In this section you will find the latest news on club affairs.
If you have information that you would like to publish here please contact the Editor.
25 June

Club Championship Round 2


On a relatively low-scoring day, a solid performance from the defending Champion gave Julie Smith a hat trick of Club Championships with an aggregate 169 total. Di Jackett's consistent play was rewarded with second place (179). Tracy Wright & Maureen Slade were a further three shots behind in joint third place. Results...

With net scores of one over par and three under par in rounds 1 & 2 respectively, Di Jackett was the winner of the Handicap Cup. Maureen Slade was runner-up, just one shot behind on 142. Handicap Cup results...

Jini Beacham's excellent second round score of net 70 helped her clinch the Pembroke Cup for the second year in a row. Joan Mulcahy was three shots behind in second place, just piping Veronica Mitchell on the best back 18. Pembroke Cup results...

Low scoring in R2 meant the CSS (70) was one lower than the SSS. Ladies handicap list...


The 2006 Club Champion is confirmed as Dean Morgan on 151 – congratulations Dean. Martin Wright was level with Dean after the first round on 74 but couldn’t quite produce the same form in the second round, finishing with 154. Third on 156 was Ian Smith with an excellent 2nd round 75 which included a very unfortunate 8 on the 7th. Senior result...

Junior honours go to Tony Archdale with consistent rounds 86 & 88 for 174 with David Marsh six behind on 180. Junior result... 

In the Round 2 sweep, Ian got some compensation winning with a 66 – one ahead of Gurpal Sekhon. Results... 

In a similar vein, Martin gained compensation in winning the handicap competition on 132, six ahead of Simon Beard and Toby Hunt. Handicap results...

CSS was one less than SSS at 69. Men's handicap list...

24 June

Association Cup

Report due soon...

24 June

Clapham Common Match V Hurst GC

Report due soon...

21 June

Dave Lawrance

Peter Harrington has written a note about Dave, a long-standing member who passed away last week. Peter's note...

18 June

Club Championship Round 1


Trying to make it three in a row, Julie Smith got off to a good start in the Club Championship to lead after round 1 with a gross 86, followed by Maureen Slade (88) and Di Jackett (91). Unfortunately, the rough got the better of some of the other players, with double-figure scores on some holes contributing to higher than average overall scores. R1 Leader board...

In the Handicap Cup (for handicaps 0 - 24), Maureen's net 67 puts her firmly in the lead (and cuts her handicap by 2 shots) with Di in 2nd place on 72 and Julie 3rd on 74. R1 Leader board...

The Pembroke Cup (handicaps 25 - 36) appears to be rather more open with 5 ladies all within 4 shots of each other. Round 1 leader is Veronica Mitchell on net 79, Jan Oliver 2nd on 80, Sonia Inniss 3rd on 82 and Joan Mulcahy & Jini Beacham both a further shot behind. R1 Leader board...


In the Club Championship scratch competition, Martin Wright drew upon his reserves to produce a scintillating 74 to jointly lead the Seniors’ section with Dean Morgan. Two shots away is Tom Scarr. Senior R1 Leader board...

Heading the Juniors’ section is Tony Archdale on 86 with Geoff Foreman and Julian Diamond one behind and David Marsh and Paul Grand a further two behind. Junior R1 Leader board...

In the handicap competition, Martin's net 62 left him six clear of the field with Messrs. Foreman, Bennett, Beard and Hunt all on 68. Handicap R1 Leader board...

CSS was unchanged from SSS 68. Men's handicap list...

11 June

JQ Robertson

The thick rough no doubt caught many players out in the JQ Robertson, but Toby Hunt maintained his good Bournemouth form to emerge the clear winner with 37 points, one ahead of Dean Morgan. Giving two shots to the men, there then followed commendable performances from three ladies – Ros Gray 35, Sheena Rennie 35 and Veronica Mitchell 34. Results...

CSS remained unchanged from SSS at 35. Men's handicap list...

