In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
27 December

Stableford Sweep

A small but quality field competed in a stableford sweep the day after Boxing Day with the competition winner being Yuki Horo Ushido (40 points) and sweep winner Paul Grand (38) – with men ceding 2 shots to Cheryl Woodhouse the sole lady. Results...

20 December

American Greensomes

Paul Doran and Stewart McDonald triumphed with 40 points, five ahead of Paul Grand and Cheryl Woodhouse. Results...

The popular format of American Greensomes incorporated a first for the club – play off own tees but score using the ladies’ par and SI. Confusing for some, but the orthodox recommendation of CONGU, the national governing for handicapping in the UK, is as follows –

“……use of the Ladies' Par and Stroke Index is recommended as this does not then require ladies to play holes than have a lower Par than CONGU would recommend. It does mean that the men will return somewhat higher scores than against their own Par however to do otherwise would militate against ladies making an appropriate contribution.”
13 December

Christmas Hamper

With men and ladies playing off mats, men ceded 2 shots. The winner was Philip Midgeley-Carver with 39 points on a back 9 count-back from Aidan Hurley. John Morris and Matt Mandelbaum posted creditable 38s to take 3rd and 4th places. Kate Emanuel played well to take best ladies’ position. Results...

Captain Richard Owen, playing in the same game as Philip and Aidan, was treated to a fine display of golf and competition – Philip shooting 1 under par gross and Aidan level par. Philip had an immaculate start – 3333.

CSS remained at SSS 40 points. Men's handicap list...

12 December

2010 Fixture List

Next year's fixture list has been released. It is available as a PDF file for easy viewing and printing. View...

It is pretty much a full release.  For any changes during the year please refer to Fixtures Changes.

6 December

Monthly Medal / Team Event


It was meant to be the last team event of 2009, but the Lady Captain vs the Lady Secretary’s team event was abandoned due to lack of ladies to participate. Perhaps too many enjoyed one too many wines at the AGM the day before. Instead 8 ladies were present to witness the new Lady Captain’s drive in. As there was no formal competition for the day, the Lady Captain decided to be generous and all attendees will get a new Lady Pinnacle ball just for turning up.

The best card for the day was Jayne Maxwell with 33 points, closely followed by Veronica Mitchell, Susan Smith and Alison Chadwick, all with 30 points each. Results...


A non-qualifier due to 2 temporary greens, the competition was nevertheless hotly contested with Itsawat having the better back 9 from Peter Harrington - both 64s. Results...

29 November

2010 Annual General Meeting

The Secretary has posted notice of the 2010 AGM in January. Notice...

5 December

Ladies' Annual General Meeting

The Ladies held their AGM Luncheon on Saturday 5 December. One important item of business was the election of their Committee for 2010. Report...

29 November

Champagne Chase


Wellington boots would have been useful! The rain was pretty steady but seven players made it round the course battling with lake-like greens and soggy fairways.

Alison Chadwick found the pot of gold at the bottom of the rainbow and led the ladies field with a 33 followed closely by Ann Gardner also with 33 but Alison had the better back 9. Results...

Ladies handicap list...


Conditions were characterised by showers and sunshine. Indeed, on the back 9 competitors had the surreal experience of persistent rain with bright sunshine and a double rainbow.

Perfect for debutant Steve Cross who shone with 41 points to earn a bottle of bubbly. Steve was followed by the triumvirate of Messrs. Kenwood, Ward and Syme with 39 points. Results...

22 November

Winter Comp Rd 2 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 1


Sunny periods interspersed with very heavy rain and strong winds meant that no one completed all 18 holes and most competitors walked off after the 6th! The winner was Ros Gray with 23 points and second was Sheena Harrington with 19 points. Results...

This was a reduction only round. Ladies handicap list...


The passage of a period of inclement wind, rain and graupel eventually ameliorated and for those competitors remaining some good scoring resulted. However, it was all water off a duck’s back to Jim Fogarty who returned 42 points and no blobs. He was followed 6 points behind by Toby Hunt. Results...

It has been resolved to ‘abandon’ the competition within the meaning of CONGU Clause 18.6 – the course being unplayable for some competitors. This means a CSS of SSS and reductions only but results stand for Winter Comp and Eclectic.

Jim and Toby lead the associated Winter Competition. R2 Leader board...

Jim and Toby also lead the associated Duke’s Eclectic. R1 Leader board...

Birdie Tree Leader board... | Eagle Tree Leader board... | Twos Leader board...

15 November

Winter Comp Rd 1 / Princes Eclectic Rd 1


This season's first eclectic took place on a lovely sunny day albeit a bit soggy underfoot after the previous day's heavy rain and high winds. Kate Emmanuel won with 34 points, second was Susan Smith with 31 points. Results...


Prince’s absorbed the heavy rain in the preceding days and conditions proved pleasantly mild. Playing off the yellow tees, Graeme Syme emerged the winner piping Toby Hunt by one with 41 points. Ole Leon-Martin and Stuart Nash finished well to claim 3rd & 4th places with 39 points. Results...

Men's handicap list...

In the associated Prince’s Eclectic, Graeme leads Toby by two. Ole can relax on the first tee in future rounds – having posted the only birdie at the hole. Surprisingly, no birdies were recorded at 18. R1 Leader board...

Kerry Sargeant continues his domination of the Birdie Tree. Birdie Tree Leader board...

8 November

Monthly Medal / Ladies team Event


It was the first of the winter team events for the Ladies. Four teams braved the rather damp and chilly weather to play 6-6-6, the best score counting on the first 6, best two on second 6 and best three on the final 6 holes.

The prize of three, pink golf balls was awarded to Susan, Jini, Lia and Di. Results...


Michael Rossiter was the early clubhouse leader having posted a seemingly unbeatable 68, but competitor Rick Smith in a late game returned a 65 to clinch victory - well done Rick. Results...

1 November

Charity Cup
Honours Board

Inclement conditions greeted a hard core of competitors who battled their way round Prince’s. Donovan Friel proved the hardiest with 28 followed by John Morris 26. Men ceded a shot to the (non-playing) ladies and the competition was a non-qualifier. Results...

