In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
31 December

3 Sixes (S,B,M)

A popular and intriguing format saw different competitors winning sweep monies – and most surprisingly most competitors retuning better than ‘all square’ in the bogey section. Special mention to Richard Kenwood for returning +5 with a two over gross for the six holes. Lady captain Cheryl Woodhouse found a late turn of form with a net 23 in the medal section. Results...

To the chagrin of some competitors, the ‘bar’ had (again) no supplies of draught or bottled beers or ciders – but the new year was toasted elegantly in the Portacabin with wine.

24 December

American Greensomes

A small but quality field of competitors turned out in favourable conditions for this festive event, though worm casts made the course muddy in places. Scoring was expected to be good with this format and it was surprising to note a number of ‘blobs’ from competitors. In the event, 38 points was good enough to win and 3 pairs had to be separated on back 9s with Gurpal Sekhon & Stan Potts coming out victors from Maurice Bernard & Ros Lake and Richard Kenwood & Phil Flanagan. Results...

17 December

Champagne Chase


With an excellent score of 38 points Lorna White will be celebrating her runaway victory in the Champagne Chase. Maureen Slade was second on 32 pts and Sheena Harrington a further two pts behind in third place. Results...

The CSS increased by three to 35 points. Ladies handicap list...


From the top drawer, Kerry Sergeant selected a level par round for 42 points to be returned the winner. Kerry’s round included 4 birdies and eight 3s. Second was Ian Smith with 40 points – and with ‘blobs’ at 1 and 5 he could have been the winner. Congratulations on these 2 fine rounds. Results...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 40. Men's handicap list...

10 December

Christmas Hamper

Early frost meant that the first five greens were temporaries and presented challenges to competitors in varying degrees. Graeme Syme mastered them and was one under gross through four holes and finished strongly (back nine 22 points) to win the hamper with 41 points – he’ll not starve on his return from Oz in the New Year. Results...

Richard Kenwood and Stan Potts shot 40 and 38 points to take 2nd and 3rd prizes. Best lady also with a highly commendable 38 points was Ros Lake.

Round times were a very agreeable 4¼ to 4½ hrs.

3 December

Monthly Medal


The Lady Captain's net 76 clinched the December monthly medal with Sheena Harrington in second on net 78. Since there were 2+ temporary greens, this was a non-qualifier for handicap. Results...


Overnight rain and wind gave way to ameliorating conditions for the reduced field of competitors in the December monthly medal played in a bogey format. Five players ended one up and the usual count back algorithm was employed to give Osman Chaudry victory being four up on the back nine from Kerry Sargeant, Peter Harrington, Graeme Syme and Nigel Ward. Results...

With four temporary greens, the competition was not accorded qualifying status and so no change in playing handicaps arose.

2 December

Ladies AGM

The Ladies AGM and luncheon was held on 2nd December in St Margarets. More....

26 November

Four Ball Better Ball

Undaunted by the vagaries of the weather, Kerry Sargeant and Paul Grand gave an exhibition of complementary team play racking up 45 points to win by 3. Having the advantage of a better back 9, John Bennett and Tony Pickard just pipped Geoff Foreman and Toby Hunt to second place. Results...

19 November

Winter Competition Rd 4


Playing exactly to her handicap was enough for Lia Donath to win the R2 Princes Winter Stableford with 37 pts. In 2nd place was Veronica Mithchell on 36 pts. Results... 

The CSS remained unchanged at 37 pts and there were no changes to playing handicaps. Ladies handicap list...

After two rounds of the Princes Eclectic, Lia Donath leads the way on net 75 with Julie Smith not far behind in 2nd on net 76½. R2 Leader board...


After clearance of early frost, a pleasant early winter’s day made for good scoring off mats. John Bennett took advantage of the conditions, romping home to win with 43 points, one clear of Ian Smith. A further point away was Gurpal Sekhon. Results...

Kerry’s round included an eagle at 15 and he joins the RPGC golfing Gods at this hole (over 13 years):

Eagles at 15 Princes Course
Player Date Competition
B Aldhhahi 26 Feb 96 Winter Competition Rd 8
P Grand 9 Oct 05 Monthly Medal Rd 8
K Sargeant 19 Nov 06 Winter Competition Rd 4

With 39% of Category 1-3 players shooting within two of SSS 40, CSS was elevated to 41. Men's handicap list...

