproduced in this link and to have your say you need to attend the AGM. AGM Proposals...

We have arranged with the BHGA for sandwiches to be available. If you would kindly let me know if you plan on attending it will help us with the arrangements.

Changing the subject - we have not heard back from a number of members concerning ticket requirements for the Club's "Annual Dinner Dance and Presentation of Prizes" on Saturday 31st January. For those that are still undecided I can promise you that the evening will be relaxed/informal, and for those that have not been before it will probably be one of your most memorable evenings of 2009. Various members of the Committee are 'chasing' for answers at present therefore if you have not yet responded it would help if you could do so as soon as possible.


Peter Harrington
17 Jan 2009