25 October

Lissaman Cup
Honours Board

The annual 3 clubs and a putter competition played in fair conditions and with a good turnout produced some fine scores. A back 9 count back placed Nigel Ward first from Susan Smith and Jim Fogarty. Competitors were fortified by the Captains birthday cakes

This was the final event in the Top Dog Trophy confirming Tim Meyer the winner just 7 points from Nigel. Final Leader board...

Paul Doran continues to make progress up the birdie tree with a 5 star birdie at 17. Birdie Tree Leader board...

22 October

Men's Summer Match Play
Report by Gurpal Sekhon

After a long summer of knockout matches, this Sunday sees two of the Club's 2009 Matchplay Finals being played at the Park.

  • Kerry Sargeant & Carrie Ward play against Paul Grand & Ros Lake in the Final of the Mixed Pairs
  • Jason Loubser plays against Michael Rossiter in the Final of the JH Taylor Shield, the singles matchplay event for the low handicap players.

Jason and Michael paired with each other in the Men's Pairs knockout, and they emerged as the winners when they beat Ian Smith & George Martin in the final. Now playing as opponents in the JH Taylor, Jason and Michael should have no excuse for not knowing each other's game.

In the Two Courses Cup (the high handicap singles matchplay event) Nigel Ward continued the form shown in winning the Grand Medal Trophy by beating the holder David Keen to be crowned Champion.

To add to this Sunday’s exciting ‘Finale’ we have the Lissaman Cup which is the 7th and final component in the men’s Top Dog accumulator. It is fitting that with an unassailable lead our Top Dog for 2009 is our President, Tim Meyer. R6 Leader board...

18 October

JQ Robertson
Honours Board

Doreen Dolby excelled, producing a net 62 for 45 points to win by a margin of 3 points from Nick Rogers. Four further points behind were Donovan Friel and Francois Lemaigre with 38. Well done indeed Doreen. Results...

The competition was a Top Dog event for the men. With one event to go Tim Meyer has an unassailable lead on 32 points. R6 Leader board...

11 October

Burgess Cup & Autumn Meeting BB
Honours Board


It was the Autumn Meeting 4BBB and 8 pairs turned out to play. With a cloudy start it remained dry for most of the morning with drizzle for the last few holes.

Four pairs were within one point of each other with places being decided on BB9’s and BB6’s. Congratulations to this year’s winners, Louise and Maureen.

Our day was complemented by wonderful food provided by Norma & Jini. A big thank you to them and to Veronica and Susan who bought all the prizes. Results...


The winners were Jim Fogarty and Stuart Nash with 36 points on a back 9 countback from Richard Kenwood and Ron Linden. Initially in the club house it appeared a 3 way decider with Tony McCullagh and Michael Rosssiter also on 36 points. It became clear to the Committee that one of the latter pairing had 17 clubs in his bag and the penalty of disqualification was imposed. The pairing of Toby Hunt and Paul Grand monopolised the ‘TWOs’ returned in the competition. Results...

4 October

Monthly Medal
Honours Board


Another lovely Indian Summer day saw Sheena Harrington win the October Monthly Medal with a net 70 and second was Julie Smith with a net 73. Results...

Julie also won the Barton Bowl which was played as a stableford in conjunction with the October Monthly Medal. Results...


A spirited 63 with 4s for first 7 holes from Nigel Ward secured the October Medal 3 clear from Lee Eden and Greg Saunders. Results...

The round was the last for the Grand Medal Trophy in which Nigel emerged the winner with included 2 rounds of 61 and 63 – well done Nigel. Final results...

With an inch perfect sand iron at the 5th, Handicap Secretary Paul Grand assumed the top perch in the rare Eagle Tree for the season (attached). Eagle Tree Leader board...

In the more common or garden Birdie Tree, Kerry Sargeant predominates. Birdie Tree Leader board...

Making an early bid for the Olympics, Dave Williams reported a handicap reduction from 16 to 13 at his Home club.

27 September

Silver Jubilee & Autumn Meeting
Honours Board

Ladies - Autumn Meeting

A lovely Indian Summer day saw benign conditions and some excellent scores. The winner was Veronica Mitchell with a net 67 and second was Alison Chadwick with a net 70. Jini Beacham had the best front 9 with a net 38 and Louise Williams the best back 9 with a net 35.5. Results...

Silver Jubilee

An outstanding round from Veronica Mitchell secured the trophy; Veronica, with 66 was 6 ahead of nearest rival who in turn was the better on countback from Julian James, Stan Potts and David Bishop. Results...

In the associated Anniversary Trophy, Kerry Sargeant is confirmed as the winner 10 ahead of nearest rival Paul Grand. Final results...

20 September

Stableford Sweep

There were some good scores on the day. Julian Ratnage emerged as the winner with 40 points, one ahead of Jess Melville and Tony Kopczak. Men ceded one shot to the ladies with Alison Chadwick flying the ladies' flag with 37 points. Results...

18-20 September

Ladies Weekend Away

With fair weather the scoring was good.  Jayne Maxwell stepped up one position from last year to win the Gill Hibbs Trophy. Report...

13 September

Course Closed

The golf courses are closed on this day to make way for an athletics event at the Park. For more information check with The Royal Parks Agency.

12 September

Autumn Mixed Foursomes

The pairing of Alison Chadwick & Greg Albertyn triumphed in the Autumn Mixed Foursomes. Fiona Coombe & Nick Rogers were 2nd overall and also won the scratch prize. Report...

6 September

Monthly Medals
Honours Board


Benign conditions resulted in some excellent scoring. Anne Koychev won with a net 65 followed by Jayne Maxwell with a net 67 and Susan Smith also with a net 67. Results...


Congratulations to Stan Potts with a splendid 62 to win the trophy and also Paul Appleton a shot behind as overall runner-up. Results...

Stan has a commanding lead in the Grand Medal Trophy, 4 ahead of John Morris. R7 Leader board...

Putney park Open

Stan Potts and Paul Appleton were also 1-2 for RP in the Putney Park Open. Results...