John’s round now makes him joint leader in the Winter Competition with Jon Cooper, 2 ahead of Kerry Sargeant. R4 Leader board...

Ian’s round now leaves him one clear from Kerry in the associated Prince’s Eclectic. R2 Prince's eclectic...

12 November

Winter Competition Rd 3


Di Jackett won the Stableford competition with 35 points, closely followed by Veronica Mitchell (34 pts - BB9) and Rosalind Lake (34 pts). Results... 

The CSS increased by two to 35 pts. Ladies handicap list...

After two rounds of the Dukes Eclectic, Julie Smith remains in the lead (net 75½) but only by a whisker from Tracy Wright (net 76). R2 Leader board...


Duke’s played long off the back tees, despite pleasant autumnal conditions – and this affected scoring. A back nine count back separated Julian Diamond from Paul Appleton, both with 35 points. Canny scoring saw new Duke’s Eclectic leader Dave Williams take 3rd position from Lee Eden, again on a count back with each 34 points. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 35. Men's handicap list...

A new leader has emerged in the Winter Competition – Kerry Sargeant who lies 2 clear from Tim Meyer and Graeme Syme. R3 Leader board...

In the Duke’s Eclectic Dave Williams takes a two shots second round lead. R2 Duke's eclectic...

5 November

Monthly Medal


With cold conditions and a very slow round, scoring was relatively high plus there were several "no returns". However, despite a 7 at the par 3 first hole, Maureen Slade got her game back on track to win the monthly medal with a net 71. Di Jackett & Veronica Mitchell were one shot behind, with Di beating Veronica for 2nd place on the back nine. Results... 

The CSS remained at 71. Ladies handicap list...

The November medal was the last round counting towards the Dowling Cup. The winner for 2006 was Sheena Harrington with a winning total of 420 (aggregate of 6 best net scores in stroke play rounds). In second place was Tracy Wright on 426. Final result...


A slow and at times chilly round saw some excellent scoring – and in many cases even better scoring could have been made.

The winner on 66 was Graeme Syme with 66 and this included a nine at the 7th. Toby Hunt had a storming back nine 37 to finish 2nd on count back from Richard Kenwood, both recording 68s. Rob Urquhart played another fine round with 69, unfortunately dropping 4 shots in the last 5 holes. Results... 

With play reverting (pleasantly and surprisingly) to the back tees, CSS was unchanged from SSS 68 giving rise to a 1.2 reduction in handicap for Graeme from 17.2 to 16, with a –2 clause 19.8 adjustment featuring in the calculation. Men's handicap list...

2 November

Captain's Twig

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the 3rd edition of his occasional newsletter - the Captain's Twig. It's available now online. More...

29 October

Four Ball Better Ball Medal


Dove-tailing well together, Sheena Harrington & Julie Smith won the ladies' 4 ball better ball with an excellent 40 points, 4 pts clear of Tracy Wright & Veronica Mitchell in 2nd. Third place was taken by Di Jackett & Maureen Slade on 35 pts. Results...


The winners on a back 3 count-back were Ian Smith and Kerry Sargeant from John Bennett and Jason Loubser, both pairings on 60. Conditions for early November were very favourable, reflected in the general scoring. Results... 

Early rumours in the clubhouse were that a 59 had been returned for Graeme Syme and Ole Leon-Martin but scrutiny in the Handicap Secretary’s office revealed a casting error on the card and an incorrect net at SI 17 2nd hole resulting in a 61.

One pairing suffered a technical rule 31-4 disqualification with no gross score recorded on 9th hole. View card... 

22 October

Winter Competition Rd 2


Another new lady member, Sile-Brid Murphy, claimed the first round of the Princes Eclectic with 32 pts, a very good score in the nasty weather conditions. Again, this was on the back 9 from Kate Marsh. Results...

Since scoring was relatively low, this was a Reduction Only round for handicap.

Only 7 out of the 20 ladies who played managed to complete all the holes for an Eclectic score. Sheena Harrington is the current leader on net 86½ (off ½ handicap), closely followed by Jayne Maxwell & Cheryl Woodhouse, both on 87½. R1 Leader board...

