In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
28 December

3 Sixes

The first 6 holes were Stableford where men conceded 2 shots to ladies. On a back 3 count back, Jim Fogarty emerged the winner from Graeme Syme.

The next 6 holes were the unforgiving Bogey format with men again conceding 2 shots to ladies. Julian James was the clear winner finishing 3 up from John Morris, Sean Dalton and Richard Owen – all 2 up.

The last 6 holes were Medal with ladies receiving 4 shots from men before the 1/3rd reduction. Paul Patching coasted to victory finishing with eagle 18 for his 20.67. John Morris was second with 22.33 – a sixth of a shot ahead of Ian Smith. Julian James would probably have been in the frame but for a 10 at 17. Results...

The Victor Ludorum prize went to non-participant Kerry Sargeant for 3 birdies and an eagle in a gross 65 net 59 round. Mindful that a general play adjustment for Kerry would require referral to SCGU under CONGU Clause 23.4(b) [becoming a Category 1 player] the Handicap Committee will nevertheless keep his performance under close review.

21 December

American Greensomes

Fourteen pairs competed in this popular format. Ladies received 4 shots before the 3/8ths combined allowance and 2 pairs produced a score of 37 points.

On count back, Ian and Julie Smith won on the back 6 from Tracy Wright and Kerry Sargeant. New member Mads Bruun accompanied Sean Dalton to take 3rd position on back 6 count back from Captain Richard Owen and Vice Captain Gurpal Sekhon. Results...

Good teamwork was evident from Peter and Sheena Harrington who recorded the only ‘Two’ at 3.

14 December

Christmas Hamper

After a very wet Saturday, there was a good turn out to play on a rather “muddy” golf course for the Christmas Hamper.

The winner, with a very good score of 40 points was Gurpul Sekhon with Jim Fogarty in second place with 36 points with a better back nine from Julian Ratnage who came third. Men ceded 2 shots to the Ladies and the best lady was Lia Donath with 33 points. Results...

7 December

Monthly Medal / Ladies Team Event


Report by Jayne Maxwell

Thank you everyone for supporting me on my first day as Lady Captain and what a beautiful day it was. The sky was blue, the sun was shining and the frost on the ground made for a very pretty scene even though it was difficult to see and find golf balls!

The game format was the best score on Par 5’s, the best two scores on Par 4’s and the best three scores on Par 3’s. There was a large turnout and it was a fun event.

The winning team on the day was Doreen Dolby, Jini Beacham, Jayne Maxwell and Michele Mair who had 85 points. Results...

Many thanks to everyone who played. The next team event is on Sunday 4th January.


A frosty start greeted competitors, with many NRing early in the round with lost balls.

Back office staff in the Handicap Secretary’s office mulled over the results, fortified by the wine, there were 3 glorious 65s. On a count back, Graeme Syme took the (ginger) biscuit from Jim Fogarty and Gary Flounders. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

6 December

Ladies AGM

The Ladies AGM is scheduled for Saturday 6 December. The venue is THE DYSART at 135 Petersham Road, Richmond, TW10 7AA.

Tee off is 11 am starting with coffee. The AGM follows at 11.30 and a 3-course lunch at 1 pm.

30 November

Champagne Chase


Now we know what motivates Sheena when playing golf: champagne!! For the second year running, Sheena has upped her game to win the Champagne Chase with 35 stableford points. Michele Mair was 2 points behind in 2nd place and Di Jackett a further point behind in 3rd. Results...

The winter mats were in play on some holes and the summer grass tees on others. However, a calculation of the course yardage showed the length had not been decreased by more than 100 yards from the measured course and hence the SSS remained unaltered and this was a Qualifying round. The CSS increased by 2 (34 points equivalent). Ladies handicap list...


A sparkling round of 42 points off the yellow tees from Toby Hunt earned top champagne prize, two ahead of an effervescent Gurpal Sekhon. Players off the yellow tees ceded a shot from handicap, being designated ‘NV’ in the results. A bubbly Chris Genasi emerged from the sediment to win the surprise prize. Results...

The four nearest the pins were won as below with corking tee-shots:

NTP 1 Toby Hunt

NTP 3 Kerry Sargeant

NTP 10 Michele Mair

NTP 13 Toby Hunt

Kerry Sargeant uncorked a jeroboam drive from the back tee cellar to win longest drive at the 16th.

As indicated on the results sheet, CSS computed to a specific gravity of 37. Men's handicap list...

23 November

Winter Comp Rd 2 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 1


Though 11 ladies set out, none played more than 5 holes due to the adverse weather conditions so the competition was abandoned. Results...

Dowling Cup
Winner: Janet Fox (423 aggregate)
2nd: Susan Smith (425 aggregate)


The day started freezing with competitors treating recently fallen snow as optionally casual water or loose impediments, particularly on greens where numerous ‘paths’ became evident. As conditions warmed up, persistent driving rain set in causing less hardy competitors back to the clubhouse.

Conditions eventually ameliorated and some good scores returned – most notably from a couple of Smiths; Ian being victorious on 35 points, one ahead of Rick. Indeed, Ian single-handedly prevented a reduction only round. Results...

In the associated Duke’s Eclectic competition, Ian unsurprisingly takes the early lead on net 72, 8 ahead of Peter Harrington. R1 Leader board...

Lee Eden maintains his lead in the Winter Competition just one ahead of Ian. R2 Leader board...

16 November

Winter Comp Rd 1 / Princes Eclectic Rd 1


The winner of the first Winter Competition of 2008 / 09 was Lia Donath with an excellent score of 36 pts which also gives her the lead in this year's Prince's Eclectic. Di Jackett was in 2nd place with 34 pts & is also 2nd in the Eclectic. Results...

The CSS remained at 71 and there were no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list...

Lia also leads the pack in the cumulative Prince’s Eclectic competition after 2 rounds. R1 Leader board...


Both Julian Ratnage and Gary Flounders stood on the 10th tee with 23 points in the bag - the former with more in reserve having 'blobbed' the 9th. Julian held on over the back 9 to emerge the winner a point ahead of Gary with 42 points. Lee Eden finished a creditable 3rd with 40, despite marker only awarding 39. Results...