30 August

President's Putter
Honours Board

Some very good scoring resulted in the competition with Graham Harris the deserved clear winner on 43 points. Ladies took the next 3 places (despite ceding 2 shots): Gina Jillett 40, Norma Lynch 39 and Maureen Slade 39. After the competition, players enjoyed nibbles and drinks accompanied by autumnal gusts. Results...

Nearest-the-pin-in-two prizes were won by John Ritchie (15th) and Greg Saunders (17th).

Men's handicap list... | Ladies handicap list...

In the associated Top Dog Trophy, Tim Meyer maintains his lead 20 points clear at present. R5 Leader board...

23 August

Diamond Jubilee
Honours Board

The well deserved winner with 63 was Gary Flounders. A fine level par 69 earned new member Philip Midgley-Carver 2nd place with 65 with the Paul Grand beating Guy Saintfiet on back 9 for 3rd placed 69. Best lady was Ann Gardner 4th on 67. Results...

Men's handicap list... | Ladies handicap list...

In the associated Anniversary Trophy Kerry Sargeant leads the Paul Grand by one with just the Silver Jubilee to go. However, there are many players well positioned after just 2 Jubilees. R3 Leader board...

22 August

Rickmansworth Friendly

Report due soon. Report...

16 August

Trevor Allen Open

Centurions with only 6 entrants had two representatives in the first six, most notably the winner John Toygar. Best RPGC and lady competitor was Debra Dempster, second on 65, beating John Morris on the back 9. Results...

16 August

Keys Trophy

Richmond Park win back the Keys Trophy! Report...

15 August

White Lodge Friendly

Report due soon. Report...

9 August

Monthly Medals
Honours Board


The winner of the August Monthly Medal with a net 71 was new arrival Kate Emmanuel playing in her first handicap qualifier. Second was Doreen Dolby with a net 72. And third with a net 73, another recent joiner Debra Dempster. Results...


John Ritchie played out of his skin shooting a 61 to win the August Monthly Medal with Matt Mandelbaum, John Morris and Greg Albertyn’s glorious 65s being separated by better back 9s. Results...

Highlight of the day was a hole-in-one from Richard Kenwood at the first hole – well done Richard!

The associated Grand Medal Trophy now has John Morris leading – 5 clear from Stan Potts. R6 Leader board...

8 August

Mitcham Friendly

The Ladies retained the trophy with an overall draw, for the second year running. Report...

2 August

The Captains' Day
Honours Boards | Men | Ladies

For the full story, including special and team prizes, read The Captains' Report...


The overall winner of Captains Day with a net score of 70 was Jini Beacham.  Norma Lynch was runner up with a net score of 71. Results...


A thoroughbred 65 performance from Tim Meyer clinched the Captains’ day (men) prize despite a class act from runner-up Graeme Syme with 67. There were 68’s for Matt Mandelbaum and Yuki Hiro Ushido, taking 3rd and 4th places respectively. Results...

Men’s CSS computed to 1 less than SSS @ 69. Men's handicap list...

Barking with fresh authority, Tim Meyer extends his lead in the Top Dog Trophy to 20 points with Messrs. Sargeant, Syme and Oddono in pursuit. R4 Leader board...

28 July

Captain's Day

The Captains are hosts this Sunday with prizes galore.  See the poster for details. Poster...

26 July

Centurion Open

A personal best score from Alison Chadwick earned Alison 2nd place (net 63) – well done Alison! The overall winner was an entrant from Altons Golfing Society - 62. A sub-par round from Jamie Cushing of Putney Park was highly commendable. Best man for RPGC was John Ritchie @ 68. Nearest the pin prizes were available at all par 3s – and also a novel nearest the pin @ 14. Results...

Handicaps incorporate latest NAPGC event at Trent Park where CSS was SSS at par 70 (36 points). Men's handicap list...| Ladies handicap list...

25 July

Bontor Trophy
Honours Board

The Men made it three wins in a row in a closely contested match. Report...

19 July

Monthly Medal


Alison Chadwick made light of difficult blustery conditions to win the July Monthly Medal with an excellent net 65. Di Jackett came second with a net 71. Results...


Captain Richard Owen came into form to win with a very creditable 64, two ahead of Lee Eden with John Morris a shot further behind. Results...

John’s 67 leaves him currently tied with Stan Potts after round 5 of the Grand Medal Trophy. R5 Leader board...

12 July

Association Trophy

Putney Park took all the honours - first 12 places. The winner was Andy Richardson with a one under par 68 net 64 with PP Handicap secretary Russell Barter 2nd - 65. For RPGC, Jess Melville, John Morris and John Ahad had 69s, being separated by back 9s. Maureen Slade was best lady with 71. Results...

No handicap changes arose in the round where CSS was reduced by one from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

11 July

Men's Invitation

The pairing Paul Doran & Cheryl Woodhouse were clears winners in the Men's Invitation. Report...

7 July

Men's Invitation

For those playing in the Men's Invitation this Saturday, you'll want to know the first tee time is 10:30.

For further information or assistance locating a partner contact Captain Richard Owen.  He's waiting for your call.

6 July

Match reports

The web site has been updated with reports from several recent matches.  The reports are in the normal places and for convenience are linked here.


5 July

Club Championship Rd 2 & RPGC Open
Honours Boards


Another fine day saw some excellent scoring with several competitors playing to better than handicap and the CSS moved down one to 70. Ladies handicap list...

Club Championship
The 2009 Club Champion is Harriet Carr who maintained her lead from the first round with a gross 79 and hence an aggregate 162. In second place was Sheena Harrington with an aggregate 177. R2... | Final results...

Handicap Cup
Jayne Maxwell shot a net 69 and her aggregate score of 140 means that she moved up two places to win the Handicap Cup for the third year running. Runner-up was Lia Donath with an aggregate 144. R2... | Final results...

Pembroke Cup
Julie Smyth's net 69 and hence a net aggregate 136 meant that she maintained her lead from the first round to win the Pembroke Cup, notwithstanding a net 68 from Jinni Beacham which gave her a net aggregate 138 and the runner-up spot. R2... | Final results...