Five ladies competed in the final of the Barton Bowl on 22nd October, one of these being Anne Koychev (nee Barton) who donated this trophy to the club in 1989 at the end of her 2½ years of captaincy. Unfortunately, Anne had to retire with a bad back on the day, but the other four battled it out in appallingly wet conditions with Maureen Slade being the eventual winner with 28 pts from Ros Gray in 2nd place (27 pts). Results...


In round 2 of the Winter Competition, Julian Diamond just pipped Jon Cooper (both with 38 points), being followed by Kerry Sargeant and John Sowter with 37 points in weather conditions progressively deteriorating. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 37. Men's handicap list...

Jon takes the lead in the accumulated Winter Competition, two ahead of Rob Urquhart. R2 Leader board...

In the associated Prince’s Eclectic Julian Diamond heads Peter Harrington by two. R1 Prince's eclectic...

15 October

Winter Competition Rd 1


New member Jayne Maxwell just pipped Julie Smith on the back 9 to claim victory in the first round of the Dukes Eclectic with 35 pts. Two points further behind were Maureen Slade and Tracy Wright. Results...

The CSS increased by 1 over the SSS to 36 pts. Ladies handicap list...

Julie Smith takes an early lead in the Dukes Eclectic on net 79½ (off ½ handicap) with Tracy Wright in 2nd (81). R1 Leader board...


A count back on the last 6 earned Rob Urquhart 1st place over Graeme Syme. Rob’s round was skilfully crafted with ‘bad luck’ causing a couple of blobs. Gurpal Sekhon also had 36 points finishing 3rd. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 35. Men's handicap list...

It is believed the Winter Competition has started. Paul Appleton and Graeme Syme share the early lead in the associated Duke’s Eclectic. R1 Duke's eclectic...

8 October



The ladies' competition of the day was a Stableford which was won by Maureen Slade with 36 points. In 2nd was our newest member, Louise Williams (32pts), who beat Sheena Harrington on the back 9. Results...

The CSS increased by 2 (34 pts equivalent). Ladies handicap list...


Players grappled with an infrequent format – bogey - and by and large it was the low-handicappers who coped best. Kerry Sargeant led the way carding an extremely commendable 2 over par 71 for +5. Second and third were Graeme Syme and Tim Meyer at +2 with Graeme finishing strongly on the back 9 @ + 4 and Tim motoring until 3 closing losses with the Devil’s 6-6-6 limited his result. Results...

With 50% of Category 1-3 players scoring within SSS +1 or 2 less, CSS was elevated to +2. Men's handicap list...

7 October

Ruffians Ryder Cup

Our hosts took full advantage of their home course to win back the Cup. More...

1 October

Monthly Medal


The ladies' October medal, played in torrential rain, thunder & lightning on 1st October, was won by Julie Smyth (net 103), who was the only lady to hand in a fully completed card.


Undeterred by early inclement autumnal conditions, Tim Meyer set the tone for his winning score of 71 with a rare birdie at the first. Jon Cooper and Jason were close behind with 72s. With the heavy rain and at times lightning, a number of cards were returned incomplete and some players walked in for safety. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 70. Men's handicap list...

27 September

Hoebridge Away Day

The intrepid golfers who ventured on the away day were rewarded with ideal weather and a nice day out. Report...

24 September

Lissaman Cup

Proving that a full set of clubs is not necessary for an astonishing round, David Marsh carded 63, dropping just 3 shots on the front 9. He finished just 2 ahead of Tim Meyer who must rue that seven at 17. Best lady with a very commendable 69 was Julie Smith, showing her versatility just in time for the upcoming Ruffians Ryder Cup. Results...

The outcome leaves the Top Dog Trophy positions unchanged, confirming Dean Morgan the 2006 Top Dog one point ahead of Nick Rogers. Top Dog results...

17 September

Courses Closed 17 September

The golf courses are closed on this day to make way for an athletics event at the Park. The golf club has had just 8 days notice of the closure, and very little else is known about the preferred event. We don't know of any alternative arrangements for golf. If more information is required, it might be best to check with The Royal Parks Agency.

15-17 September

Ladies Weekend Away

The Lady Captain rounds up the Autumn weekend away at Tewkesbury Park Hotel & Golf Club. Report...

10 September

Monthly Medals


The September Monthly Medal was won by Joan Mulcahy on 64. Jayne Maxwell and Jini Beacham trailed in 2nd and 3rd with 66. Results...

