In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
30 December

Stableford Sweep

Benign and at times spring-like conditions were conducive to good scores from the men. Handicap Secretary Paul Grand ended up the winner with 42 points – acquiring a club during the round. Excellent 40s were returned from Paul Appleton and Kerry Sargeant, the former in his last competitive round with a non-conforming driver and the latter effecting a return to his natural Category 1 home. Results...

With 55% of category 1-3 competitors returning within 2 of SSS 38, CSS was elevated to 39, limiting handicap reductions. Men's handicap list...

The Handicap Secretary has prepared the CONGU Summary of Scores Report for 2007. Men's Summary of Scores...

23 December

American Greensomes

In thick foggy conditions, the paucity of available forecaddies from the caddy master meant that members had to exercise caution when playing. One game utilised the piercing whistle of one of its talented numbers to signal when safe for following game to play.

But scoring was good, and a count back separated the winners Messrs. Owen and Keen from Nash and Fogarty –each with 37 points. Husband and wife team Anne and Jack Koychev clinched 3rd place, 4 points further behind. Results...

16 December

Winter Competition Rd 3


Whilst many ladies seemed to struggle, probably under the weight of copious layers of clothing to keep the cold out, new member Lynn Richardson won the first club competition she played in with 33 pts! Sonia Inniss was one point adrift in 2nd place. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicaps. Ladies handicap list... 

After 2 rounds of the Princes Eclectic, Cheryl Woodhouse leads on net 82, having knocked 10 shots off her 1st round score. Close on her heels is Maureen Slade on net 83. R2 Leader board...


Stuart Nash excelled with 40 points to win, just a point from Osman Chaudry with Peter Harrington a further point behind. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 (67). Men's handicap list...

Stuart has a commanding lead in the Winter Competition, 8 clear of Francois Lemaigre. R3 Leader board...

A focused round from Toby Hunt gives Toby a 1.5 lead in the Prince’s Eclectic. R2 Leader board...

9 December

Christmas Hamper

Cold off Santa’s sleigh are the Christmas Hamper results and latest men’s handicaps.

A dreadful weather forecast probably left a number of potential competitors having a leisurely breakfast and morning. For those testing the elements, an amelioration in conditions came and the winner with 36 points was John Ahad from Dave Williams 35. Jim Fogarty had the better back 9 from Francois Lemaigre to claim 3rd place. Best lady (all gave away a shot in the competition) was Janet Fox on 32 points. Results...

Men’s CSS was same as SSS @ 36 giving rise to no playing handicap changes. Men's handicap list...

2 December

Monthly Medal / Team Event


A Texas Scramble had been planned but the best laid plans...

Filthy weather meant fewer players so the ladies reverted to an individual Stableford competition. Even so, only 2 ladies completed all 18 holes out of a starting field of 10 - Lia Donath with a top score of 28 pts and Susan Smith with 22 pts. Well done to these ladies for braving the elements! Results...


Report due soon. Results...

29 November

News From the Park

Vice Captain Richard Owen has issued the next edition of the occasional newsletter - News From the Park. It's available now online. More...

25 November

Champagne Chase


Fighting over the champagne this year were Sheena Harrington & Lia Donath both on 35 pts, with Sheena emerging triumphant with the best back 9. Jan Oliver was 3rd with 31 pts. Results...

There were no changes to the SSS @ 37 pts.


Tony Kopczak uncorked a vintage performance to win with 38 points followed by a sparkling 36 from Toby Hunt and at times effervescent play from Peter Harrington and Jon Cooper with 34s. Results...

Original gravity was maintained at CSS 36 (yellow).

18 November

Winter Competition Rd 2


Lia Donath won the first winter Stableford Competition on Princes with 31 pts and takes the lead in the Eclectic after the 1st round. Results...

Maureen Slade was 2nd on both counts. R1 Leader board...

The CSS increased by 3 (33 pts) and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.

Di Jackett triumphed over Angela Flynn in the Challenge Cup, winning on the 17th. Results...


Pleasant conditions on Prince’s playing from yellow tees produced better scoring, with 3 competitors vying for first place on 39 points. A count back placed Jon Cooper 1st over Dave Winter and Toby Hunt. Secretary Peter Harrington fell foul of rule 32-2 (click here). Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 38 points. Men's handicap list...

Francois Lemaigre holds the lead in the Winter Competition, 3 ahead of Stuart Nash. R2 Leader board...

In the Prince’s Eclectic a sprinkling of birdies is evident with Toby taking the early lead by half a shot from Jon Cooper and Dave Winter. R1 Leader board...

11 November

Winter Competition Rd 1


In the first Winter Stableford event of 2007 / 08, Julie Smith's 35 points were just enough to win, from Cheryl Woodhouse in 2nd (34 pts) and Sheena Harrington a further point behind in 3rd. Results...

This gave Julie the lead in the first round of the Eclectic on Dukes on net 79½ with Sheena in 2nd on net 82½. R1 Leader board...


Early rainy conditions ameliorated to allow competitors to concentrate on a tough task off the back marker post. Most focused was Francois Lemaigre with 37 points in spite of 2 holes with no points. 3 points back were Messrs. Archdale, Nash and Smith, the latter being the early leader in the Eclectic with two of the 4 birdies recorded on the day. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 35 points. Men's handicap list...

Ian Smith strolled into an early 5 point lead in the Eclectic as on the day only 4 competitors recorded scores at each hole. R1 Leader board...

This coming Sunday sees round 2 played off yellow tee markers or mats.

9 November

Ladies AGM - Change of Venue

The Ladies AGM will be held on Saturday 1st December at 11.15 a.m. (coffee) for 11.30 a.m.

There has been a venue change from the originally mentioned venue owing to the rugby match. The venue is now Le Sauveur 201 Upper Richmond Road West, East Sheen.

This is the sister restaurant of Brula. We have changed the venue because all parking around Brula will be suspended because of the Rugby Match. There is free parking on Saturdays in the surrounding roads.

A report will be given by the retiring Lady Captain, Cheryl Woodhouse, the Secretary, Sonia Inniss and the Treasurer, Maureen Slade followed by the election of officers and committee members. There will be two vacancies on the committee created by retiring members. Jayne Maxwell and Louise Williams have been nominated.