The Victor Ludorum with a 78 in the first Club Championship round and 75 in second and 66 & 63 in the Handicap Trophy and winner of the RP Open is Jason Loubser.  Well done Jason! R2 results...

James Inglis finished 2nd in the senior division a shot behind on 154 with Paul Appleton a further shot back on 155. Senior results...

Graeme Syme posted a net 65 in the 2nd round to finish 2nd in the Handicap Trophy with John Morris 3rd. Handicap results...

John Morris shot 83 in both rounds to take the Junior division club championship 3 ahead of 1st round leader Julian James. Junior results...


RPGC representation was strong in the Richmond Park GC Open, with 5 of the first 6 places – John Pieters returning a 64 and Sonia Innis finishing best lady on 67. RPGC Open results...

The individual winners of the 'hole' prizes were as follows:

  • Nearest the pin on the 16th - Martin Smith of Ruskie Hall to a distance of roughly 3 feet.
  • Ladies' longest drive on the 17th - Christine Stewart
  • Men's longest drive on the 17th - a monster drive of about 320 yards from our new member Gavin Wyatt left him a chip of about 40 yards from the front of the 17th green.
  • Nearest the pin on the 18th - a drive of 246 yards left Toby Hunt pin-high with a putt of just 5 inches!

Special congratulations clearly go to both Gavin and Toby for their outstanding golf shots.

28 June

Club Championship Rd 1


The hottest day of the year so far meant the balls were running and the scores reflected the benign conditions with the CSS going down 1 to 70. Ladies handicap list...

Club Championship
Harriet Carr leads the Club Championship with a gross 83 followed by Sheena Harington with a gross 86. Results...

Handicap Cup
Sheena leads in the Handicap Cup with a net 70 followed by Lia Donath with a net 71 and a better back 9 from Jayne Maxwell and Janet Fox each also with a net 71. R1 Leader board...

Pembroke Cup
In the Pembroke Cup, Julie Smyth continues her excellent run of form with a net 67 followed by Jinni Beacham with a net 70 and Doreen Dolby with a net 71. R1 Leader board...

The stage looks set for an exciting finale next week.


An astounding level par 69 earned Dave Winter the round 1 lead, 5 clear of Tim Meyer, Paul Patching and Hiro Ushido. Dave was 2 under at the turn with no dropped shots and looks set to retain the Club Championship from last year. Results...

Much the same order prevails in the handicap trophy Dave 58(!), Tim 62 and Paul 63. Results...

Dave will now be playing off a single figure handicap – 9.0. Men's handicap list...

27 June

Rickmansworth Friendly

The Club took a lead from the home leg of the annual friendly match with Rickmansworth GC. Report...

21 June

Golden Jubilee
Honours Board

The competition was won with a golden putting touch by Kerry Sargeant 2 over par net 64. Another fine round of 67 from Tim Meyer secured 2nd position whilst 3rd and best lady position was earned by Lynn Richardson with 69. Results...

Men’s CSS computed to 1 less than SSS @ 69. Men's handicap list...

John Morris and Graeme Syme share the lead in the associated Anniversary Trophy, 4 ahead of Sean Dalton with Kerry 1 further behind. R2 Leader board...

It's still early days in the Top Dog trophy. After 3 rounds Tim Meyer leads from David Odonno and Kerry Sargeant. R3 Leader board...

20 June

Amida Friendly

Both the Men and Ladies won in the annual friendly match with Amida GC from Twickenham. Report...

Photo Men | Photo Ladies

14 June

Monthly Medal


A lovely sunny day saw some excellent scoring. Veronica Mitchell ran away with the medal with an impressive net 64 followed by Carrie Ward with a net 68. Results...

The CSS went down one to 70 reflecting the benign conditions. Ladies handicap list...


Conditions were excellent for good scoring and many competitors felt they could have scored even better than the card recorded. Indeed, 65.5% of Cat 1-3 players were within 2 of SSS.

The champion on the day was Dave Winter with a 64 which included an OOB – Dave’s playing handicap was not however cut. Early clubhouse leader Arthur Dolby was second with 65 having the benefit of a better back 9 from Nick Rogers. Handicap Secretary Paul Grand had high aspirations being 3 under par through 6 and 2 over at the turn but it was not to be. Results...

Unsurprisingly, CSS was one under SSS @ 67. Men's handicap list...

This was the fourth round in the Grand Medal Trophy, with Stan Potts, Julian Ratnage and Kerry Sargeant at the top tied on 282.  The competition is at the half way stage and there are plenty of competitors in the running. R4 Leader board...

13 June

Association Cup

The Club narrowly won the Association Cup over White Lodge and the other Association member clubs. Report...

11 June

Summer BBQ

Captain Richard Owen is hosting a summer BBQ at his house on Saturday 4th July.  It is open to Clubmembers and family guests, starting at 3pm for those with young families and continuing through the evening. Advance notice is required for planning purposes. Please view the poster for full details. View poster...

10 June

Match Play Update

This year there has been a tremendous response, with greater participation in all the Match Play competitions.

Nearly all initial matches have been played. In most, the next round is not due till 6th July.

With fixture congestion coming up, to be followed by holidays, please try to arrange matches as soon as possible.

The men also have a friendly match against Rickmansworth Golf Club on Saturday the 27th of June.

Anyone interested in playing this fixture, especially those currently playing well, please put your names forward so we may have a bigger (& better?) pool to select from. It is not mandatory to play in both Home & Away legs.

If you are interested please email the Captain or Vice Captain as soon as possible.

7 June

Sweep / Ladies Committee Cup Rd 2


Round 2 of the Committee Cup dawned with heavy rain, thunder and lightening clearing just in time for the start of the competition and the sun came out! Competitors did not entirely escape the rain which came down very heavily for a couple of holes accompanied by hail!

Julie Smyth romped home with 37 points making light of her recent cut in handicap and accumulated a grand total of 77 points in the overall Committee Cup competition. Rd 2 Results...

The order established by round 1 continued for round 2 with Susan Smith coming second with 33 points (a total of 69 points in the overall competition), followed by Lia Donath with 30 points (a total of 66 points) and Louise Williams on 30 points (a total of 64 points). Overall Results...