Playing over a mixed bag of tees, CSS was unchanged from the yellow tees SSS 38 points giving rise to no fewer than 11 playing handicap changes as indicated on the result sheet. Men's handicap list...

The competition doubled as the opening round for the Prince’s Eclectic in which Paul Appleton takes the early lead on 71, 3 ahead of Messrs. Winter, Meyer, Morris, Sargeant and Syme. R1 Leader board...

With wintry weather forecast for tomorrow, keen competitors will no doubt be looking for birdies on possible short mat/temp greens combos to open their Duke’s Eclectic account.

13 November

2008/2009 Winter Competition

The Men's Winter Competition starts this Sunday and to get everyone in the right spirit Peter Harrington has produced a note to remind us how the competition works. Notice...

9 November

Monthly Medal / Ladies Team Event


The first of our Winter Team Events was played on Sunday 9th November on Dukes.

The game format was 6 - 6 - 6 - the best score counting on the first 6, best 2 on second 6 and best 3 on the final 6 holes. It was a fun event with a great turn out of ladies.

The strongest team on the day was Veronica Mitchell, Christine Brazier, Ros Lake and Di Jackett who had 72 points. Results...

Thanks to all the ladies who played.

The next team event will take place on Sunday 7th December


An exceptional back nine 38 gained Toby Hunt the monthly medal on a count back from an increasingly confident Peter Harrington, both recording net 69. Nigel Marsh finished 3rd, 3 behind. Results...

The mix of play was such as to increase CSS 1 to 71 from SSS. Unusually, no changes in playing handicaps resulted. Men's handicap list...

2 November

Charity Cup

Osman Chaudry hit the course running after a break from golf to emerge the winner with 38 points, one ahead of Kerry Sargeant, Ole Leon-Martin and John Morris. Results...

Kerry seemed to have things in the bag standing on the 18th tee – 2 under par for the back 9 when a loose drive caught the ditch near road. Best lady was captain Di Jackett a point further behind in a competition where men conceded a shot to the ladies.

CSS was 36 pts vs 37 SSS. Men's handicap list...

29 October

Local Rule Notice - Winter Rules
Report by Peter Harrington

Last Sunday the ground condition was pretty mucky and we introduced 'winter rules' for the Lissaman Cup. We took an early decision to confirm 'for the Club playing at Richmond Park' the adoption of Winter Rules for the foreseeable future and the weather over the last few days has only confirmed the full need for winter rules to be available.

I'm sure that you all have a well read copy of the new 'Rules of Golf' book with the revised rules that came into effect on 1st Jan 2008!! Well, just in case you missed the subtlety, the R&A decided to vary ever so slightly the general procedures for 'winter rules' and for obtaining 'relief for an embedded ball'. The following link is an extract of the rules that are now in force - and there is no prize for spotting the difference with former rules. Winter Rules...

26 October

Lissaman Cup

All credit then to Nick Rogers and a very tidy card 39 out 41 back for net 64, three ahead of contenders Messrs. Eden and Sargeant. Best lady was Michele Mair 71. Results...

Toby Hunt distinguished himself in being the only player to record a 2 – at 16th.

For the men, this was the final event in the Top Dog competition and Paul Doran is confirmed the winner four ahead of Graeme Syme. Congratulations to Paul in this his first year with the club. Top Dog Results...

19 October

Monthly Medal


Playing to four under her handicap, Susan Smith won her 3rd monthly medal of the year with an excellent net 67. Janet Fox was four shots behind in 2nd and Di Jackett a further shot behind in 3rd place. Results...

The CSS increased by a shot to 72. Ladies handicap list...

The following 8 ladies qualified for the final of the Barton Bowl which was played in conjunction with the October Monthly Medal: Jini Beacham, Lia Donath, Janet Fox, Sheena Harrington, Julie Smith, Susan Smith, Julie Smyth, Louise Williams.

The victor was Susan Smith with 40 stableford points with Janet Fox in 2nd on 37 points. Barton Bowl Results...


A fluent 3 over par net 61 deservedly earned Paul Appleton the monthly medal, two ahead of Paul Doran 63 and three ahead of Stuart Nash. Results...

Scoring was good generally with CSS dropping one from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

This was the last round of the Grand Medal Trophy with Graeme Syme’s consistency earning him the trophy 3 ahead of Paul Doran. Grand Medal Results...

12 October

Silver Jubilee

Michele Mair is declared the Silver Jubilee winner with 62, two ahead of Rowley Barrett in competition where ladies received a shot for competition results purposes. Results...

CSS evaluated to one under SSS @ 69 for the men. Men's handicap list...

John Morris is confirmed the Anniversary Trophy winner, two ahead of Graeme Syme. Final Leader board...

5 October

Ladies Weekend Away

Ros Gray sees her name on the Gills Hibbs Trophy for her impressive scoring in difficult conditions on the Ladies Weekend Away in northern France. Arthur Dolby won the men's competition. Report...

5 October


In wet conditions, Rowley Narrett emerged the winner on a count-back back 9 from Jim Fogarty. In third place and first Lady was Michele Mair. Results...

Due to the weather conditions the competition has been declared a Non-Qualifier for handicapping purposes.

28 September

Burgess Cup / Autumn Meeting


The Autumn Meeting provided some of the best golfing weather of the year and was blessed with a good turn out of ladies for the four ball better ball competition.

Scoring was generally good and the event was won by Michele Mair and Di Jackett with 43 points. After a count back on the back nine for three pairs with 39 points, Lia Donath and Ann Gardner came second and Veronica Mitchell and Doreen Dolby third. Results...

Many thanks to Julie for providing delicious cakes and Louise for buying prizes!


Guy Saintfiet and Chris Genasi emerged the winners 2 points ahead of a field in which 4 pairs had 37 points. Last year's winners Kerry Sargeant and Graeme Syme were 2nd on the back 9 count back - 21 points which included an eagle at 10. Results...

On the previous day the pairing of Toby Hunt and Paul Grand had won the Men's Doubles Matchplay in a classic final by one hole, but were unable to reproduce their imaginative flair and competitive spirit in the Burgess Cup, finishing mid-order with 32 points. Men's Doubles Results...