A collection for the Mulberry Centre, a charity based at West Middlesex Hospital for cancer sufferers and their carers will be held at the luncheon.

The retiring Lady Captain has on open house for all lady members after the luncheon, for those wishing to party on! For further information please contact the Lady Captain.

4 November

Monthly Medal / Team Event


In the first team event of the Winter 07 / 08 season, a new format was played whereby 1 score counts on the par 5's, 2 scores on the par 4's and 3 scores on the par 3's (though this has been played before on weekends away).

With a very good 81 points, the winning team comprised Lia Donath, Sheena Harrington, Sonia Inniss and Rosalind Lake. Just two points behind in 2nd place were Molly Hood, Pia Langeland, Norma Lynch and Julie Smith. Results...

Sheena Harrington and Julie Smith are the inaugural winners of the Double C Cup. Results...


Winner of the medal was Gurpal Sekhon with an amazing 62 which was built on a firm outward nine of gross 39. Three behind was a plucky 65 from injured Handicap Secretary Paul Grand (who just avoided a ‘cut’ **) and then Stuart Nash with 66. But for 10 in index 1 7th, Stuart could have clinched it and sympathies go out to him. Results...

** The balance of play for Category 1, 2 and 3 players (30% 2, 70% 3) was that 38% played within two shots of SSS resulting in CSS being reduced to 67.

28 October

Lissaman Cup

Early starters Lee Eden and Jim Fogarty took the top honours in the Lissaman Cup which was played for a change on Duke’s. Lee’s winning score was a net 70, one head of Jim. Conditions were better than previous, but varied and autumnal. Results...

The final Top Dog positions confirm Paul Appleton as the winner – his JH Taylor victory being the clincher. Toby Hunt finished a very creditable 2nd. Top Dog results...

25 October

News From the Park

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the next edition of the occasional newsletter - News From the Park. It's available now online. More...

24 October

Winter Tee Times
Report by Peter Harrington

This is a quick note to let everyone know that as we move towards winter we have our usual playing order change that takes effect from this Sunday.

The playing sequence for the winter season will be in the order of 4 men's games, followed by the ladies' section occupying 4 or 5 games, and the residue of the men will play after the ladies.

Although it has been annoying that our start times have recently been delayed we expect the situation to settle down shortly and our first game should tee off no later than 8:45, the first of the ladies' games should tee off at 9:13, and the final contingent of men should start to tee off at 9:48. I have my fingers crossed that this schedule will become the norm and I would like to remind everyone that we like to see players at the portacabin 30 minutes before their anticipated tee time.

For those that are playing this Sunday don't forget that the clocks go back, and also don't forget that it's the Lissaman Cup - ' three clubs and a putter '. Anyone who wants to play but their name is not on the booking sheet please email by return and your name will be added..

21 October

Silver Jubilee


In a very close fought contest for the October Monthly Medal, Julie Smith emerged victorious with a net 72, beating Maureen Slade on the Back 9. Angela Flynn was one shot behind in 3rd. Results...

LGU Silver Medal
Only 4 ladies completed the necessary 4 rounds in the LGU Silver Medal. Sheena Harrington's aggregate score of +9 beat Julie Smith into 2nd place by 1 shot. Results...

LGU Bronze Medal
Veronica Mitchell and Louise Williams had to be content with joint 2nd place, narrowly beaten by Jan Oliver's winning aggregate score of +20. Results...


Report due soon. Results...

14 October

Charity Cup & Barton Bowl


With an excellent 40 points, Norma Lynch won the MacMillan Charity Competition with Maureen Slade in 2nd place on 38 pts. Results...

The CSS was 73 / 35 pts, an increase of 2 over the SSS. Ladies handicap list...

Congratulations to Maureen Slade who also won the Barton Bowl play-off which was played on the same day. This makes it the 2nd year in a row for Maureen. She beat Sheena Harrington into 2nd place. Results...


Report due soon. Results...

7 October

Autumn Meeting Rd 2 (L)
Report by Cheryl Woodhouse

The second round of the autumn meeting took place on 7th September and was well attended by 22 playing ladies.

The format was a 4 ball better ball off 3/4 individual handicap. Although the scores were not record breaking Julie Smyth and Lorna White were clear winners by 3 points. The winning partnership dove-tailed well from hole to hole, but it was noted that Julie played well below handicap and so it will not be long before she is cut. Results...

The weather was warm and sunny and the ladies, enjoying a glass of wine and refreshments organised by Veronica Mitchell and one of Julie's famous cakes, collected their hard fought and won prizes and monthly medals since May this year.

It was good to see ladies playing who had not been to the Park for some months, returning to the fold and there was a special welcome to Jayne Maxwell, who is still in plaster. Jayne, unfortunately, broke a leg whilst playing for the ladies of Richmond Park in a friendly match against Amida in September.

Thank you ladies for making the meeting a special occasion.

7 October

Monthly Medal

A superior back 9 of 38 gave Peter Harrington the monthly medal from Kerry Sargeant – both with 68s. There were three 69s in the pack following from Messrs. Winter, Smith and Diamond. Results...

CSS remained as SSS at 68 with just one playing handicap change – for handicap secretary Paul Grand with a cut from 18 to 17. As always his round could have been much better until a 10 and a 9 blotted his card. Men's handicap list...

This was the final round of the Grand Medal Trophy and Ian Smith is confirmed as winner, four ahead of Kerry Sargeant – well done Ian. Final standings...

30 September


A range of card scores were returned in last Sunday’s Sweep, but Paul Robinson emerged victorious on 39 points, one ahead of Dave Winter who had a fine 38 and Michael Rossiter on 37 points. Results...

CSS was elevated one from SSS @ 36. Men's handicap list...

30 September

Ladies Weekend Away

There was plenty of action on the Ladies Weekend Away at Ufford Park in Suffolk as the Gills Hibbs Trophy was contested for the very first time. More...

23 September

JH Taylor Shield Final Result
Report by Phil Flanagan

The Men's Singles Matchplay Final for the JH Taylor Shield was played over the Princes Course on the 23rd September with Paul Appleton giving Phil Flanagan 4 shots in the match. View pre-match photo...