Dean’s second place moved him into first place in the associated Top Dog Trophy, two points clear of Messrs. Hunt, Rogers, Urquhart and Winter. R4 Leader board...

10 June

Ladies Mitcham Friendly Match

The Ladies managed a draw in the home leg of the annual Mitcham Friendly match, even though the opponents sent out their big guns. More...

10 June

Bournemouth Open

Paul Grand has compiled a report on the various successes of Club members at this year's Bournemouth Open. Paul's report...

4 June

Monthly Medal


After several weeks in the doldrums, Sheena Harrington sailed into form again to take the June Monthly Medal with a net 71. In second place was in-form new member Ros Gray on net 73. Results...

This was also the qualifier for the National Final of the NAPGC Ladies Championship of England at Woodhall Spa on Saturday 26th August, which Sheena & Ros automatically qualify for as winners of the Silver & Bronze Handicap Divisions respectively.

The CSS increased by two to 73 and, with clause 19.8 adjustments, Ros's handicap decreased by 2 to 32. Ladies handicap list...


Winner of the June Monthly Medal was Andrew Wright on net 65 with Dean Morgan 2nd on 67 and Kerry Sargeant 3rd on 68. Results...

The CSS was unchanged from SSS at 68. Men's handicap list...

This was the fifth round of the Grand Medal Trophy. R5 Leaderboard...

28 May

Platinum Jubilee

New lady member Ros Gray stuck form to win, carding an excellent 69 - two ahead of Dean Morgan. Di Jackett consolidated her good form finishing 3rd on 72. Over one third of players no-returned. Results...

Nick Rogers’ 74 took 4th position and keeps him ahead in the Anniversary Cup by two from Dean Morgan. R3 Leader board... 

28 May

Clapham Common Match v Thorney Park GC

Richmond Park recorded a clear win over Thorney Park Golf Club. Report...

27 May

Ladies Invitation

The pairing of Di Jackett & Kerry Sargeant scored 35 points to take the prize over Sheena Harrington & Leroy Johnson on 32 points. More...

21 May

Shaw Cup & NAPGC Stableford Qualifier

The cream (lower handicappers) rose to the top on the day with many suffering adverse weather conditions and punitive rough.

Exemplary precision, power, consistency and a flurry of birdies at the end of Rob Urquhart’s round of gross 71 (1 under par back 9) earned him the Shaw Cup by a margin of 6 points on 43 ahead of Kerry Sargeant. For the ladies, Sonia Inniss set the pace not dropping a shot until 4th and ending with 35 commendable points. Results...

CSS remained at SSS 37. Men's handicap list...

NAPGC Stableford entrants will need to await confirmation of qualification depending on numbers entering in each handicap category.

14 May

Monthly Medal


After being away from golf for almost a year due to illness, Joan Mulcahy made a dramatic comeback by winning the Ladies' May Monthly Medal with a net 68 and cutting her handicap by 3 shots to 31. In 2nd place was Janet Fox on net 75. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...


Whilst nearly 50% of competitors no returned in a slow round, there were some excellent scores recorded, most notably John Ahad who wins the May Medal with 66, Toby Hunt 68 and Tom Scarr 70. Results... 

Not unsurprisingly, CSS was one above SSS at 71. Men's handicap list...

With the Grand Medal Trophy now 4 rounds old, Toby has leap-frogged Jason Loubser to lead by 2 on 277. Followers of form may wish to take a punt on John Ahad who is on 196 through 3 rounds. R4 Leaderboard... 

10 May

Captain's Twig

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the 2nd edition of his occasional newsletter - the Captain's Twig. It's available now online. More...

7 May

Hawtree Match at Abbey Hill

Richmond Park lost an eventful match by the narrowest of margins. Report...

7 May

Ruskie Hall Open

Report due soon...

6 May

Mary Forster Bowl Success

A ladies team comprising Di Jackett, Doreen Dolby and Jan Oliver went to the national finals of the Mary Forster Bowl and claimed a very impressive runners-up result. Congratulations to the three "Drop Outs" for an excellent effort. Report (and picture)...

