2020 Bontor Trophy

The Bontor Trophy is the annual Men vs. Ladies singles match play event.

The two Captains go head-to-head. The remaining matches are drawn in strict handicap order.  The Captains usually play in the first game and other games go out in any order.

As in regular match play, the higher handicapper receives an allowance of the full difference between the handicaps of the two players. The handicaps shall be adjusted if necessary for any stroke allowances that may be relevant for mixed competitions (click here for details). Any shots are taken against the Men's stroke indices.

The Bontor Trophy is awarded on the day of the event to the winning Captain (Honours Board). No further prizes are awarded, although it has been known for a Wooden Spoon to find its way to the man who loses by the largest margin.

The course and tee time are to be advised.

Match Report
Report by Kim Chaffart

Winners:  The Men 12-4

Hope that by now all of you are back home and all warmed up. The 2020 edition of the Bontor will probably be remembered because of a) the cold weather and b) the decisive score line. The field would be forgiven for mistaking the Park for a links course in Scotland. Temperatures really dropped from 2 weeks ago. And the swirling and gusting winds created an additional chill factor. One would assume that the winds would have less effect on the ladies’ style of play. But the recent rains took away most of the roll that the field have grown used to. Softer fringes made approaches into the greens more predictable too.

Onto the order of the day:

Target: 8.0 points for the Ladies to retain – 8.5 points for the Men to win

The LC and MC had a good tussle. The softer conditions enabled the MC to get a few crucial up & downs. A monster putt by the LC on the 16th extended the match. But a par on the 17th sealed a win for the MC.

Jay controlled most of his match vs Gina. During 15 holes the balance was clearly in his favour. But winning 3 consecutive holes earned G a rather unexpected 0.5 point. Ladies v Men 0.5 – 1.5

In the second pair of matches both men jumped out onto early leads. Pete was even 3Up after 3 holes. Sheena staged a brave fight back. But in the end Pete H was a just a little better to take his match 2&1. Nick briefly lost the lead around the turn. But he rediscovered his composure and sealed a 2Up win. Ladies v Men 0.5 – 3.5

The first full blue point (Ladies’ colours today) came after Ronnie took Peter Osgood to the cleaners (4&2 win). Richard halted any momentum swing by defeating Val in an impressive 4&3 win. Ladies v Men 1.5 – 4.5

Paul Brown had a score to settle. And the golfing gods answered his prayers. A nail biting win on the 18th hole put another red point on the scoreboard. Mike played a solid round of golf for a comfortable 4&3 win over Ali. Ladies v Men 1.5 – 6.5

Nigel had to chase the score line the whole time. Last year’s MC staged a valiant comeback. But in pure match-play style he lost his match on the last hole to Susan’s 7. Richard Inglis kept the red score line going with a welcome 3&2 win over Joan. Ladies v Men 2.5 – 7.5

Kinga took down Patrick Murphy with a 1Up win. Fiona and Colm settled for one the few halves today. Ladies vs Men 4.0 – 8.0

In past editions the sting used to be in the tail end of the schedule. Not so today. The men managed to win the 4 last games by comfortable margins (Pete G 4&2 over Anne, John Ahad 5&4 over Ann Gardner, Seymour 5&4 vs Avi and finally Paul G 3&2 vs Julie).

Final score: Ladies – Men 4-12.

On behalf of the LC and MC thank you for braving the foul weather.

Good luck to the ladies playing the Mary Foster Bowl final tomorrow.

The new overall overall score: Men 56 - Ladies 23 - Draw 3


Saturday 26 September
Duke's Course

Deborah Potter - Kim Chaffart
Gina Jillett - Jay Barker
Sheena Harrington - Pete Harrison
Jayne Maxwell - Nick Rogers
Veronica Mitchell - Peter Osgood
Val Riziotis - Richard Owen
Lia Donath - Paul Brown
Alison Chadwick - Mike
Susan Smith - Nigel Gaymond
Joan Mulcahy - Richard Inglis
Kinga Nemes, - Patrick Murphy
Fiona Coombe - Colm Ivors,
Anne Holding-Parsons - Pete Goodall
Ann Gardner - John Ahad
Avi Murphy - Seymour Laird
Julie Ryan - Paul Grand

Men 55 - Ladies 23 - Draw 3

2019 - The Ladies 9˝-6˝
2018 - The Men 11-7
2017 - The Ladies 10-8
2016 - Match Halved 18-18
2015 - Match Halved 9-9
2014 - The Ladies 6˝-5˝
2013 - The Men 7-2
2012 - The Men 7-6
2011 - The Ladies 6-4
2010 - The Ladies 9-7
2009 - The Men 7-6
2008 - The Men 9˝-7˝
2007 - The Men 13˝-˝
2006 - The Ladies 6˝-5˝
2005 - The Men 9-6
2004 - The Men
2003 - The Ladies
2002 - The Men 13˝-4˝

Honours Board