Tracy Wright's consistent scoring saw her win the 2006 Committee Cup with rounds of 38 & 36 points. Though in 7th place after the first round, Jini Beacham's excellent 41 points in R2 propelled her into 2nd place overall. Results...


Osman Chaudry powered his way to a truly remarkable and rare 57 to win GMT round 8. An impeccable back nine 38 was preceded by a front nine 41 with the only blemish a 7 on the 8th. Well done indeed Osman! Six behind was Jason Loubser with a 63 incorporating one under par on back nine. Stuart Nash and Tim Meyer were one shot further behind with 64s. Results...

Unsurprising with the depth of good scoring was the reduction of CSS from SSS by one to 67. Men's handicap list...

Jason’s 63 was enough to pass John Ahad on the Grand Medal Trophy leader board with Jason the victor by one on 33. Results...

The Top Dog Trophy interim position has been updated with the results of the individual match play results, with the Two Courses Cup finalists Martin & Julian awarded 8 minimum points for now. R7 Leader board...

3 September

Autumn Meeting

Report due soon...

3 September

Burgess Cup

After a slow and cautious start, Ian Smith and David Marsh scored heavily on the back 9 (24 points) to claim the Burgess Cup with 39 points. A point behind were Messrs. Nash & Heale and Meyer & Harrington. The dream pairing from previous week’s performance of Phil Flanagan and Richard Owen had a rare off-day with 28 points. Results...

30 August

Hoebridge Away Day

Details for the next Away Day have just been announced. Dave Williams has set up a sterling day at Hoebridge Golf Centre. More...

27 August

Charity Cup

Three players scored 40 or more points, with Phil Flanagan striking the richest form vein and an astounding 44 points dropping just 3 to level par by the turn. Well done Phil. Consolidating an improving season, Richard Owen returned 42 points to finish second. There was much early promise in Jason Loubser’s 2 over par 23 point first 9 but a devil’s 6-6-6 restricted scoring to 40 points in third place. Results...

CSS was elevated to 38. Men's handicap list...

20 August

Captains' Day


There was a super turn out with 27 ladies playing, the highest number since I have been a member.

It was closely contested, with Sheena Harrington winning with a net 73 on a count back from Julie Smith. Results...

There were also some fun events. Captain's nearest the pin was won by Ros Lake on the 3rd hole and Maureen Slade on the 16th, where the captain's ball landed in the left bunker and Maureen won by being close to the edge of it!

There was a team event to beat the Captain's team in the least number of shots, however, the Lady Captain's team of Sheena Rennie, Ros Gray and Maureen Slade were triumphant over the rest of the field.

The Charity Competition was won by David Williams for his witty comments about Jon Cooper's speed dating abilities. The proceeds, which will be added to the Charity Cup meeting in a couple of weeks time, will go the the McMillan Fund.

The President, Julie Smith, once again baked some superb cakes - not a crumb was left, and Jan Oliver also provided delicious fare. Thank you.


Inspired golf from both Vic Wadley and Dean Morgan produced glorious 65s with Vic winning on the back 9 count back. Captain Jon Cooper also struck form, finishing 3rd on 67. Results...

The balance of play resulted in CSS computing to one less than SSS at 69. Men's handicap list...

In the associated Top Dog Trophy, Dean now draws 6 points clear of Nick Rogers with 6 players a further 4 points behind. R6 Leader board...

19 August

Rickmansworth Friendly Match

The second leg went down to the wire with the Captain and Vice Captain having the final word. More...

19 August

Keys Trophy

Report due soon...

14 August

Captains' Day on 20 August
Advance notice from Lady Captain Cheryl Woodhouse

There are lots of prizes to be won on Captains' Day for both the ladies and the men. We are holding a fun team event in addition to the medal round entitled "How far will your Captains go"? There will also be Captains' nearest the pin and there will be a competition at the club house with prizes with the proceeds going to Charity.

After the event there will be a club social with refreshments at the club house. Everyone is of course invited.

13 August

Trevor Allen Open

Centurion C. Dearling took the trophy on a count back from Barry Smith and Alan Barkley of Ruskie Hall – all with 67. RPGC members John Ahad and Paul Appleton were 4th and 5th with 68. Best lady was Anne Koychev with 70. Results...