Most competitors were rudely awakened in the early hours as thunderstorms wreaked revenge for the previous week’s dry and sunny weather. The conditions in the aftermath were sufficient to cause the cancellation of the Putney Park Open and the Committee quickly arranged a sweep. The winner with a glorious net 65 was Tim Meyer on 40 points followed a point behind by Richard Kenwood. Results...

Illustrating the vagaries of English weather, there were reports of hail on the 7th fairway whilst simultaneously on the 10th competitors affirmed just light rain.

6 June

Mitcham Friendly

Report due soon. Report...

31 May

Summer Cup / Ladies Committee Cup Rd 1


Julie Smyth romped away with the first round of the Committee Cup with a thumping 40 points. Other contenders for the overall prize are Susan Smith and Lia Donath both on 36 points (Susan shading it from Lia with the better back six) and Louise Williams with 34 points. Results...

The CSS was 36 points. Ladies handicap list...


Benign conditions saw some excellent scoring with four competitors coming in with more than 40 points. The winner was Arthur Dolby on 43 points followed by Tim Meyer with 42 points and both Yuki Hiro Ushido and Peter Harrington on 41 points. Results...

The CSS was 38 points. Men's handicap list...

24 May

Stableford Sweep

The TBA was designated a mixed stableford sweep in which ladies ceded 2 shots to the men. An astounding round of 44 points (4 over par) from last year’s MIG, Paul Doran secured victory. Two points adrift was Donovan Friel. Donovan seemed to have victory in the bag but fell at the 10th in what was otherwise an extremely tidy round. Lia Donath returned an excellent 41-2=39 as the leading lady. Results...

There was drama for an ‘also ran’ – Phil Flanagan. Fresh from the (golfing) Kingdom of Fife, concentration and stamina were evident in Phil’s steely gaze as he addressed the ball on the 18th. His rip was as straight as an arrow, finishing 6 inches from the hole. Phil took a snap as a memento. Click for photo...

For the men CSS was 36 (SSS 35). Men's handicap list...

17 May

Ruskie Hall Open

The event was won bu Tony Gildea of Putney Park with a net 64, two ahead of Jamie Cushing (again PP). Jamie shot 2 under par gross playing off 1 for his 66. Best RP competitor was Stan Potts (69) and best lady Leonie Baker 70. Results...

16 May

Ladies Invitation

The pairing of Kerry Sargeant & Alison Chadwick won in the Ladies Invitation by a clear margin over the pairing of Paul Grand & Cheryl Woodhouse. Report...

10 May

Platinum Jubilee

John Pieters prevailed by 3 shots from Arthur Dolby, Graeme Syme and Yuki Hiro Ushido with a 67. Best lady was Sheena Harrington with 73. Results...

For the men CSS remained at SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

This was the first round of the Anniversary Trophy (best 3 of 4 Jubilee competitions).

3 May

Monthly Medal


A sunny but blustery day saw Fiona Coombe win with a net 71 followed by Lynn Richardson on a net 74. Results...

The CSS went up 3 to 74 and this was a reduction only round for handicap purposes. Ladies handicap list...


Continuing his good run of form, Tim Meyer calmly selected a 66 to win by 1 from Francois Lemaigre. The margin could have been greater but for shots dropped on the 4 closing holes. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

1 May

Epsom Away day

Ian Smith lead the way with Paul Doran closely behind on the Away Day to Epsom GC. Report...

26 April

Shaw Cup & NAPGC Stableford Qualifier

On a gorgeous sunny day the winner of the Shaw Cup was Davide Oddono with 41 points (what is it about Italians and sunshine?).  Following closely was Stuart Nash on 40 points. The first of the ladies was Jinni Beacham on 32 points (8th overall) very closely followed by Norma Lynch also on 32 points. Results...

To provide for equitable handicapping the competition results for the ladies have been adjusted by -2.

CSS for the men stayed at 70 (35 stableford points) while for the ladies it went up 3 to 74 (34 stableford points) and this was a reduction only round.

19 April

Coronation Cup & NAPGC Medal Qualifier

Tim Meyer hit a royal purple patch and was duly crowned the winner with a nett 67. He was closely followed by the entourage of John Ahad and Sean Dalton. Best lady-in-waiting was Carrie Ward with 72 in a competition where ladies received 3 shots for competition results. Results...

For the men, 37.5% of Category 1-3 competitors scored within 2 of SSS resulting in a reduced CSS by 1 from SSS of 67. Men's handicap list...

18 April

Spring Mixed Foursomes

Jayne Maxwell & John Morris prevailed on Saturday in the Spring Mixed Foursomes Competition. Report...

17 April

Ladies Double C Cup Draw

The draw for the Ladies Double C Cup has been made. Check the draw sheet for match-ups and, most importantly, play-by dates for each round. Full draw...

12 April

Monthly Medal


Scoring for the April Monthly Medal reflected the conditions which were cloudy and damp underfoot so the going was soft and the balls weren't running. The winner was Lia Donath with a net 74 and the runner-up was Harriet Carr with a net 75. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 to 74 and this was a reduction only round for handicap purposes. Ladies handicap list...

Also, there was one result in the Ladies Singles Challenge Cup - Alison beat Inge in a first round match. Full draw...


Despite early damp conditions Martin Pirie struck form with some very steady and accurate golf to win the April Medal with a net 64, 4 ahead of John Morris with a fine 65. One further behind were Nigel Marsh and Julian Ratnage. Results...

CSS was one less than SSS at 69. Men's handicap list...

The competition was the second in the Grand Medal Trophy, in which Richard Kenwood leads on 134, 3 ahead of Stan Potts and Kerry Sargeant. R2 Leader board...

11 April

Men's and Mixed Matchplay Draws

The draws for the Men's Singles, Doubles and the Mixed Matchplay competitions have been made. Check the draw sheets for match-ups and, most importantly, play-by dates for each round. Individual draw sheets are linked from the Notice Board. Full draws...

5 April

Sunday Sweep

John Morris won the mixed sweep with 38 points from Di Jackett 37. The ladies competing did very well overall with 60% finishing in first 8 of 31. Men’s scores are depicted after conceding 1 to the ladies. Results...