21 September

JQ Robertson / Ladies Monthly Medal


With only a relatively small (but elite) field of ladies for the September Monthly Medal, Cheryl Woodhouse took the honours with a one under par net 70, beating Norma Lynch by one shot. Results...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...

JQ Robertson

Report due soon. Results...

20 September

Autumn Mixed Foursomes

The pairing of Julie Smythe and John Morris prevailed in the Autumn Mixed Foursomes over the scratch winners Julie & Ian Smith in second place. More...

15 September

Challenge Cup Winner

The first result of the summer knockout competitions is in. Veronica Mitchell prevailed against Jayne Maxwell in the final of the Ladies Challenge Cup. Results...

14 September

Course Closed

The golf courses are closed on this day to make way for an athletics event at the Park. For more information check with The Royal Parks Agency.

7 September

Monthly Medal / Autumn Meeting


Autumn Meeting Medal Round
In the first part of the Autumn Meeting, in form new member Michele Mair took 1st prize with a net 70, two shots clear of Lorna White in 2nd place. Jini Beacham won Best Front 9 (net 33.5) and Lia Donath Best Back 9 (net 34.5). Results...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...

Committee Cup
The first part of the Autumn Meeting is also the 2nd round of the Committee Cup. Though in 2nd place after the 1st round, Jayne Maxwell's score of 34 points in R2 was good enough to win overall from Louise Williams in 2nd. Sonia Inniss, the 1st round leader, came 3rd. Results...


Report due soon. Results...

7 September

Keys Trophy

Putney Park were clear winners over Richmond Park in a straight shoot out between just the two clubs. More...

5 September

Gill Hibbs Golf Day

Although the weather was slightly wet at times, the Gill Hibbs Golf Day was enjoyed by more than half the Club. View report...

1 September

Gill Hibbs Golf Day

The special day out is fast approaching - Friday 5 September. Club Captain Richard Owen has made available the Itinerary and special notes for the day. More...

31 August

President's Putter

Oblivious to a hornet's nest on 14th tee, game competitor Lynn Richardson returned 41 points off her own handicap. Ceding 2 shots to the men, Lynn finished 3rd to Nigel Marsh (43) and Tony Kopczak (40). Tony elected to play off 23 in the competition (h'cap 24), whilst Messrs. Grand and Hunt didn't check their gross scores properly before returning cards to the Committee. Results...

24 August

Diamond Jubilee

Improver Paul Grand snatched the Diamond Jubilee from Paul Appleton (both 64s) on 18 by stroking in a long birdie putt from off the green for a better countback back 9. Early clubhouse leader Phil Flanagan shot a glorious 65 and best lady was Maureen Slade with 68. Results...

For the men CSS was unchanged from SSS 69. Men's handicap list...

Graeme Syme retains his lead after 3 rounds of the Anniversary Trophy by one shot over John Morris and a further shot over Dave Winter. Jon Copper is also in the mix just 4 shots behind. R3 Leader board...

17 August

Trevor Allen Open

Report due soon. Results...

For the men CSS was one less than SSS 70 @ 69. Men's handicap list...

16 August

Rickmansworth Friendly

Report due soon. More...

16 August

Keys trophy

Report due soon. More...

10 August

Captains' Day

There was a fantastic turnout for Captains' Day even though the weather wasn't great. The course was transformed for the day with two gazebos at the portacabin and flags, stakes and balloons all over Princes.

Huge thanks to Richard and (Mrs) Owen for providing the food together with Norma's tikka chicken, Inge's smoked salmon nibbles and of course Ros Gray's lovely homemade cakes.

Prizes for the day went to:

Men's nearest the pins

3rd - Kerry Sergeant
10th - Richard Owen with prize given to Rowley

Ladies nearest the pins

1st - Ros Gray
13th - Maureen Slade

Longest Drives on the 18th went to Graeme Syme and Louise Williams

Nearest the Captains' drives on the 5th went to Tony Archdale and Maureen Slade

Only Ian & Julie Smith and Janet Fox & Paul Grand beat the Captains' combined scores to claim their prizes.

The overall ladies 1st and 2nd were Sheena Harrington with a net 71 and Louise Williams with a net 73. Results...

Men's report due soon. Results...

Congratulations to all of the winners!

9 August

Mitcham Friendly

The Ladies retained the annual trophy after toughing out a home win for an overall draw. More...

3 August

Monthly Medal


Though only 5 players competed in the August Monthly Medal, it was a hard fought competition. Susan Smith was the overall winner (net 71) from Joan Mulcahy in 2nd place (net 72) who beat Lia Donath on the back 9. Results...


In a closely contested August medal, Stuart Nash raised his game to win by one with a glorious 65 despite 6 at the last. Dave Winter was second with Peter Harrington a further shot behind. Results...

The balance of play on Duke’s resulted in CSS being one lower than SSS at 69. Men's handicap list...

In the Grand Medal Trophy, Graeme now leads Peter by 11. R6 Leader board...

Paul Doran’s performance at NAPGC Stableford Mapledurham in earlier week is confirmed @ 45 points securing him a place at St Andrews. Paul was level par on the back 9.

2 August

Bontor Trophy

The Men prevailed over the Ladies in a close match. More...

27 July

Centurion Open

Louise Williams proved the worthy winner on 60 with two birdies. One shot behind was our handicap secretary, Paul Grand, also with two birdies but with a double bogey at the first, missing a 1 inch putt. Results...

The round saw CSS one below SSS for both the Men and Ladies. Men's handicap list... | Ladies handicap list...

20 July

Monthly Medal


Susan Smith won her first monthly medal in style with a net 67 on the best back 6 from Janet Fox. In 3rd place was Joan Mulcahy on net 70. Results...

The CSS was the same as the SSS (71). Ladies handicap list...


John Morris shot an amazing 64 to win – it could have been better with a 7 at par 3 18th. Results...

The CSS was 71, 1 shot higher than the SSS. Men's handicap list...

Grand Medal R5 Leader board...

13 July

Association Trophy

Matt Jun of PP excelled with a net 57 off 10 – 2 under gross with a hole in one. Stan Potts and Toby Hunt took 2nd and 3rd places for RPGC. Results...

Handicap report due soon. Men's handicap list...