All square after 5 holes was the prelude to a storming run of 9 holes in level par by Paul which gave him a well deserved 5 & 4 victory. Paul was unavailable for comment after the victory, as he had left his meter running, but Phil said that his policy regarding the tipping of cabbies will remain unchanged. Results...

23 September

Autumn Meeting & Committee Cup Rd 2 (L)

In the first part of the Ladies' Autumn Meeting, the individual medal round, Janet Fox took first prize with a net 70, two shots clear of Di Jackett in 2nd. Sheena Harrington won the Best Front 9 (net 34½) and Norma Lynch the Best Back 9 (net 37½). Results...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...

The first part of the Autumn Meeting is also the 2nd round of the Committee Cup. Unfortunately, 5 of the top 6 ladies from R1 did not play in R2. Though in 9th place after R1, Di Jackett's R2 score of 35 points clinched the Cup (64 points aggregate), four points clear of Julie Smith in 2nd. Final standings...

23 September

Burgess Cup

The winners of a closely contested Burgess Cup were the pairing of Graeme Syme and Kerry Sargeant with 42 points, just one ahead of John Ahad and Tim Meyer. A couple of points further behind were Nigel Ward and Tony Kopczak. Results...

22 September

Amida Friendly Match

The Ladies prevailed in the inaugural friendly match against Amida GC. Results...

21 September

Fixture changes

The third round of the Winter Competition has been swapped with the Champagne Chase. Details...

The Ruffians Ryder Cup is likely to be held on a later date, perhaps later in October. More information will be provided as it becomes available.
16 September

JQ Robertson

Four 39s were returned, but the winner with 23 points on the back 9 was Ros Gray from John Ahad, Dave Winter and Molly Hood. Michael Rossiter continued to show good form with 38 points. Results...

CSS was one more than SSS @ 36. Men's handicap list...

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy there were no changes in the leader-board with Paul Appleton still leading Toby Hunt. R6 Leader board...

9 September

Course Closed

The golf courses are closed on this day to make way for an athletics event at the Park. For more information check with The Royal Parks Agency.

Some of the members are gathering at Airlinks GC and a first tee time of about 8:56 was mentioned. For more information contact Stuart Nash at or Airlinks GC directly at 0208 561 1418.

8 September

Autumn Mixed Foursomes

Janet Fox & Paul Grand triumphed over second place Julie & Ian Smith, who also won the scratch prize. Results...

4 September

Mixed Foursomes Knockout Final Result
Report by Phil Flanagan

The needle match of the 2007 summer season pitting the Dolby’s against each other in the Final of the Mixed Foursomes knockout competition was played out over the Dukes course on 2nd September.

The battle raged for 17 holes until Doreen Dolby and her playing partner Phil Flanagan triumphed over Pia Langeland and Arthur Dolby, 3&1. Arthur now has a ‘trophy bride’. Results...

2 September

Monthly Medal & Diamond Jubilee

Itsawat Mahadumwronkul found his rich vein of form again to take the Diamond Jubilee with a glorious 65, three ahead of a tidy 68 from Tom Scarr. Jayne Maxwell and Jubilee specialist Sheen Harrington were best ladies with 73s. Results...

Richard Owen celebrated with a 70 to extend his lead from Sheena Harrington in the Anniversary Trophy, his round marred only by a 9 at the 4th. R3 Leader board...


The ladies' September Monthly Medal was a close-run thing. A costly 8 at the 12th hole for Sheena Harrington meant that Jayne Maxwell claimed the spoils on the BB9, both ladies carding a net 74. Louise Williams, Janet Fox & Christine Stewart were all one shot further behind.. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 shots over the SSS and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

With only the October Medal to go, Sheena Harrington leads the LGU Silver Medal with an aggregate score of +9 from Julie Smith on +14. R9 Leader board...

Again, with one round to go in the LGU Bronze Medal, four ladies are in contention, the current leader being Jan Oliver on +20 aggregate. Veronica Mitchell is in 2nd place on +21, Louise Williams 3rd on +22 and Jayne Maxwell in 4th on +25. R9 Leader board...


CSS was unchanged from SSS @ 70. Men's handicap list...

In a well timed move in the Grand Medal Trophy, Ian Smith stamped his authority on the leader-board being 4 ahead of Kerry Sargeant. R7 Leader board...

26 August

Golden Jubilee

No fewer than six 68s were recorded, but on count back China Ndou proved the winner from Janet Fox, Ian Smith, Paul Appleton, Richard Owen and Francois Lemaigre. Congratulations to China on his first competitive win. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS at 68. Men's handicap list...

In the associated Anniversary Trophy after two Jubilees Richard Owen emerges the leader, 4 ahead of Sheena Harrington. R2 Leader board...

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy another change in the barking order results. Thoroughbred Paul Appleton now heads the Trophy table two points ahead of Toby Hunt and form guarantees him at least another 8 points from the J H Taylor final on 23 September. R5 Leader board...

19 August

Captains' Day


18 intrepid ladies braved the elements on 19th August for Captain's Day. The ladies played an individual medal round and a team competition. And Julie Smyth won a special award for the player going into the water and bunkers the most.

Money was collected for the Lady Captain's Charity "The Mulberry Centre". The monies collected on Sunday will add to the £570 already donated this year.

The caption competition was won by Ros Gray. The subject was the Captains, Jon and Cheryl, looking down the 18th hole with the camera looking out of the hole. And the winning caption "Look it's Lena".

Lena Kenny fought off this slight, by winning the "Spot the Captains' Balls" on the putting green. The solution is on the notice board.

Nearest the pins on Duke's 3rd hole and 16th were won by Maureen Slade and Julie Smith respectively.

The team competition was won by Angela Flynn, Ros Gray, Lia Donath and Veronica Mitchell.

The overall winner was Ros Gray on a very creditable 69 and Sheena Harrington was the runner up with 73. Results...

The SSS increased by one to 72. Ladies handicap list...

Refreshments were enjoyed by all after the event into the early evening when the rain held off and we were able to socialise outside.


Initial inclement conditions ameliorated allowing good scoring in particular from Toby Hunt 1st with net 67 and Ian Smith 68. Results...

The balance of play delivered CSS one lower than SSS at 69. Men's handicap list...

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy, a new barking order emerged with Toby Hunt now growling on 18 points just a tail-wag from Dave Williams. R4 Leader board...