3-5 April

Ladies Weekend Away

Anne Koychev was a repeat winner at the Ladies Weekend Away to Meon Valley.  Arthur Dolby accumulated the best score for the men over the weekend. Report...

30 March

Ladies Challenge Cup Draw

The draw for the Ladies Challenge Cup has been made. Check the draw sheet for match-ups and, most importantly, play-by dates for each round. Full draw...

29 March

Men's Sweep & Ladies Spring Meeting


It was the Spring Meeting BB and there was a good turn out with 7 pairs playing. It was a closely fought contest with 1 point difference between 1st , 2nd and 3rd with the runner up being decided on the better back 6 Congratulations to Sheena and Julie who are this year’s winners! Results...

Our day was complemented with great refreshments provided by Veronica and Julie’s cakes (all were delicious) and the prizes provided by Louise. Thank you everyone.


Francois Lemaigre was the winner on 29th March with 41 points, 4 ahead of next contender Peter Harrington. Nigel Ward was spotted practising on the 18th green and accordingly incurred disqualification for Rule 7-1 infraction. Results...

The overall result for the 22nd and 29th 36-hole men’s sweep shows a 3-way tie between Julian Ratnage, Graeme Syme and John Pieters who share the sweep monies. Results...

26 March

Spring Mixed Foursomes

The Spring Mixed Foursomes is being held on Saturday 18 April and is now open for entries.

You don't need to sign up with a partner as the pairings are assigned by random draw. Entries so far...

22 March

Men's Sweep & Ladies Medal Spring Meeting


19 ladies took part in the first of this season's major competitions. This was the largest turnout so far this year and scoring reflected the day's sunny, warm conditions. Louise Williams won with a net 69, Julie Smyth came second with a net 72 and several more scored within their handicap buffer zones. Results...

Other prize winners were Doreen Dolby for the best back 9 (net 35) and Lia Donath for the best front 9 (net 36½).

The CSS went up one to 72. Ladies handicap list...


With improvised white tee markers to guide competitors, John Pieters led the way with an impressive 42 points – just 1 point from a fresh (to golf this year) Julian Diamond. Results...

Both must start as favourites for the novel 36 hole competition with round 2. Handicap secretary Paul Grand almost ‘aced’ at the 3rd, the ball bouncing in the cup but finishing 6” away. Julian birdied 10, as did Stanley Hunt at 13.

CSS was elevated by 2 over SSS to 69 (36pts). Men's handicap list...

20 March

Summer Knockout Competitions - Enter now

A reminder the entries for the summer knockouts competitions are open until Sunday 5 April. Full notice...

Here are the entries so far.
JH Taylor...  Two Courses...  Men's Pairs...  Mixed Pairs...

For the Ladies, the Challenge Cup closes for entries on 29th March. Ladies Challenge Cup...  Ladies Double C Cup...

16 March

The Captain's Newsletter
From the Captain Richard Owen

Well it really feels as though Spring has arrived at last and the better weather has much improved the course conditions. The white tees are back out, so we will be playing from them from next Sunday onwards.

I have prepared the year's first edition of the club's newsletter - News From the Park. I hope you will find something of interest. View here... or View Captain's pages...

Please let me know your comments for future issues.

15 March

Winter Comp Rd 8 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 4


A beautiful day without a cloud in the sky. The first of many this year we hope. Sonia Inniss made light of her recent cut in handicap (see report for 1 March) with 36 points, closely followed by Julie Smith on 35 points and Doreen Dolby on 33 points. Results...

The CSS remained the same at 71 (37 stableford points) as the SSS with no change to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list...

Julie Smith maintained her lead in the cumulative Dukes Eclectic competition, winning that competition with a net 73, followed by Jayne Maxwell with a net 76 and Lia Donath with a net 77. Final result...


The final round of the Winter Competition was played in glorious spring conditions with Paul Doran the winner on 40 points after an uneasy start. Two points behind were Hiro Ushido and Lee Eden. Results...

CSS was reduced to 67 (37pts) from SSS 68 (36pts). Men's handicap list...

The winner of the Winter Competition is Matt Roadnight on 120pts, three ahead of John Morris and Nigel Ward. Final result...

In the associated Duke’s Eclectic, a tie resulted with Sean Dalton and Paul Doran each finishing with 61. Final results...

11 March

Summer Knockout Competitions - Enter now

The details for the summer knockout competitions have been released. There is no qualification round this year and entries are open until Sunday 5 April. Full notice...

8 March

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Princes Eclectic Rd 4


Increasingly difficult very windy conditions resulted in a low scoring competition. Lia Donath won with 32 points followed by Julie Smith with 30 points. Results...

No one played within two points of the SSS or better and so this was a reduction only round with the CSS going up 3 points to 74 (33 stableford points). Ladies handicap list...

Lia also won the cumulative Princes Eclectic competition with a net 69, having won each of the three rounds that were played (round 2 was rained off). Final result...


Pleasant conditions prevailed for the early games but later games were caught by a vicious storm with its inevitable impact on scoring. John Ahad emerged the victor with 39 points, one ahead of John Morris. Results...

CSS was elevated to 68 (37 points) from SSS 67 (38). Men's handicap list...

Three now share the Winter Competition lead – John Morris, Matt Roadnight and Nigel Ward. R7 Leader board...

The Prince’s Eclectic was won by John Morris on 61, one ahead of Dave Winter and Kerry Sargeant. Final results...

2 March

Epsom Away Day

The Club has arranged an away day to Epsom Golf Club for Friday 1st May. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details...

2 March

Summer Fixture List

The Club has just released the summer fixture programme. Secretary's notice...

The Fixtures link in the left-hand panel will be updated with the usual links soon. In the meantime a printable PDF version is available. Printable PDF fixture list...

1 March

Monthly Medal


On an overcast day, Sonia Innis took full advantage of benign conditions with a stonking net 69, leaving the rest of the field trailing in her wake. Lia Donath was 2nd with a distant 75. Results...