5 May

Clandon Regis Away Day

Full marks to Dave Williams for organising the Away Day on one of the best golfing days of the year so far. Report...

30 April

Golden Jubilee & NAPGC Medal Qualifier

Three players excelled in the Golden Jubilee with Nick Rogers returning 61, Richard Kenwood 62 and Nick Heale 65. Traditionally Duke’s is the more difficult course on which to record a purple patch so all credit. Early clubhouse talk was that a count back of the 69s would determine the winner. Best ladies were Janet Fox and Sheena Harrington with 74s. Results...

The competition was also the NAPGC medal qualifier and when the number of vacant slots available per handicap category are revealed by the NAPGC entrants will know whether they have indeed qualified.

CSS was reduced by 1 from SSS 70 to 69. Men's handicap list...

The Golden Jubilee is the second round of the Anniversary Cup. R2 Leader board... 

29 April

Clapham Common Match v Iver GC

Richmond Park recorded a 'stonking' win over Iver Golf Club in Jon Cooper's first outing of the year as Captain. Report...

23 April

Summer Cup & Spring Meeting BB (L)


Having taken first prize in the 1st round (individual medal) of the Ladies' Spring Meeting, Sheena Harrington continued her good form in the 2nd round, winning the 4 Ball Better Ball competition with her partner Cheryl Woodhouse with 37 pts. Two points behind in 2nd were Sonia Inniss and Maureen Slade. Results...

Since this was a better ball competition, there were no changes to handicaps. Ladies handicap list...


On a decidedly unsummer-like day, Robert Urquhart shot a 67 to win the Summer Cup by 1 shot from Dean Morgan in 2nd, with Graeme Syme 3rd also on 68 (beaten on the best back 9). Results...

CSS remained the same as SSS at 68. Men's handicap list...

22 April

Spring Mixed Foursomes

Norma Leach and Jon Copper returned a victorious score of 31 points to win the Spring Mixed Foresomes. Report...

20 April

Captain's Twig

Captain Jon Cooper has issued the first edition of his occasional newsletter - the Captain's Twig. It's available now online. More...

16 April


Stuart Nash won the sweep with 37 points, one better than Martin Wright and a further one shot ahead of Kerry Sargeant. Results...

9 April

Ladies Spring Meeting Medal and Committee Cup Round 1

Some very good scoring saw Sheena Harrington win the individual medal round of the Ladies' Spring Meeting with a net 67. Close behind was Tracy Wright on 69. The other prizes were taken by Caryl Goldsworthy who won the Best Front 9 with a net 34 and Norma Lynch and Lia Donath who could not be separated on the Best Back 9 (net 37). Results...

The ladies' CSS remained at 71, the Lady Handicap Secretary being ecstatic to be able to cut Sheena's playing handicap from 17 to 16. Ladies handicap list...

It's no surprise that Sheena takes the lead in the 1st round of the Committee Cup which was played on the same day with Tracy in 2nd place. R1 Leaderboard...

9 April

Coronation Cup

Dave Winter was crowned champion with a very tidy 64, just one ahead of the in-form Bill McSorley and best lady Tracy Wright a further shot away on 66. Dean Morgan was 4th – carding a commendable gross 72. Rumours abounded in the clubhouse of another 64 - from non-entrant Sheena Harrington. Clearly the ladies are striking form now. Results...

Dave takes the early lead in the associated Top Dog Trophy. R1 Leaderboard...

8 April

Whitewebbs Match v Portsmouth (Ladies)

Richmond Park A team narrowly fell to Portsmouth. Report...

2 April

Monthly Medal & Men's Singles Knockout Qualifiers


In a closely fought contest, Veronica Mitchell managed to win the April Monthly medal by one shot (net 76) from Tracy Wright in 2nd (net 77) and Sheena Harrington in 3rd (also net 77). Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...