18 August

Rickmansworth Friendly Match

Report due soon. Results...

18 August

Keys trophy

Report due soon. Results...

18 August

Bette Hill Rose Bowl

After a gap of two years this competition has been reinstated. The match was played on Saturday 18th August on the Duke's course between Richmond Park Ladies and White Lodge Ladies. The format is a stableford competition. Each team consists four players off full handicap. The winning team is the one with the highest total of stableford points.

Richmond Park Ladies were triumphant by one point. The winning team comprised Lena Kenny, Ros Gray, Susan Smith and Veronica Mitchell. Refreshments were kindly provided by White Lodge.

12 August

Trevor Allen Open

Buoyed no doubt with an eagle at 2, Kerry Sargeant proceeded to demolish Prince’s with 5 birdies on the remaining holes to finish with a 3 under par 66 and a nett 60. Well done to Kerry. Di Jackett shot an amazing 64 to take second and of course best ladies’ place. Three RPGC men shot 65s – Graeme Syme, Richard Kenwood and Ian Smith. Results...

CSS computed to one less than SSS @ 67. Men's handicap list...

11 August

Ladies Mitcham Match

The ladies prevailed in the away leg of the annual match with Mitcham Golf Club. Report...

5 August

Monthly Medal


Showing a welcome return to form, Molly Hood won the August Monthly Medal with a two-under-par net 70. Two strokes behind in 2nd place was Julie Smith. Results...

The CSS remained unchanged at 71. Ladies handicap list...


In the Monthly Medal Tony Archdale triumphed with a 66, one ahead of John Ahad. Results...

In the Grand Medal Trophy Kerry Sergeant remains the leader, although only three competitors have played the required 5 rounds to date. R6 Leader board...

29 July

President's Putter

Tony Kopczak brushed aside the opposition to claim the President’s Putter with 38 points, two clear of Nigel Ward and Toby Hunt. Best lady was Ros Gray from Christine Stewart, both with 33 points. 31 players beat the President’s score of 27 points. Results...

CSS for the round was one less than SSS 37 @ 36. Men's handicap list...

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy, Dave Williams maintained his bite with a margin of four points, being the only player on the leader board to pick up any points in this round. R3 Leader board...

Additional Report from The President Julie Smith

31 players were skilful (or lucky) enough to beat my woeful score of 27 points and went into the Grand Prize Draw. The two names drawn at random were:

1st: Sheena Harrington who wins a dozen golf balls of her choice

2nd: Graeme Syme who wins a bottle of Wolf Blass "President's Selection" white wine

13 players (unlucky for them!!) did not beat my score and went into the BOOBY Prize Draw. The two boobies drawn at random were:

1st: Di Jackett

2nd: Bob Marshall

The boobies each win a brass ball marker with an "L plate" design.

28 July

Bontor Trophy

Ladies lose - lopsided score. More...

22 July

Centurion Open

The Centurion Open was a victim of the weather, with three holes closed due to flooding.

However, some intrepid soles played the remaining 15 holes. Lee Eden convincingly won the 15 hole Non-Qualifier sweep with 36 points, four ahead of Peter Harrington and Tom Scarr. Results...

15 July

Monthly Medal


Unlike many ladies who found the rough troublesome, Doreen Dolby managed to keep the ball on the fairways to score an excellent net 71 and win the Ladies' July Monthly Medal. In second place only one shot behind was Veronica Mitchell. Results...

The CSS increased by two shots to 73. Ladies handicap list...


Early clubhouse leader Toby Hunt looked safe with a sparkling 65. But Itsawat Mahgumrongkul returned a 63 to win the medal dropping just 4 shots on the back 9. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

In the Grand Medal Trophy, Kerry Sargeant leads with 286 from fiur rounds. It’s still wide open with three rounds left however. R5 Leader board...

8 July

Association Trophy

Simon Beard for RPGC won the trophy on a back 9 count back from Nigel Toombs of Putney Park with both carding excellent 65s. A strong finish for 66 from R. Lansley gave Centurions representation in third position. Results...

Due to the generosity of Ron Linden, extra prizes for RPGC members were won as follows:

Best net Men Simon Beard (Champagne)
Best net Ladies Julie Smith (Champagne)
NTP 14th Graeme Syme (Wine)
NTP 16th Peter Harrington (Wine)
NTP 9th Arthur Dolby (Wine)
NTP 3rd Gurpal Sekhon (Wine)
My recollection is that Simon Beard was nearest 18th (Beer).

CSS was unchanged from SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

7 July

Men's Invitation

Report due soon. More...

1 July

Richmond park Golf Club Open

Putney Park competitors took all the honours with Andy Thorpe shooting a one under par gross 68 to win with 63. One shot behind was Luke Offord with Ken Jones taking third place on 66. Best placed for RPGC was Dave Winter on 67 and best lady Norma Lynch 69. Results...

Nearest the Pin
Hole Winner (Club)
1st Phil Flanagan (RP)
3rd Jini Beacham (RP)
10th Dean Morgan (RP)
13th Russell Barter (PP)

CSS remained unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

24 June

Club Championship Round 2


Club Championship
With a gross 91 in the 2nd round, and gross 178 overall, Julie Smith triumphed for the fourth year in a row in the Ladies' Club Championship. Starting out with a two shot lead over Jayne Maxwell, Jayne managed to level the scores after 3 holes. With Jayne playing well and pushing hard, Julie managed to get these back after six holes and then increase her lead slightly on the last four holes of the round to win by five shots in total. In third place was Angela Flynn (gross 190). Results...

Handicap Cup
With a 9 shot lead going into the 2nd round, Jayne Maxwell managed to increase this and win the Handicap Cup by a massive 14 shots (net 138) from Julie Smith in second place (152). Cheryl Woodhouse was third on 155. Handicap Cup results...

Pembroke Cup
With a net 77 in the 2nd round, Ros Gray increased her first round lead and took the Pembroke Cup by 11 shots (net 146) from newcomer Susan Smith in second. Pembroke Cup results...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...


Ian Smith proved a worthy Club Champion for 2007, again shooting the best gross of the day to give a 2 round total of 152, 7 ahead of Rob Urquhart with Toby Hunt 6 further back. Senior results...