But for us mere mortals there is a God! Sonia's handicap, hitherto 30, meant that her score did not count towards calculation of the CSS, so this was a reduction only round with the CSS increasing by 3 from the SSS of 71. Furthermore, the increase in CSS means that Sonia is rewarded not just with the medal but also a massive handicap cut from 30 to 27.2! Ladies handicap list...


The first meteorological day of Spring produced favourable conditions with Nigel Ward (again) and John Pieters taking full advantage with both returning 61s. A count back placed Nigel first with a gross 37 net 26.5 back 9. Very creditable scores were also returned from Richard Kenwood 63, Gary Flounders 64 and Abdulaziz 65. Results...

A loose drive at 13 found Kerry Sargeant 2 inches OB. Undeterred, he resolved nevertheless that he could still get ‘cut’ as the resulting 8 would count as 6 for handicapping purposes. Showing true grit, he then proceeded to finish the remaining holes in par (inc. 2 birdies) – and regained Category 1 status.

The RoG resulted in a disqualification for Johannes (too high a handicap declared).

The competition sheet details a number of playing handicap changes with CSS equal to SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

This was the first round of the 2009 Grand Medal Trophy. R1 Leader board...

In the prestigious Duke’s and Prince’s Tour, Nigel leads the money list for the year to date on $58,000 with 5 winning events. Leader board...

22 February

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Princes Eclectic Rd 3


In mild but really rather sticky conditions (the balls were just not running), Lia Donath's 35 points were enough to win with Jayne Maxwell in hot pursuit with 34 points. Results...

The CSS was 71 (36 stableford points) with no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list...

Lia looks like running away with the cumulative Princes Eclectic competition with a net score of 71 after 3 rounds followed by Di Jackett on 82 (net). R3 Leader board...


Nigel Ward conquered Prince’s, inspired no doubt by a birdie at the first hole.  His winning score of 45 points was two clear of Matt Roadnight with a count back separating Richard Owen and Mike Smeal with 41 points each. Results...

CSS reflected the balance of play being 66 (39pts), one less than SSS 67 (38 pts) – both Nigel and Matt were cut 2 shots for their efforts. Men's handicap list...

Indeed, Matt and Nigel now lead the Winter Competition with 117 points. John Morris and Julian Ratnage are three points behind, but Paul Robinson only needs a ‘reasonable’ round to catch up. R6 Leader board...

In the associated Prince’s Eclectic, Nigel, Dave Winter and John Morris lead with 64 each. R3 Leader board...

15 February

Winter Comp Rd 5 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3


Ten ladies competed in round 3 of the Dukes Eclectic in spring like but rather muddy conditions. Two excellent scores led the way. Jayne Maxwell was the winner with 36 points closely followed by Julie Smith on 35 points. Results...

The CSS remained at 71 (37 stableford points) and there were no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list...

It looks like this will be a three horse race for the cumulative Dukes Eclectic competition. Julie maintains her lead with 75 with Jayne close behind on 77 and Sheena Harrington third on 79. R3 Leader board...


Pre-springlike conditions prevailed, with the first large field of the year competing. Some excellent scores were recorded with Brett Colley emerging the winner with a very creditable 42 points, one ahead of Paul Robinson. In third place was Kerry Sargeant with 39 points and now just 2/10ths of a shot from coveted Category 1 handicap. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 68 (36pts) with Brett being cut 1 and Paul 2 shots. Men's handicap list...

In the Winter Competition, Paul Robinson now has a commanding lead being 5 points clear of Lee Eden and Paul Doran but there is still time for a dark horse to emerge. R5 Leader board...

Master of strategy Ian Smith remains Duke’s Eclectic leader improving by 4 to 64. But Paul Doran may have timed his finishing run perfectly with an improvement by 9 to 65 and focused final rounds from others on the leader-board may yet bring a surprise result. R3 Leader board...

8 February

Monthly Medal / Ladies Team Event


Three teams battled it out for the honour of a box of three golf balls as the prize given to each of the winning team, which turned out to be Jini, Lia and Veronica. Results...

Well done to these three musketeers! The rest of us plodded along in their wake but a good time was had by all. The weather, although chilly in the morning, turned out to be a glorious day to play golf and even the sun shone.

It is the last of the team events until November and from the beginning of March, the serious business of medal rounds begin!


Favourable playing conditions on Prince’s induced some good scoring, with Mike Smeal the winner of the monthly medal on 65. Nigel Ward and Toby Hunt were just one off the pace with 66. Results...

CSS computed to 1 less than SSS @ 66. Men's handicap list...

1 February

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subscriptions are due on 1st February. The rate remain unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February).

Please check this recent Committee Notice for details on how to pay.

1 February

4-Ball Better-Ball

Cognisant of the need for team-work, the Handicap Secretary and Lady Secretary delivered a fine performance with a net 68.  The former putted poorly, particularly on the last hole having driven the green – and then 4 putting! Partner came to the rescue with a 5 net 3 which was enough to see off 4 other pairs on 69. Results...

28 January

Annual General Meeting

The Secretary has published his review of 2008. AGM Details...

27 January

Ladies Survey
Report by Sonia Innis

Two women from the MBA programme at the London Business School are researching the needs of golfing women for clothing and equipment. They are hoping that our members will fill in the web based questionnaire. Full details...

25 January

Winter Comp Rd 4 / Princes Eclectic Rd 2


The competition was cancelled due to adverse weather conditions. Results...


In spite of wet inclement conditions, 14 hardy competitors completed the course, with some very good scores returned. Matt Roadnight led the way with 43 points over three other scores in the 40s by Paul Robinson, Paul Doran and Jim Fogarty. Results...

The event was a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

In the Winter Competition, 3 now tie for first place on 106:
Paul Doran, Jon Morris and Ian Smith, with Lee Eden and Jim Fogarty just one behind. R4 Leader board...

In the Prince’s Eclectic, John Morris on 67 leads Jim Fogarty by one with Graeme Syme one further back. R2 Leader board...

18 January

Winter Comp Rd 3 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2


Nine ladies turned out on a day that turned out better than forecast (weather-wise - no hail!). Jayne Maxwell won with 32 points with Julie Smith came second with 29 points. Results...