12 July

Men's Invitation

Paul Grand & Lia Donath triumphed in the Men's Invitation over runners-up Dave Keen & Julie Smyth. More...

6 July

Club Championship Round 2


Club Championship
Though Julie Smith shot the best gross score of the day (88), this was not enough to hold off Jayne Maxwell whose two-round total of 178 (89 each round) gives her her first (but undoubtedly not her last) Ladies' Club Championship and ends Julie's four-year reign! Julie was 2nd with a gross 180 and Di Jackett 3rd on 182. R2... | Results...

Handicap Cup
Jayne also proved a worthy winner of the Handicap Cup for the second year running, shooting 3 under her handicap in R1 and 4 under in R2. Her two-round total of net 137 was 11 shots clear of Di Jackett in 2nd who in turn was 6 shots clear of 3rd placed Julie Smith. R2... | Results...

Pembroke Cup
After an exceptional net 67 in round 1, Julie Smyth was unable to hold on to her lead in the Pembroke Cup and slipped back to 4th place overall (net 153). Janet Fox's net 75 in R2 for an overall net 143 gave her a nine-shot winning margin over Jini Beacham in 2nd (152). Lynn Richardson was a further shot behind in 3rd following her 2nd round net 71. R2... | Results...

The CSS was 73, 2 shots higher than the SSS. Ladies handicap list...


Report due soon. Senior results...

Report due soon. Junior results...

Round 2 report due soon. Results...

Handicap report due soon. Handicap results...

The round saw CSS one below SSS. Men's handicap list...

Richmond park Open

David Ruthiven from Putney Park Golf Club won our Open with an astounding 60, three better than our own Dave Winter in 2nd place. Lynn Richardson was best lady with net 70 (after mixed comp results h’cap adj). Results...

29 June

Club Championship Round 1


Club Championship
Playing to 3 under her handicap, Jayne Maxwell's gross 89 takes the lead in the Ladies' Club Championship. Di Jackett lies 2nd on gross 91 with Julie Smith 3rd (92) & Janet Fox 4th (93). R1 Leader board...

Handicap Cup
Jayne Maxwell's net 68 also leads after R1 of the Handicap Cup. Di Jackett is again in 2nd place (net 74) and Cheryl Woodhouse 3rd (76). R1 Leader board...

Pembroke Cup
Playing well under her handicap for the first time in a club qualifying competition, Julie Smyth leads in the Pembroke Cup on net 67, closely followed by Janet Fox on net 68. Jini Beacham lies 3rd (72). R1 Leader board...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...


Paul Appleton leads the Club Championship on 74, three ahead of Paul Patching. In the Junior division Paul Grand (holder) leads Paul Doran by six. The chances of Paul winning Senior/Junior division would appear high! Preliminary gross results... | Preliminary handicap results...

Handicap report due soon. Men's handicap list...

22 June

Putney Park Open

Whilst RPGC performed well taking 3 of the 4 first positions, the winner was C. Dearling of Centurians. Dave Winter was 2nd for RPGC on a back 3 count back from Tony Kopczak. Results...

Early PP manual results delivered with first 5 positions clearly identified – later processing by HandicapMaster furnishing traditional count back positions throughout. Full results...

Men’s CSS remained at SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

21 June

Rickmansworth Friendly

The Club secured a Home win with a strong squad and takes a 4-2 lead to Rickmansworth in August. More...

21 June

Amida Friendly

The Ladies managed a comfortable win against Amida in their very first annual friendly match. More...

15 June

Golden Jubilee

Simon Beard clinched the Golden Jubilee with a 3 over par gross 72 net 62. Preliminary results...

Handicap report due soon. Men's handicap list...

14 June

Association Cup

Report due soon. More...

8 June

Summer Cup / Monthly Medal


A warm sunny day and more run on the ball resulted in some excellent scores in the ladies' June Monthly Medal. In 1st place was Jini Beacham with a scorching net 68, closely followed by Janet Fox on net 69, and Jayne Maxwell in 3rd (71). Results...

There was no change to the SSS (71). Ladies handicap list...


John Morris produced a fine round of golf to claim the Summer Cup with 37 points – 1 ahead of Paul Robinson, Paul Doran and Graeme Syme. John’s card told a story – out in 23, back in 14; 4 ‘blobs’, no 1 pointers and two 4 pointers. Well done John and there’s bags of potential there. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 35 points with John dropping to 23 and Paul Robinson to 25. Men's handicap list...

Paul Grand has provided a few photos of the progress of the works around the portacabin. Pic 1... Pic 2... Pic 3... Pic 4...

7 June

Mitcham Friendly

The Ladies are only just behind after the away leg of the annual friendly match. More...

6 June

News From the Park

Captain Richard Owen has issued the year's first edition of the occasional newsletter - News From the Park. It's available now online. More...

1 June

Monthly Medal / Ladies Committee Cup


Showing a welcome return to form, Sonia Inniss's 36 points gives her the lead in the first round of the Committee Cup. Jayne Maxwell is in 2nd place on 34 pts with Louise Williams 2 pts further back in 3rd. Results...

There was no change to the ladies' SSS of 71 (36 pts equivalent) and no changes to any playing handicaps.


Scoring was very good with nearly a third of the field (12 players) scoring better than or equal to the course SSS of 68. An in form Graeme Syme almost had back-to-back wins but had to settle for 2nd place, beaten on the back 9 by Alan Ingham playing in only his second club competition. Both scored excellent net 62's. Nigel Ward took 3rd spot on net 63, Guy Saintfiet 4th (64) with Osman Chaudry & Paul Doran 5th & 6th respectively with net 65's. Results...

The SSS decreased by 1 to 67. Men's handicap list...

After 4 rounds of the Grand Medal Trophy, Graeme Syme has a commanding lead (15 shots) over Richard Owen in 2nd:

Graeme Syme: 262 total (62/68/70/62)
Richard Owen: 277 total (63/73/75/66)
Nigel Ward: 280 total (69/72/76/63)
Peter Harrington: 283 total (71/72/73/67)
Paul Appleton: 286 total (66/70/72/78)
Julian Diamond: 289 total (68/72/76/73)
John Morris: 291 total (71/74/78/68)
John Sowter: 321 total (77/82/85/77)

These are the only players to have completed all four rounds. Full results due soon.