The Junior division result was much closer but Paul Grand just held his nerve to finish 2 ahead of Tony Archdale on 177 with Peter Cunningham taking 3rd position on 181. Junior results...

Round 2 saw Peter Harrington on top with 68 net, one ahead of Toby Hunt and two ahead of Peter Cunningham. Results...

Peter Harrington’s consistency over the two rounds saw him winner of the Net Handicap prize, one ahead of Peter Cunningham. Handicap results...

The round itself saw CSS unchanged from SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

23 June

Association Cup

The Club came in a clear winner in this year's Association Cup in a light field. More...

23 June

Rickmansworth Friendly Match

The Club permitted a one point deficit in the first leg of the annual friendly match at home to Rickmansworth. More...

A few stout men are wanted for the second leg in August to retain the Cup. Contact the Club Vice Captain to register your interest.

17 June

Club Championship Round 1


Club Championship
After a stunning gross score of 89 (net 65, six shots under her handicap), Jayne Maxwell lies in 2nd place in the Ladies' Club Championship, only 2 shots behind Julie Smith. Angela Flynn is in 3rd place (gross 93). R1 Leader board...

Handicap Cup
In the Handicap Cup for handicaps 0-24, Jayne has a 9 shot lead over the rest of the field going into the second round. Julie Smith is in 2nd place (net 74) and Cheryl Woodhouse in 3rd (75). R1 Leader board...

Pembroke Cup
Playing to two shots under her handicap, Ros Gray leads in the Pembroke Cup (for handicaps 25-36) on net 69. A new club member, Susan Smith, is in 2nd (74) with Norma Lynch & Jini Beacham joint 3rd in the first round standings (79). R1 Leader board...

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...


Ian Smith leads the Club Championship with a very creditable 72 in a slow placed round, three ahead of Paul Appleton and seven from Rob Urquhart. Senior R1 Leader board...

The returns are very close in the Junior Division where Richard Kenwood is one ahead of Stuart Nash, two ahead of Paul Grand and three ahead of Tony Archdale. Junior R1 Leader board...

The order was reversed in the handicap competition with Paul Appleton returning a net 64, two ahead of Ian Smith and Arthur Dolby. Handicap R1 Leader board...

CSS was unchanged @ 68 from SSS. Men's handicap list...

16 June

Whitewebbs Team A against Bird Hills

Team A were dumped out of the Ladies' Whitewebbs competition in their second round match at Bird Hills GC on Saturday. More...

10 June

Summer Cup

In form Richard Kenwood emerged the clear winner with 37 points, returning 21 points on the back nine with a ‘blob’. Francois Lemaigre and Tim Meyer put up spirited efforts with the latter no doubt rue scoring just one point in the last two holes. Results...

CSS was elevated to 36 points from SSS 35 resulting in just one handicap change in the week before the Club Championship, with Tony Archdale now playing off 17. Men's handicap list...

10 June

Ladies Sweep

Currently in a good run of form, Sheena Harrington won the Stableford competition with 38 points, one ahead of Norma Lynch in 2nd place. Results...

The CSS remained at 37 pts so Sheena's handicap decreased by 0.3, sadly not enough to affect her playing handicap. Ladies handicap list...

10 June

Clapham Common Match v Thorpe Park

Report due soon. More...

9 June

Ladies Mitcham Match

The ladies got off to a good start in the home leg of the annual match with Mitcham Golf Club. Report...

3 June

Monthly Medal


Three net 75's were the leading scores for the ladies' June monthly medal. Examining the back 9's, Jayne Maxwell came out on top, with Julie Smith 2nd and Pia Langeland 3rd. Results...

The CSS increased to 74 and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.


Report due soon. Results...

In the Grand Medal Trophy, only John Sowter has four scores in the bag at the mid-stage of the competition and the early form points in favour of Ian Smith. R4 Leader board...

27 May

Diamond Jubilee

Sunday's competition is null and void with weather conditions forcing flag positions to be changed during the competition.

26 May

Ladies Invitation

Jayne Maxwell and Graeme Syme stormed to victory in the Ladies Invitation. More...

20 May

Shaw Cup & NAPGC Stableford Qualifier

Report due soon. Results...

In the Men's Top Dog Trophy, Dave Williams on 15 points barks three ahead of John Bennett with Rob Urquhart a dog lead away with 10. R2 Leader board...

13 May

Monthly Medal


The May Monthly Medal was played on a very wet April-like day, punctuated by the odd lightning bolt & clap of thunder. This proved too much to handle for almost half the field who walked in early and hence did not complete their cards. Amongst the remaining 7 players, scoring was very extreme. Jan Oliver won the medal easily with a fantastic score of net 67 with Louise Williams coming 2nd on net 70. Results...

There was no change to the CSS which remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...


Report due soon. Results...

10 May

Dummer Golf Club Away Day

Captain Jon Cooper wrote his own additional report on the day out at Dummer Golf Club. It reads like a riposte. Report...

7 May

Ladies Autumn Weekend Away

The next weekend away is announced for 28-30 September. Spaces are limited so you must book soon. More...

6 May

Ruskie Hall Open

Report due soon. Results...

6 May

Clapham Common Match v Wexham Park

The Club eased through the first round of the Men's Clapham Common Shield with some fine results. More...

2 May

Dummer Golf Club Away Day

The report is in from the most excellent day out at Dummer Golf Club. Report...

29 April

Platinum Jubilee

Most of the 50+ competitors found conditions difficult with concentration and looking for balls the main factor. Focussed captain Jon Cooper rose to the challenge and 70 was enough to secure the Platinum Jubilee with Tony Pickard a commendable second one shot away. Two ladies secured 3rd and 4th positions – Lia Donath and Sheena Harrington. Results...

Jon was the only Cat 1-3 man to score 2 within SSS and the CSS was elevated to 73. Men's handicap list...

With no Category 1-4 lady coming within 2 shots of SSS 71 it is a Reduction Only round and with no Category 5 lady beating CSS 74 there are no handicap changes arising at all. Ladies handicap list...

28 April

Whitewebbs Team A against Thorney Park

Team A in the Ladies' Whitewebbs competition ground out a dramatic playoff win against Thorney Park. More...