CSS was same as SSS at 68. Men's handicap list...

12 August

Clapham Common Match v Hoebridge

The Club's run in the Clapham Common competition came to an end against Hoebridge. More...

12 August

Ladies Mitcham Friendly Match

The Ladies scored a win as visitors at Mitcham for an overall win and thereby retain the trophy in the annual friendly match. More...

6 August

Monthly Medal


On a low scoring day, Veronica Mitchell's net 66 won the August Monthly Medal, with Jan Oliver in 2nd (68) and Sheena Harrington 3rd (69). Results...

At 70, the CSS was one less than SSS. Ladies handicap list...


Jack Koychev retuned a spectacular 64 to take the monthly medal (and a bid for MIG 2006?), just one ahead commendable 65s from Stuart Nash and Andrew Wright. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 70 though curiously no competitor scored 70 or 71. Men's handicap list...

In the penultimate round of the Grand Medal Trophy, John Ahad nudges two clear of Toby Hunt with Tony Pickard one further behind. R7 Leaderboard...

5 August

Bontor Trophy

The ladies overcame two years of misery to take the Bontor Trophy in style on the last green. Report...

30 July

President's Putter

Cheryl Woodhouse played a captain’s innings to win the President’s Putter with 43 points - a glorious round which got better as it progressed, finishing with a back 9 of 24 points and a flourish with a birdie at the last. Early clubhouse leader was junior club champ Tony Archdale on 42 finishing second ahead of Paul Grand, John Sowter and Richard Owen on 40 points. Results...

President Julie Smith again sportingly gave a premium golf ball to all bettering her scores. Her cakes were particularly appreciated in and around the clubhouse as competitors relaxed after their round in pleasant temperate conditions for a change.

Reflecting the balance of play, men's CSS was elevated to one above SSS 37. Men's handicap list... Ladies handicap list...

Incorporation of the results into the Top Dog Trophy reveals Nick Rogers to be one ahead of Dean Morgan with 5 competitors two further behind. R5 Leader board...

23 July

Silver Jubilee & Centurion Open

There was good scoring on Duke’s, notably from the lades. The winner by one shot was Sheena Harrington with 66 from Richard Owen. Maureen Slade and Cheryl Woodhouse took 3rd and 4th places with 68. Results...

Men's CSS was 69, one less than SSS. Men's handicap list... Ladies handicap list...

In the associated Anniversary Cup, Richard Kenwood emerged the winner on 210, one ahead of Nick Rogers. Final Result...

The Centurion Open was also run simultaneously, with Luke Offord from Putney Park the winner with a 62. Combined scores...

16 July

Monthly Medal


The ladies' July Monthly Medal turned into a three-horse (filly? mare? nag?) race between Veronica Mitchell, Lia Donath and Julie Smith, all having net 67's. In a photo-finish, Veronica took 1st place and Lia 2nd. Results...

At 70 the CSS was one lower than SSS. Ladies handicap list...


Confirming recent form in qualifying at The Oaks GC for the final of the Men’s Championship of England (details...), Gurpal Sekhon shot a glorious 65 to take the monthly medal, two clear of Messrs. Pickard, Owen and Winter. Results...

Amongst the sob stories was an NR from Osman Chaudry due to a lost ball at 17 following a nine at 16; otherwise an extremely fine round which included driving the 6th green with ease. Handicap students will understand the impact of Clause 19.8 – despite an ‘NR’ he has an adjusted gross score of 92, remaining within buffer zone off 22 and no adjustment to exact handicap – a 6 not 9 at 16 would have earned a playing cut to 21.

The demise of the handicap secretary continued in finishing 6, 6, 9 – despite being 10ft from the green in two on 18, it required 7 more shots to hole the ball.

CSS remained unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

In the Grand Medal Trophy, Toby Hunt re-takes the lead from Jason Loubser by one shot with Tony Pickard, John Ahad and Gurpal the more obvious contenders. R6 Leaderboard...

9 July

Association Trophy

Richmond Park featured strongly in the Association Trophy, and Richmond Park ladies in particular. Tracy Wright took 1st place on net 66 with Di Jackett one shot behind in 2nd place. Third was Tom Watts from Putney Park on 68, with Julian Diamond 4th also on net 68 beaten on the back 9. Results...