1 June

White Webbs

The Ladies A Team dropped out of the White Webbs competition at the 2nd round away at Hoebridge. More...

25 May

Platinum Jubilee

The early rain cleared but conditions proved testing. An in-form Graeme Syme sparkled to win with 69, just one ahead of Gurpal Sekhon. President Julie Smith was best lady on the day with a 73, just piping Susan Smith on a back 9 count back. Results...

CSS was unchanged at SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

18 May

Shaw Cup

Against the run of play, Paul Doran recorded his lifetime best score with 44 points (45 off his handicap). Well done Paul. In second place, 8 points away, was Stan Potts. Ladies generally performed well with 3 – Lia Donath, Janet Fox and Louise Williams - returning 34 points; the latter 2 regretting not entering the sweep. Results...

The competition doubled as the NAPGC Stableford qualifier and entrants are indicated on the results sheet.

Men’s CSS was reduced from SSS 37 points to 36 points with 2 changes to playing handicaps. Men's handicap list...

Students of handicapping will be interested to know that Toby Hunt had 3 scores for the day since he signed for a higher score at a hole than actually taken:

  • 33 points off his natural handicap for handicap record purposes
  • 32 points for men’s NAPGC (competition result off natural handicap)
  • 31 points for Shaw Cup (competition result with shot deducted to determine result for mixed handicap)

Who said handicapping was supposed to be simple!

17 May

Ladies' Invitation

The low handicap pairing of Tracy Wright and Kerry Sargeant was at the head of a close finish amongst a large group, with just 6 points separating the top 12 games. More...

11 May

Stableford Sweep

A number of players played matches on this day which reduced the number of competitors, but a very clear winner emerged. Lee Eden triumphed with 37 points, 4 ahead of nearest rival Stan Potts. Best lady was Doreen Dolby with 31 points earning a sweep envelope. Results...

The results reveal that Sonia Inniss was one of just 2 players to record a ‘2’ and further down a scoring analysis of the mixed field will fascinate statisticians.

With no Category 1-3 men coming within 2 of SSS 35 points, the round was declared a ‘Reduction Only’ round for the men – a highly unusual event. Men's handicap list...

4 May

Monthly Medals


Congratulations to Sheena Harrington who was the winner of the May Monthly Medal with a net 75. In 2nd place, 2 shots behind, was Rosalind Lake. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicap.


This was clearly a round which Guy could get his teeth into. With not a carie in the world he proceeded with a dismissive attitude of crowns on the greens with only decay visible at the 7th. A beaming sparkling smile at the clubhouse told all – a glorious 61. Results...

Grand Medal R3 Leader board...

30 April

Coombe Wood Away Day

Dave Williams has prepared a rather soggy report about the recent successful away day held at nearby Coombe Wood. More...

27 April

Coronation Cup & Monthly Medals

Paul Doran is crowned as both the Coronation Cup and April Monthly Medal winner with a net 66, two clear of Graeme Syme. Best lady was Veronica Mitchell 74 on a count back last 3 from Louise Williams. Results...


The Ladies' April Monthly Medal, re-arranged from 6th April when the courses were unplayable due to snow, was finally won by Veronica Mitchell on net 75 who beat Louise Williams on the back 9. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 and this was a non-qualifier for handicapping. Ladies handicap list...

The 27th April was also the qualifier for the NAPGC Ladies' Championship of England which 10 ladies entered. The winners of the Silver (Julie Smith - net 78) and Bronze Divisions (Veronica Mitchell - net 75) are guaranteed a place in the final which takes place at Abbotsley GC on Sunday 17th August.


Paul Doran won the postponed April Monthly Medal by two from Graeme Syme, with Nigel Marsh and Arthur Dolby a further shot back. Paul received his medal after dinner on the Coombe Wood Away Day. Results...

Men’s CSS was reduced from SSS 70 to 69 giving a couple of handicap changes. Men's handicap list...

Grand Medal R2 Leader board...

26 April

Spring Mixed Foursomes

The pairing of Louise Williams & Nigel Marsh won the day in what turned out to be a close competition. More...

20 April

Clapham Common Match v Wycombe Heights

The Club lost their first major outing of the season - in a count back loss against Wycombe Heights. More...

20 April

Men's Sweep & Spring Meeting BB


With a huge 42 points the winning pair were Sheena Harrington and Susan Smith! In 2nd place with 35 points and a marginally better back 6 were Louise Williams and Janet Fox, who beat Di Jackett and Veronica Mitchell into 3rd place. Results...


Report due soon. Results...

13 April

Men's Qualifier & Spring Meeting Medal


The first part of the Ladies' Spring Meeting, the individual medal round, took place on 13th April on Dukes. Not so unlucky was Lynn Richardson who took first prize with a net 78. One shot behind in 2nd was Di Jackett who beat Joan Mulcahy on the back 9. Other prize winners were Molly Hood for the Best Back 9 (net 34.5) and Julie Smith for the Best Front 9 (net 40). Results...

The CSS increased by 3 (35 pts equivalent) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...


Following scrutiny in the Handicap Secretary's office, the prima facie winners have been disqualified under rule 6-6d for signing for wrong score at the 18th. Revised placings see Dave Winter & Paul Appleton the winners with 40 points, 2 ahead of Toby Hunt & Paul Grand. Results...

As holders of the Men's Pairs Match Play Competition Kerry & Graeme will qualify in any account, so the disqualification will only affect this week's sweep results and not the draw for this year's competition. 2008 Draw...

12 April

White Webbs First Round matches

Both Teams A and B played their first round matches on this day. Team A was at home to Iver and Team B played away to Portsmouth, with mixed results. More...

11 April

Committee Notice

The Club Secretary Peter Harrington has issued a timely notice regarding the rearranged fixtures from 6 April and other tidbits. Details...

6 April

Qualifiers & Monthly Medals

Due to the fresh blanket of snow over the course there was no golf on this day. Sheena Harrington kindly submitted this picture over the Dukes course. Snow blanket...

The events for the day have been rearranged. Fixture changes...