22 April

Coronation Cup & NAPGC Medal Qualifier

A birdie at the first hole proved to be a happy augury for John Bennett who went on to score a glorious 65 and be crowned the winner of the Coronation Cup. Paul Appleton and Nick Heale were close behind in the procession with excellent 66s. Best lady-in-waiting was Angela Flynn on 69. Results...

Balance of play for the men saw CSS unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

Exactly who goes forward from the club to the NAPGC competition depends as always on NAPGC’s numbers needed per handicap division. The Club will announce the qualifiers when the NAPGC advise.

22 April

WhiteWebbs Team B at Blue Mountain

The Ladies' Whitewebbs Team B came a close second away at Blue Mountain. More...

21 April

Spring Mixed Foursomes

The pairing of Julie Smyth and Stan Potts triumphed on a day of tough scoring on the Dukes course. Results...

19 April

News From the Park

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the next edition of the occasional newsletter - News From the Park. It's available now online. More...

15 April

Qualifier for Men's Singles Matchplay

Pace of play and difficulty in finding balls made scoring conditions tough, despite glorious warm sunny conditions. Most players have at least one ‘mare of a score on a hole but Lee Eden and David Keen persevered to take the two top spots with 71s closely followed a shot behind by John Ahad and the five players with 73s. Results...

With no category 1-3 players scoring within two of SSS before the application of Clause 19.8, CSS was elevated to 73 and this was a Reduction Only round. Men's handicap list...

This was the qualifier for the Men's singles knockout competitions - the JH Taylor Shield and Two Courses Cup. The top 15 plus holders go through to the knockout stage in the two competitions - for the under-17 and 17-28 handicap ranges. More...

The cut fell at 86 for the JH Taylor and 85 for the Two Courses. JH Taylor Draw... & Two Courses Cup Draw...

15 April

Ladies Spring Meeting BB

The second half of the Ladies' Spring Meeting, a Four Ball Better Ball, took place in warm summer-like weather. Ten pairs of ladies fought for glory with Lia Donath & Cheryl Woodhouse taking the honours on 38 points. In second place, only one point behind, were Di Jackett & Jayne Maxwell. Results...

Afterwards everyone stayed behind to enjoy refreshments in the glorious sunshine and the Lady Captain presented the prizes for both parts of the Spring Meeting.

14 April

Hawtree Match at Batchwood Hall

The Hawtree Team fought a close battle away at Batchwood Hall. More...

8 April

Monthly Medal


The beautiful spring weather and much improved course conditions spurred Lia Donath on to win the Ladies' April Monthly Medal by an impressive 8-shot margin (net 68). Three ladies - Rosalind Lake, Veronica Mitchell & Di Jackett - all had net 76's but Rosalind clinched second place on the best back 9. Results...

The CSS increased by two shots to 73.


A sparkling round of 66 gave captain Jon Cooper the medal, with Kerry Sargeant three back – tragically dropping five shots in the last three holes. Results...

With eight ‘no returns’ (perhaps reflecting lost balls in the spring rough growth), the balance of play was such as to elevate CSS by one from SSS to 69. Men's handicap list...

1 April

Qualifier for Men's Pairs

The pairing of Richard Owen and Rob Urquhart emerged the winners on 41 points with a back 9 count-back from Dave Williams and Jon Cooper. Rob scored 39 points on his own account and is clearly the early season’s man in form. Tom Scarr hit the ground running after not playing for a while with partner Nick Heale to score 39 points, beating Jim Fogarty and Stuart Nash on the back 9. Results...

All 14 pairs go forward to the first round of the competition. Draw...

1 April

Ladies Spring Meeting

The first part of the Ladies' Spring Meeting, an individual medal round, was held on April Fool's Day - surely a co-incidence!! Jini Beacham proved to be not so foolish, taking the honours with a net 75. In second place was Jayne Maxwell (net 77) who beat newcomer Angela Flynn on the back nine. Angela did, however, take the prize for the Best Front nine (net 35½) and Cheryl Woodhouse the prize for the best back nine (net 34½). Results...

This competition also forms Round 1 of the Committee Cup when converted to Stableford points. Jini retains the lead in this on 32 pts, with Angela moving into 2nd spot (32 pts) and three others only a point behind - Cheryl, Jayne & Lia Donath. R1 Leader board...

The ladies' CSS increased by 3 to 73 and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

28 March

Adrian Wilder

Peter Harrington has written a note about Adrian, a long-standing member who passed away this week. Peter's note...

25 March


More favourable conditions favoured a head-to-head battle between Toby Hunt and Rob Urquhart for the honours. Both played exceedingly well to record 42 points with Toby’s back 9 the decider. Francois Lemaigre showed form of which he is capable, recording 41 points for third place. Jini Beacham was best for the ladies on 34 points. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 40 points. Men's handicap list...

25 March

Ladies Weekend Away

The Lady Captain rounds up the Spring weekend away at The Spring Hotel & Golf Club. Results...

18 March

Stableford Sweep

Vic Wadley prevailed through graupel to victory on 36 points, two ahead of Rob Urquhart. Best lady was Sheena Harrington with 31 points. Results...

The first qualifier for sometime, the balance of play of Category 1-3 men was such as to produce a Qualifier for Reduction Only event for handicapping purposes – extremely rare for the men. With no man beating CSS 38, no handicap adjustments at all resulted.

11 March

Winter COmpetition Rd 8


In the final Winter Stableford of 2006 / 07, Jini Beacham took the honours with 34 pts with Lia Donath in 2nd on 32 points. Results...

Lia's 2-shot improvement over previous rounds maintained her lead in the Princes Eclectic which she won with net 70. Though Julie Smith's net 72½ was good enough to win her the Dukes Eclectic, she could only settle for 2nd place with this score in the Princes Eclectic. Prince's Eclectic Results... 

Three temporary greens made this a non-qualifier for handicap purposes


Round 8 saw Stan Potts in commanding form win with 42 points with Dave Williams, Richard Kenwood and Ian Smith divided by count backs 3 points behind. Course conditions were favourable considering recent rain and pleasant early sunny spring sunshine prevailed. Results...

Round 8 brought the Winter Competition to a close and in the event Gurpal Sekhon didn't need to better his score, winning on 120 points, four ahead of nearest rival Kerry Sargeant. Results...