CSS is unchanged from SSS for both men and ladies on 70 and 71 respectively. Men's handicap list... Ladies handicap list...

2 July

Richmond Park Golf Club Open

Doreen Dolby heads the RPGC honours with a 64, beaten on count back from Tom Watts of Putney Park. Results...

CSS is unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

1 July

Rickmansworth Friendly Match

Report due soon...

Upcoming Events
Jan 7 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jan 14 Stableford Sweep
Jan 20 Dinner Dance
Jan 21 4-Ball Better Ball
Jan 28 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 31 AGM
Previous Events
Dec 31 3x6 (S,B,M)
Dec 24 American Greensomes Pairs
Dec 17 Champagne Chase
Champagne Chase (L)
Dec 10 Christmas Hamper
Dec 3 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Dec 2 Ladies AGM
Nov 29 Committee Meeting
Nov 26 Four Ball Better Ball
Nov 19 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Nov 12 Winter Comp Rd 3
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Nov 5 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Nov 1 Committee Meeting
Oct 29 Four Ball BB Medal
Oct 22 Winter Comp Rd 2
Princes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Oct 15 Winter Comp Rd 1
Dukes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Oct 8 Bogey Sweep
Stableford Sweep (L)
Oct 6
Ruffians Ryder Cup
Oct 1 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Sep 27 Hoebridge Away Day
Sep 24 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Sep 15
Ladies Weekend Away
Sep 10 Monthly Medal GM 8
Monthly Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 2 (L)
Sep 9 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Sep 3 Burgess Cup
Autumn Meeting BB (L)
Aug 27 Charity Cup
Aug 20 Captains' Day [TD]
Captains Day (L)
Aug 19 Rickmansworth Friendly
Aug 19 Keys Trophy
Aug 13 Trevor Allen Open
Aug 13 Clapham Common v Hoebridge
Aug 12 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Aug 6 Monthly Medal GM 7
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 5 Bontor
Jul 30 President's Putter [TD]
Jul 23 Centurion Open
Silver Jubilee [AT]
Jul 16 Monthly Medal GM 6
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 9 Association Trophy
Jul 8 Mens Invitation *postponed*
Jul 2 Richmond Park GC Open
Jul 1 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 25 Club Champ'ship R2
Club Champ'ship R2 (L)
Jun 24 Clapham Common v Hurst
Jun 24 Association Cup
Jun 18 Club Champ'ship R1
Club Champ'ship R1 (L)
Jun 11 JQ Robertson [TD]
Jun 10 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Jun 4 Monthly Medal GM 5
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 4 Committee Meeting
May 28 Platinum Jubilee [AT]
May 28 Clapham Common v Thorney Park
May 27 Ladies Invitation
May 21 Shaw Cup
NAPGC S'ford Qualifier
May 14 Monthly Medal GM 4
Monthly Medal (L)
May 9 Committee Meeting
May 7 Ruskie Hall Open
May 7 Hawtree Match
May 5 Clandon Regis Away Day
Apr 30 Golden Jubilee [AT] [TD]
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Apr 30 White Webbs Match (L)
Apr 29 Clapham Common v Iver
Apr 23 Summer Cup
Spring Meeting BB (L)
Apr 22 Spring Mixed Foursomes
Apr 16 Sweep
Apr 12 Committee Meeting
Apr 9 Coronation Cup [TD]
Spring Meeting Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 1 (L)
Apr 8 White Webbs Match (L)
Apr 2 Monthly Medal GM 3
Qualifiers for Men's Singles Match Play
Monthly Medal (L)
Mar 24
Ladies Weekend Away
Mar 26 Sweep
Mar 19 Diamond Jubilee [AT]
Mar 12 Qualifier for Men's Pairs
Captain v Secretary (L)
Mar 8 Committee Meeting
Mar 5 Monthly Medal GM 2
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 26 Winter Comp Rd 8
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Feb 19 Winter Comp Rd 7
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Feb 12 Monthly Medal GM 1
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 8 Committee Meeting
Feb 5 Winter Comp Rd 6
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 1 Annual Subs Due
Jan 29 Pairs Better Ball
Jan 28 Annual Dinner Dance
Jan 25 Annual General Meeting
Jan 22 Winter Comp Rd 5
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 15 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 8 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jan 1 New Year's Sweep
2005 Previous year