30 March


With the clocks coming forward an hour overnight, and early morning rain ceasing shortly before our first tee off time, it turned out to be a lovely sunny Spring day at the park for those who didn’t go on the Weekend Away.

Scoring was generally good with CSS being increased from 38 to 39 stableford points. Men's handicap list...

The winner with 40 points was Captain Richard Owen who earned a further handicap reduction to 12. Kerry Sargeant and Stuart Nash returned fine scores of 39 to finish 2nd and 3rd respectively – the former recording a birdie 3 at SI 1 7th. Results...

23 March


Playing from the white tees for the first time, Paul Doran proved the worthy winner with 39 points (38 per CONGU recommended depiction of mixed results) and achieved a 2 shot reduction in handicap. Preliminary Results...

CSS computed as a Reduction Only round @ +3 (34 points). Men's handicap list...

16 March

Winter Comp Rd 8 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 4


Only 9 ladies ventured out in the cold & rain for the Stableford competition & final round of the Duke's Eclectic on 16th March.

Lia Donath's 32 points were good enough to win, from Susan Smith in 2nd with 29 points who beat Jayne Maxwell with a better back nine. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 shots to 73 (35 points) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

Improving her previous score by 1 shot, Lia also won the Duke's Eclectic on net 70. Julie Smith came a close 2nd on net 71, half a shot ahead of Sheena Harrington in 3rd. Final result...


Chilly and wet conditions combined to produce a round in which handicaps could only increase with CSS remaining unchanged from SSS 38 points. Stuart Nash, Paul Doran and Jon Cooper proved the hardiest competitors on 37 points each with Stuart winning on a count back. More delicate souls headed for the clubhouse and shelter with relief after the round. Results...

Lee Eden held on to win the Winter Competition from Stuart Nash who made a strong challenge, catching up 3 points on the day. The final margin was Lee 117 points to Stuart's 116. Final result...

In the associated Duke’s Eclectic, Ian further increased his lead from Paul Appleton to finish with a net 59 picking up a couple more birdies at 3 and 16 to bring the tally to 6. Final result...

9 March

Mixed Foursomes Qualifier / Sweep

Osman Chaudry was the winner with an impressive 44 points, piping Paul Robinson by 1 point. Four others played to better than SSS (40 points for men): Gary Flounders, John Morris, Nigel Ward and Paul Doran. Results...

A qualifier was not needed for the Mixed Foursomes and many pairs played their first round match on the day. Results...

5 March

Coombe Wood Away day

The Club has arranged an away day to Coombe Wood Golf Club for Wednesday 30th April. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details...

2 March

Monthly Medals


In a closely fought contest for the first LGU Medal of the year, Jayne Maxwell took the spoils with a net 73. Julie Smith was one shot behind in 2nd place and then came 5 others on net 75, Jini Beacham coming top of this group on the best back 9. Results...

This was a Reduction Only competition for handicaps and there were no handicap changes.


Blistering performances from Graeme Syme and Osman Chaudry resulted in 62s with Graeme clinching the medal on the back 9. Results...

Another fine performance from Captain Richard Owen with 63 earned 3rd place and a subsequent General Play Adjustment by the Handicapping Committee resulting in a further 1.0 reduction in handicap to an exact 12.4. Men's handicap list...

29 February

Mixed Foursomes Knockout Qualifier

The Mixed Foursomes Knockout Qualifier is fast approaching, just nine days away on 9 March. If you have already signed up your name will be on the bookings sheet.

If you have not yet entered but would like to participate in the knockout please contact Peter Harrington. If you don't have a willing partner at the ready, just let Peter know and he will endeavour to uncover a match.

In the unlikely event less than 16 pairs have entered there will be a modified event on the day.

29 February

Summer Fixture List

The Club Secretary Peter Harrington has released the 2008 Summer Fixture List. Details...

24 February

Four-ball Better-Ball Pairs

Fortified from the Dinner Dance on the previous evening, Captain Richard Owen and Veronica Mitchell were the clear winners. Richard had the best round of his life returning a gross 3 over par 72, net 58. Results...

17 February

Winter Comp Rd 7 / Dukes Eclectic Rd 3


On a bright, if rather nippy, sunny day, and with the course conditions having markedly improved, scoring was high in the Stableford competition which was also the 3rd round of the Duke's Eclectic. Half of the 14 ladies who competed scored 33 points or above and it was a story of back 9's vs front 9's.

With an excellent score of 21 points on the front 9, Sheena Harrington could not quite keep the momentum going on the back 9 and was pipped into 2nd place by Doreen Dolby, both having 35 points. Four ladies then had 34 points but it was Di Jackett who came out on top, her 22 points on the back 9 not surprisingly beating Jini Beacham who in turn beat Lia Donath on the back 6 who in turn beat Julie Smith on the back 9!! Results...

However, given that the ladies' SSS is 38 points on the Duke's in winter, the CSS increased by 3 (35 points equivalent) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

Knocking 7 shots off her previous score, Lia Donath has taken the lead in the Duke's Eclectic on net 71, but only by a whisker from Sheena Harrington (net 71½) who improved her own score by 6 shots. Julie Smith is close behind on 72, though there are others who could also still win. R3 Leader board...


Stan Potts emerged as winner for round 7 of the Winter Competition with an excellent 40 points. There followed five with 39 points, with 2nd being determined as Ian Smith on a last hole count-back from Stuart Nash. Results...

CSS was reduced from SSS by one to 39 points. Men's handicap list...

One of the other 39s, Lee Eden, now leads the Winter Competition two ahead of Paul Appleton with Peter Harrington a point further behind. R7 Leader board...

In the associated Duke’s Eclectic, Ian Smith on 61 now leads Paul Appleton by one. R3 Leader board...

16 February

2007 Secretary's Annual Report

Club Secretary Peter Harrington delivered his annual report for last year at the AGM in January. He has now made it available for online access. 2007 Annual Report...

Please check regularly the Committee Notices pages for the latest Committee announcements and other information on Club affairs.

10 February

Winter Comp Rd 6 / Stableford Sweep


Despite the glorious weather, most of the ladies still struggled with the state of the course, especially the front 9 holes. However, Susan Smith proved a worthy winner on 35 points with Maureen Slade in 2nd on 32 points. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 (34 points) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...