In the associated Prince’s Eclectic, three competitors scored 60. Consistent with Duke's Eclectic, the back 9 count back off 1/4 handicap was the arbiter, with Kerry Sargeant declared the winner from Ian Smith and Dave Williams. A feature of Kerry's Eclectic was eagle at 15. "Well done sir" sums up Kerry's achievement in winning both course's eclectics. Results...

4 March

Monthly Medal


In cold, wet and windy conditions, and with much mud underfoot, the ladies struggled in the first medal round of the year. The only two ladies with net scores in the 70's were Maureen Slade & Julie Smith, playing together and tied on net 76. Three shots under her handicap on the front 9, unfortunately Maureen could not keep up the blistering pace and, with 5 pars on the last 6 holes, Julie took the monthly medal on the back 9. Results...

With 3 temporary greens, this was a non-qualifier for handicap.


No fewer than 5 competitors shrugged off increasingly inclement conditions to card 67s - the hardiest proving to be Kerry Sargeant with a back 9 one over par to take the medal from Jon Cooper, Ian Smith, Rob Urquhart, Dave Williams and best of three 70s Paul Robinson. The conditions eventually led to a Composite Course being scrambled the next day. Results...

With 3 temporary greens, the competition was a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

25 February

Two-Ball Texas Scramble

It’s been some time since RPGC played a Texas Scramble but Richard Owen and Rob Urquhart found the format to their liking and breezed through the round carding a gross 63 net 56 to win – picking up 7 birdies en route. Kerry Sargeant and Toby Hunt were 2nd with a solid 61, one shot ahead of Jim Fogarty & Stuart Nash. Results...

24 February

2006 Secretary's Report

Club Secretary Peter Harrington delivered his annual report for last year at the AGM in January. He has now made it available for online access. 2006 Annual Report...

Please check the Committee Notices pages for the latest Committee announcements and other information on Club affairs.

22 February

News From the Park

Vice Captain Richard Owen has issued the first edition of his occasional newsletter - News From the Park. It's available now online. More...

18 February

Winter Competition Rd 7


The final winter stableford on the Duke's course was won by Di Jackett with 33 pts. Three ladies then had 29 pts each with Jini Beacham taking second place on the best back nine. Results...

The SSS increased by three and this was a Reduction Only round for handicap so there were no handicap changes.

This was the final round of the Dukes' Eclectic for 2006 / 07. Though she had a meagre number of points on the day, Julie Smith managed to improve her eclectic score by two shots to take first place on net 72½. Maureen Slade's and Tracy Wright's absence left Di Jackett to steal second place on net 74. Duke's Eclectic Results...


A blistering back nine of 23 points saw Graeme Syme the round 7 winner of the winter competition with count backs settling position from two others with 40 points – Gurpal Sekhon and Jim Fogarty. In despatches, ’07 improver Stanley Hunt stood on the 10th tee with 24 points in the bag. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 38 points. Men's handicap list...

Gurpal’s 40 points maintained his lead in the Winter Competition, now three clear of Kerry sergeant with 118 points. R7 Leader board...

Focussed golf from Kerry Sargeant saw improved scores on holes 6, 10 and 13, enough to win the Duke’s Eclectic on 61, just one ahead of Jon Cooper, Gurpal Sekhon and Dave Williams who also improved their scores. Results...

19 February

Dummer Golf Club Away Day

The Club has arranged an away day to Dummer Golf Club, a Peter Alliss designed course, for Wednesday 2nd May. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details...

14 February

Gill Hibbs

Peter Harrington has written a note about Gill, a long-standing member who passed away today. Peter's note...

11 February

Monthly Medal


Competition of the day was a Four Ball Better Ball with 7 pairs taking part. In a very close contest, Lia Donath & Julie Smyth took the honours with 41 points from Jini Beacham & Maureen Slade one point behind. Results...


Consistent straight hitting paid dividends for Vic Wadley, winning the medal with a net 61, three ahead of another fine one over gross 70 from Kerry Sargeant. An unforced error on 4 gave Vic a nine so he could well have returned in the 50s. The quality of the field was supported with 65s from Messrs. Fogarty, Ahad and Sekhon. Results...

With three temporary greens the round was declared a non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

4 February

Winter Competition Rd 6


In a relatively big field for the time of year, Maureen Slade was a clear winner of the Stableford competition with 34 points, with Di Jackett 3 points behind in second. Because there were more than 2 temporary greens, this was a non-qualifier for handicap. Results...

Though she only improved her score by one shot, Julie Smith hangs on to the lead in the Dukes' Eclectic by a whisker (net 74½) with Maureen Slade in 2nd (75½) and Tracy Wright & Di Jackett in joint 3rd place (76). R3 Leader board...


Kerry Sargeant and Gurpal Sekhon returned excellebt 39s with Kerry edging ahead on the back nine. Kerry had a gross 71 and Gurpal included a ‘blob’. in form Osman chaudry was a point away. Results...

In the Winter Competition to date, Gurpal now has a three point lead over Kerry. R6 Leader board...

Kerry shares the lead in the associated Duke’s Eclectic with Dave Williams. R3 Leader board...

1 February

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subs are due on 1st February and are £50 with Senior members paying £25 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February 2007).

Make cheques payable to RPGC and either see Dave Williams at the Park on Sundays or email him.

28 January

Winter Competition Rd 5


Louise Williams' score of 31 points won the Stableford competition, beating the Lady Captain on the back 9, and putting her in third place overall in the Princes' Eclectic. Results... 

With one round to go, Lia Donath maintains her lead in the Princes Eclectic on net 72 with Julie Smith in second on net 74½. R3 Leader board...

This was a non-qualifying competition for handicap.


After two months the Winter Competition resumed and following Sunday’s round, Gurpal Sekhon is the new leader, four ahead of Julian Diamond. R5 Leader board...

But the undoubted star on Sunday was Osman Chaudry who scored an astonishing 45 points, 7 points ahead of 6 competitors on 38. Well done to Osman. Results...

Another non-qualifying round but the handicapping committee will take note and employ Clause 19 adjustment should such form continue.

In the associated Eclectic on Prince’s, Toby Hunt decided it was time to declare his hand, jumping straight to the top of the leader board with 61, just one ahead of Kerry Sergeant with Dave Williams and Ian Smith strategically poised a point further back. R3 Leader board...