The CSS went up by 3 points (34 stableford points) and this was a reduction only round. Ladies handicap list...

Julie Smith leads the pack in the cumulative Duke’s Eclectic competition after 2 rounds. R2 Leader board...


Duke’s absorbed most of the heavy overnight rain and for many competitors it was a change not to play on frozen ground. A level par back 9 helped winner Ian Smith on 38 points to draw one point clear of Sean Dalton. Richard Kenwood and Lee Eden were a further point adrift. Results...

CSS computed to SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

Ian’s fine round means that he now leads Lee Eden by one point after three rounds of the Winter Competition. R3 Leader board...

Ian leads Paul Doran by 4 points in the associated Duke’s Eclectic competition. R2 Leader board...

11 January

Stableford Sweep


Ten ladies turned out to play in rather warmer conditions than have been the norm recently. The competition of the day was a stableford. The winner was Susan Smith with 31 points followed by Lia Donath with 29 points just shading it from Maureen Slade also with 29 points (Lia had the better back nine). Results...

The CSS increased by three (33 stableford points) and this was a reduction only round with no changes to handicaps. Ladies handicap list...


On another cold and frosty day, the clear winner by 3 points from Graeme Syme was Richard Kenwood on 39 points. Results...

With CSS unchanged from SSS 67. Men's handicap list...

4 January

Monthly Medal / Ladies Team Event


On the first Sunday in January, a very cold frosty day, five intrepid ladies turned out to play a four ball better ball off full handicap. Doreen Dolby teamed up with Cheryl Woodhouse, Alison Chadwick and Susan Smith partnered each other and Sheena had a secret partner chosen at random, who turned out to be Susan.

Sheena and Susan ended the game with 39 stableford points. Cheryl and Doreen dove tailed their game and came in with 41 stableford points to win the day, Close on their heels were Alison and Susan coming in with 40 points. Results...


A hard frost set the scene for play for the day. Scoring overall was good with CSS down one from SSS 68. At first five 67s seemed to have been returned, but close scrutiny of Sean Dalton’s card revealed a marker's casting error on the back 9 in Sean’s favour. Sean was therefore the winner with 66 from Ron Linden, Paul Doran, Gurpal Sekhon and John Morris with count backs applying for the latter. Results...

Members toasted the New Year with some shivering more than others.

3 January

Annual Dinner Dance

The Annual Dinner Dance takes place this year on Saturday 31 January at the Winning Post. Get your tickets from any Committee member. Full details...

Upcoming Events
2010 New Year
Jan 3 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Jan 10 Winter Comp Rd 3
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 13 Committee Meeting
Jan 17 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 24 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 28 Annual General Meeting
Jan 30 Annual Dinner Dance
Jan 31 4-Ball Better-Ball
Previous Events
Dec 27 TBA
Dec 20 American Greensomes
Dec 13 Christmas Hamper
Dec 6 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Dec 5 Ladies' AGM Luncheon
Dec 2 Committee Meeting
Nov 29 Champagne Chase
Nov 22 Winter Comp Rd 2
Dukes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 15 Winter Comp Rd 1
Princes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 8 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Nov 3 Committee Meeting
Nov 1 Charity Cup
Oct 25 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Oct 18 JQ Robertson [TD]
Oct 11 Burgess Cup
Autumn Meeting BB (L)
Oct 4 Monthly Medal (GM Rd 8)
Monthly Medal (L)
Sep 27 Silver Jubilee
Autumn Meeting Medal (L)
Sep 20 Stableford Sweep
Sep 18
Ladies Weekend Away
Sep 16 Committee Meeting
Sep 12 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Sep 6 Putney Park Open
Monthly Medal (GM Rd 7)
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 30 President's Putter [TD]
Aug 23 Diamond Jubilee
Aug 22 Rickmansworth Friendly
Aug 16 Trevor Allen Open
Keys Trophy
Aug 15 White Lodge Friendly (L)
Aug 9 Monthly Medal (GM Rd 6)
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 8 Mitcham Friendly
Aug 2 Captains' Day [TD]
Jul 26 Centurion Open
Jul 25 Bontor Trophy
Jul 19 Monthly Medal (GM Rd 5)
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 12 Association Trophy
Jul 11 Men's Invitation
Jul 5 Club Champ'shp Rd 2
Club Champ'shp Rd 2 (L)
Jul 4 Summer BBQ
Jun 28 Club Champ'shp Rd 1
Club Champ'shp Rd 1 (L)
Jun 27 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 21 Golden Jubilee [TD]
Jun 20 Amida Friendly
Jun 14 Monthly Medal (GM Rd 4)
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 13 Association Cup
Jun 7 Sweep
Jun 6 Mitcham Friendly
May 31 Summer Cup
Committee Cup Rd 1
May 24 Stableford Sweep
May 24 Committee Meeting
May 17 Ruskie Hall Open
May 16 Ladies Invitation
May 10 Platinum Jubilee
May 3 Monthly Medal (GM Rd 3)
Monthly Medal (L)
May 1 Epsom Away Day
Apr 26 Shaw Cup [TD]
NAPGC S'ford Qualifier
Apr 22 Committee Meeting (postponed)
Apr 19 Coronation Cup [TD]
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Apr 18 Spring Mixed Foursomes
Apr 12 Monthly Medal GM Rd 2
Monthly Medal (L)
Apr 5 Sweep
Apr 3
Ladies Weekend Away
Mar 29 Sweep - Rd 2
Spring Meeting BB (L)
Mar 25 Committee Meeting
Mar 22 Sweep - Rd 1
Spring Meeting Medal (L)
Mar 15 Winter Comp Rd 8
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Mar 8 Winter Comp Rd 7
Princes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Mar 1 Monthly Medal GM Rd 1
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 25 Committee Meeting
Feb 22 Winter Comp Rd 6
Princes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 15 Winter Comp Rd 5
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 8 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Feb 1 4-Ball Better-ball
Jan 31 Annual Dinner Dance
Jan 28 Annual General Meeting
Jan 25 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 18 Winter Comp Rd 3
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 14 Committee Meeting
Jan 11 Sweep
Sweep (L)
Jan 4 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
2008 Previous year