In spring-like conditions, Itsawat scored heavily to win round 6 on Prince’s with scope for improvement – 2 ‘scrubs’ - his total of 43 points making him the convincing winner 3 ahead of Julian Ratnage and 4 ahead of Julian James. Handicap Secretary Paul Grand was the best of 6 38s with a back nine 23 points. Results...

Members basked in the sun’s rays after the competition.

The balance of play resulted in CSS remaining at SSS 40. Men's handicap list...

The Winter Competition has just 2 rounds (on Duke’s) to go and looks close with Paul Appleton, Peter Harrington and Richard Owen one ahead of Lee Eden and Julian James. But a winner may yet emerge from the pack, for example Itsawat could come with a late run but needs a Duke’s score. R6 Leader board...

The Prince’s Eclectic was won by Toby Hunt with some strategic scoring in the 4th round. The results sheet depicts Toby winning ‘on the back 6’ from Gurpal Sekhon – both with 62s. Our new handicapping software uses the handicap at the end of the competition and rounds up a halved handicap. However, on the traditional method of exact ½ handicap before any adjustment, Toby would also have finished winner 62:62.5. Accordingly the Handicap Secretary has not not manually changed the results as presented. Well done indeed to both Toby and Gurpal. Prince's Eclectic Results...

3 February

Monthly Medal / Team Event


The Ladies February Team Event was a 4-Ball Better-Ball Pairs competition. Pairs were randomly picked from those who were brave enough to face the cold and very strong wind!

The winning pair was Di Jackett & Sheena Harrington with 35 points, closely followed by Julie Smith & Ros Lake with 33 points. Susan & Maureen scored 30 and Jayne & Inge 28. Results...

Thanks to Julie who brought along delicious cakes which were most welcome with our tea on the 19th.


A biting cold wind numbed the senses of competitors for the monthly medal, only abated in the more sheltered parts of the course. Of hardy stock, Jim Fogarty shrugged off such intemperate conditions to clinch the medal with a 68 in a very tidy card marred only by a 9 at 12. A battle royal between captain Richard Owen and previous captain Jon Cooper saw the latter claim runner-up position on a back 9 count-back. Kerry Sargeant regained composure with a remarkable one over par back 9. Results...

No category 1-3 players came within 2 of SSS 66 and the round was declared a reduction only round for handicapping purposes. Men's handicap list...

1 February

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subs are due on 1st February. The rate remain unchanged at £50, with Senior members paying £25 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February).

Make cheques payable to RPGC and either see Club treasurer Dave Williams at the Park on Sundays or email Dave to discuss other options.

27 January

Winter Comp Rd 5  / Prince's Eclectic Rd 4


After coming second in each of the previous 2 weeks' stableford competitions it was 3rd time lucky for Lynn Richardson who notched up a winning score of 35 points. Di Jackett was 3 points behind in 2nd place. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 (34 points) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicaps. Ladies handicap list... 

Lynn's excellent round, which included 5 pars, also clinched the Prince's Eclectic for her with a net score of 73½ off half handicap. In 2nd place was Cheryl Woodhouse on net 76. Prince's Eclectic Results...


Captain elect Richard Owen shot an exemplary round with 40 points, just beating Lee Eden on a back 6 count back. Stanley Hunt and Richard Kenwood were just 1 behind. Results...

The balance of play delivered CSS 38 vs SSS 40. Men's handicap list...

Richard’s round gives him the lead in the Winter Competition, 2 ahead of Ian Smith with Peter Harrington 1 further behind. R5 Leader board...

Toby Hunt and Jon Cooper are now tied in the associated Prince's Eclectic with just one round left. R3 Leader board...

The portacabin roof seems to have sustained the heavy shower on Thursday. For members who hitherto can only visualise the damage, attached are a couple of snaps. Pic 1... Pic 2...

20 January

Winter Comp Rd 4  / Dukes Eclectic Rd 2


Lia Donath's 34 points, a good score in the wet & muddy conditions, were good enough to win the day's stableford competition. An in-form Lynn Richardson came 2nd with 33 points. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicaps. Ladies handicap list... 

Half way through the Duke's Eclectic, again the scores are very close. Julie Smith leads on net 75½, followed by Louise Williams on 77, Sheena Harrington on 77½ and Lia Donath on 78. R2 Leader board...


Improver Julian James took advantage of the short winter course to win with 40 points, just one ahead of Paul Appleton who continues to demonstrate why he is current Top Dog. A further couple of points behind were consistent Winter Competition contenders Ian Smith and Peter Harrington. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 with again no changes to playing handicaps. Men's handicap list...

In the Winter Competition to date, Stuart Nash remains ahead on 106 from Peter Harrington on 104. And Francois Lemaigre and Ian Smith trial both on 103. R4 Leader board...

In the associated Duke's Eclectic Ian Smith is a clear leader by 4. R2 Leader board...

Perched on a homemade ladder, a handyman patched up the portacabin roof following a partial collapse during the previous week.

18 January

Changes to the Rules of Golf for 2008

There has been quite a few changes this year to the rules of golf. Captain Jon Cooper has helpfully given some pointers in this report. Changes to the Rules of Golf...

13 January

Stableford Sweep / Prince's Eclectic Rd 3


With everyone struggling in the mud particularly on the front 9, nearly everyone had a better back 9 score. Julie Smith (32 points) just pipped Lynn Richardson by 1 point to win the stableford competition. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicaps. Ladies handicap list... 

With 3 rounds played in the Prince's Eclectic, the results are very close and there is all to play for in the final round. Julie Smith has a narrow lead on 80½, followed by Lynn Richardson and Di Jackett both on 81½, then Cheryl Woodhouse on 82 and Maureen Slade on 83. R3 Leader board...


Some excellent sores were returned in wet and muddy conditions off winter tees. Gurpal Sekhon triumphed with 43, followed by Francois Lemaigre 42 and Ian Smith 41. Results...

CSS was reduced from SSS 40 to 38. Men's handicap list...

9 January

February Shuffle

The Committee has shuffled the fixture list for February to align with the new date for the Dinner Dance.