21 January

Four ball Better Ball

Clubhouse curiosity was raised when at least three pairs posted 37 points on the makeshift ‘leader-board’. Processing of results confirmed via back 9/6s Ian & Julie Smith to be victors from Peter & Sheena Harrington, Jon Cooper & Richard Owen and John Ahad & David Keen. Results...

14 January

Stableford Sweep & Team Event (L)


Consecutive Sundays saw the ladies playing another team event. This time where one score counts on holes 1-6, two scores on holes 7-12 and three scores on holes 13-18.

The team consisting of Trish Mulhall, Jan Oliver, Maureen Slade & Julie Smith scored really well (according to Julie Smith) and won with a total of 77 points. In 2nd place, on 68 pts, were Doreen Dolby, Lia Donath, Jayne Maxwell & Cheryl Woodhouse. Results...


Playing in the same early game, Vic Wadley and Stan Potts spurred each other on to take the first two positions recording 43 and 40 points respectively. Stanley Hunt continued his new found 2007 form, piping Peter Harrington into 3rd place with a count back 23 point back 9 and 39 points. Results...

Students of the Rules of Golf will observe Phil Flanagan’s Rule 6-6d infraction and resulting disqualification via the hyperlink.

7 January

Monthly Medal


The competition of the day was a "yellow ball" team event Stableford. Players play in teams of four and, within each team, player A's scores count at holes 1, 5, 9, 13 & 17; player B's scores at holes 2, 6, 10, 14 & 18; player C's at 3, 7, 11 & 15 and player D's at 4, 8, 12 & 16.

The winning team was Doreen Dolby, Jayne Maxwell, Di Jackett & Trish Mulhall with 31 points. In second place on 29 pts were Jan Oliver, Lia Donath, Rosalind Lake & Jayne Maxwell. Please note that Jayne did not tear herself in two to play in 2 teams - Jan & Lia were only a 2-ball so two players were chosen at random for their scores to count in that team. Results...


Consistent fine play saw Richard Owen the winner with 40 points, one better than Messrs. Bennett, Hunt, Wright and Smith. John Bennett finished strongly with birdie, birdie, and Stanley Hunt struck New Year form. Results...

Upcoming Events
2008 New Year
Jan 6 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Jan 13 tba
Jan 20 Winter Comp Rd 3
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 27 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 30 Annual General Meeting
Previous Events
Dec 30 Stableford Sweep
Dec 23 American Greensomes
Dec 16 Winter Comp Rd 3
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Dec 9 Christmas Hamper
Dec 2 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Dec 1 Ladies AGM
Nov 25 Champagne Chase
Champagne Chase (L)
Nov 18 Winter Comp Rd 2
Princes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 14 Committee Meeting
Nov 11 Winter Comp Rd 1
Dukes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Nov 4 Monthly Medal
Team Event (L)
Oct 28 Lissaman Cup
Oct 23 Committee Meeting
Oct 21 Silver Jubilee [AT]
Centurion Open
Monthly Medal (L)
Oct 14 Charity Cup
Charity Cup (L)
Barton Bowl (L)
Oct 7 Monthly Medal GM 8
Autumn Meeting Rd 2 (L)
Sep 28
Ladies Weekend Away
Sep 30 Sweep
Sep 23 Burgess Cup
Autumn Meeting Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 2 (L)
Sep 22 Amida Friendly (L)
Sep 16 JQ Robertson [TD]
Sep 8 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Sep 2 Diamond Jubilee [AT]
Monthly Medal GM 7
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 26 Golden Jubilee [AT] [TD]
Aug 21 Committee Meeting
Aug 19 Captains' Day [TD]
Captains Day (L)
Aug 18 Rickmansworth Friendly
Aug 18 Keys Trophy
Aug 18 Bette Hill Rose Bowl
Aug 12 Trevor Allen Open
Aug 11 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Aug 5 Monthly Medal GM 6
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 29 President's Putter [TD]
Jul 23 Bontor Trophy
Jul 22 Centurion Open
Jul 17 Committee Meeting
Jul 15 Monthly Medal GM 5
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 8 Association Trophy
Jul 7 Men's Invitation
Jul 1 RPGC Open
Jun 24 Club Champ'ship Rd 2
Club Champ'ship Rd 2 (L)
Jun 23 Association Cup
Jun 23 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 17 Club Champ'ship Rd 1
Club Champ'ship Rd 1 (L)
Jun 16 Whitewebbs Match
Jun 12 Committee Meeting
Jun 10 Summer Cup
Sweep (L)
Jun 10 Clapham Common Match
Jun 9 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Jun 3 Monthly Medal GM 4
Monthly Medal (L)
May 27 Diamond Jubilee [AT]
May 26 Ladies Invitation
May 20 Shaw Cup [TD]
NAPGC Stableford Qualifier
May 13 Monthly Medal GM 3
Monthly Medal (L)
May 8 Committee Meeting
May 6 Ruskie Hall Open
May 6 Clapham Common Match
May 2 Dummer GC Away Day
Apr 29 Platinum Jubilee [AT]
Apr 28 Whitewebbs Match
Apr 22 Coronation Cup [TD]
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Apr 22 Whitewebbs Match
Apr 21 Spring Mixed Foursomes
Apr 17 Committee Meeting
Apr 15 Qualifiers for Men's Single Match Play
Spring Meeting BB
Apr 8 Monthly Medal GM 2
Monthly Medal (L)
Apr 1 Qualifier for Men's Pairs
Spring Meeting Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 1 (L)
Mar 25 Sweep
Mar 23
Ladies Weekend Away
Mar 18 Stableford Sweep
Mar 13 Committee Meeting
Mar 11 Winter Comp Rd 8
Princes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Mar 4 Monthly Medal GM 1
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 25 Two-ball Texas Scramble
Feb 18 Winter Comp Rd 7
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 13 Committee Meeting
Feb 11 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 4 Winter Comp Rd 6
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 1 Annual Subs Due
Jan 31 AGM
Jan 28 Winter Comp Rd 5
Princes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 21 4-Ball Better Ball
Jan 20 Dinner Dance
Jan 14 Stableford Sweep
Team Stableford (L)
Jan 10 Committee Meeting
Jan 7 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
2006 Previous year