The Ladies have made some further alterations, moving forward the remaining Princes Eclectic rounds. It now finishes in January. Fixture changes...

6 January

Monthly Medal / Team Event


The first competition of the New Year was a team event. Three Sixes (1 score counts at holes 1-6, 2 scores count at holes 7-12, 3 scores count at holes 13-18). The Lady Captain's team of Doreen Dolby, Lynn Richardson, Christine Stewart & Di Jackett won the day with 83 points. In 2nd place was Christine Brazier, Ros Gray, Sheena Harrington & Norma Lynch with 80 points. Results...


For the first time in living memory for January, play was off the grass tees and normal greens. Early frost melted but it was very muddy. All credit then to the winner of The January Millennium Monthly Medal with a glorious 65 – Richard Kenwood. On a count-back over the last 6 holes, Treasurer Dave Williams on 68 claimed 2nd from Kerry Sargeant. Results...

As the new-style results depict, a high % of Category 1-3 players for the second week in a row (50%) returned within 2 of SSS, resulting in CSS being reduced to 67. A statistical quirk – no changes to any playing handicaps. Men's handicap list...

Bournemouth Open week arrangements are now published at or via the Club website (The Club-> External Links-> Friends).

3 January

Dinner Dance Date Change
Report by Peter Harrington

The Committee has decided to move the date of the Annual Dinner Dance. In short, one of us had to shift - it was either RPGC at The Winning Post, or the RFU and 80,000 spectators for the England vs Wales 6 Nations International at Twickers. We decided in the end that discretion is the better part of valour and the Club's dinner dance will now be on the comparatively 'quiet' Saturday, 23rd February 2008.

So, armed with this information, your immediate actions should be -

  • to print off the Dinner Dance reminder,
  • to grab your diary and scribble through the old day (2nd Feb) and plant a big DD mark for 6:00pm on Sat 23rd Feb at The Winning Post, and
  • to email me by return and say how many extra tickets you want for all the guests that you will be inviting along for the evening!!

The good news is that there is no limit to the number of guests that you may wish to bring along.

Upcoming Events
2009 New Year
Jan 4 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Jan 11 TBA
Jan 18 Winter Comp Rd 3
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 25 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
TBA Annual General Meeting
Jan 31 Annual Dinner Dance
Previous Events
Dec 28 3 Sixes
Dec 21 American Greensomes
Dec 14 Christmas Hamper
Dec 7 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Dec 6 Ladies AGM Luncheon
Nov 30 Champagne Chase
Champagne Chase (L)
Nov 23 Winter Comp Rd 2
Dukes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 16 Winter Comp Rd 1
Princes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 9 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Nov 2 Charity Cup
Oct 26 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Oct 19 Monthly Medal GM 8
Monthly Medal (L)
Oct 12 Silver Jubilee [AT]
Oct 5 Sweep
Oct 3-5 Ladies Weekend Away
Oct 1 Committee Meeting
Sep 28 Burgess Cup
Autumn Meeting BB (L)
Sep 21 JQ Robertson
Monthly Medal (L)
Sep 20 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Sep 7 Monthly Medal GM 7
Autumn Meeting Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 2 (L)
Sep 7 Keys Trophy
Sep 5 Gill Hibbs Golf Day
Aug 31 President's Putter [TD]
Aug 24 Diamond Jubilee [AT]
Aug 20 Committee Meeting
Aug 17 Trevor Allen Open
Aug 16 Rickmansworth Friendly
Aug 16 Bette Hill Trophy
Aug 10 Captains' Day [TD]
Captains' Day (L)
Aug 9 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Aug 3 Monthly Medal GM 6
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 2 Bontor Trophy
Jul 27 Centurion Open
Jul 23 Committee Meeting
Jul 20 Monthly Medal GM 5
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 13 Association Trophy
Jul 12 Men's Invitation
Jul 6 Club Champ'shp Rd 2
Club Champ'shp Rd 2 (L)
Richmond Park GC Open
Jun 29 Club Champ'shp Rd 1
Club Champ'shp Rd 1 (L)
Jun 22 Putney Park Open
Jun 21 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 21 Amida Friendly (L)
Jun 15 Golden Jubilee [AT] [TD]
Jun 14 Association Cup
Jun 8 Summer Cup
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 7 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Jun 1 Monthly Medal GM 4
Committee Cup Rd 1 (L)
Jun 1 White Webbs (L)
May 28 Committee Meeting
May 25 Platinum Jubilee [AT]
May 18 Shaw Cup [TD]
NAPGC Stableford Qualifier
May 17 Ladies' Invitation
May 11 Stableford Sweep
May 4 Monthly Medal GM 3
Monthly Medal (L)
Apr 30 Coombe Wood Away Day
Apr 27 Coronation Cup [TD]
Monthly Medal GM 2
Monthly Medal (L)
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Apr 26 Spring Mixed Foursomes
Apr 23 Committee Meeting
Apr 20 Clapham Common Match
Apr 20 Sweep
Spring Meeting BB (L)
Apr 13 Qualifier for Men's Pairs
Spring Meeting Medal (L)
Apr 12 White Webbs Matches
Apr 6 Qualifiers for Men's Single Match Play
Monthly Medal GM 2
Monthly Medal (L)
Mar 30 Sweep
Mar 28
Ladies Weekend Away
Mar 23 Sweep
Mar 16 Winter Comp Rd 8
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4
Mar 12 Committee Meeting
Mar 9 Qualifier for Mixed Foursomes
Friendly Sweep
Mar 2 Monthly Medal GM 1
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 24 Four-ball BB
Feb 23 Annual Dinner Dance
Feb 17 Winter Comp Rd 7
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3
Feb 17 Ladies Committee Meeting
Feb 13 Committee Meeting
Feb 10 Winter Comp Rd 6
Stableford (L)
Feb 3 Monthly Medal
Feb Team Event (L)
Feb 1 Annual Subs Due
Jan 31 Annual General Meeting
Jan 27 Winter Comp Rd 5
Princes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Jan 23 Ladies Committee Meeting
Jan 20 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 16 Committee Meeting
Jan 13 Stableford Sweep
Princes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 6 Monthly Medal
Jan Team Event (L)
2007 Previous Year