Sunday saw play off the back white tees for the first time this season with SSS 70. Predominantly windy conditions prevailed and credit goes to Bill McSorley for prevailing to pick up the monthly medal with a 68. Nick Rogers was a shot further behind on 69 and a new name for the leader-board Abdul Aziz Al-Baber completed the 1-2-3 with 70. Results... 

Balance of play was such that CSS was elevated 1 above SSS to 71. Men's handicap list...

In what is still early days for the Grand Medal Trophy, Jason Loubser maintains a good lead lead with Toby Hunt in 2nd. R3 Leaderboard... 

The competition doubled as a qualifier for the Men's singles knockout competitions - JH Taylor Shield and Two Courses Cup. The first 15 plus holders go through to the knockout stage in the two competitions - for the under-17 and 17-28 handicap ranges. More...

The cut fell at 80 for the JH Taylor and 88 for the Two Courses. With the benefit of hindsight, some players who ‘no-returned’ might have qualified, but that’s golf. The 2004 JH Taylor champion Peter Harrington just failed to meet the cut on back 9 – occasioned no doubt with 10 @ 13. JH Taylor Draw... & Two Courses Cup Draw...

26 March


The sweep was a three-sixes format, with three separate competitions and non-qualifier for handicapping purposes.

Pia got off to a roaring start, handing on the baton to Nick Heale with Kerry Sargeant putting in an excellent last lap. Results...

24-26 March

lADIES Spring Weekend Away

By all accounts the weekend went exceptionally well, despite the weather and an unusual local rule. Report...

19 March

Diamond Jubilee

New member Leroy Johnson powered ahead to take the Diamond Jubilee with a glorious 65 including an 11 and 3 birdies. One shot behind were Kerry Sargeant and Richard Owen. Best ladies performance came from Janet Fox with 69. Results...

Just one playing handicap resulted in an unchanged CSS to SSS of 66 - Leroy Johnson 25->24. Men's handicap list...

12 March

Men's Four-ball Match Play Competition

The qualifier saw good scoring, despite the ¾ handicap allowance. The winning pair was Kerry Sargeant and Graeme Syme with 47 points, followed a point behind by Jim Fogarty and Stuart Nash. Results...

Make sure you scroll down the results page as below the main results is a detailed analysis hole-by-hole of points scored.

No fewer than twelve pairs had 40 points or more. Sixteen pairs qualified, with Bill McSorley and Stewart Kendall disqualified under rule 31-4 for not having their gross scores individually identifiable on their card at any hole.

The draw for the knock out is now on both the website and the Club house notice board. Please note, the first round must be completed by 21st May.

12 March

Captain v Secretary (Ladies)
Report by Lady Captain Cheryl Woodhouse

19 ladies turned up to play in this nail biting match play
competition in a bitter east wind accompanied with some sunshine. Was this because of the goodies afterwards - the tempting cake baked by the president Julie Smith
or the luscious Tarte Tartin offered by the Secretary Sonia Inniss and Treasurer Maureen Slade? Or may it have been the celebratory drinks from Tim Meyer who triumphed with a hole-in-one, the week before?

One can never tell?!!

Thank you to all the ladies who turned up to play especially to those we have not seen for some months - Cathryn Leftwich, Caryl Goldsworthy, Sheena Rennie and Trish Mulhall. Welcome back and keep playing.

The event ended in draw with four teams on each side winning and one halved match.

The winners of each match gained a smart golfing towel and the runners up were rewarded with glowing ball markers.

5 March

Monthly Medal


Jini Beacham came out on top, taking the March Monthly medal with a net 71. In 2nd place was Cheryl Woodhouse on net 73. Results...

The CSS increased by 3 to 73 and this was a Reduction Only competition for handicap, resulting in Jini's playing handicap being cut by 1. Ladies handicap list...


Lee Eden stormed the competition with a net 59, four strokes ahead of 2nd place Jason Loubser. Results...

SSS was 66. Men's handicap list...

In the Grand Medal Trophy, Jason Loubser pulls into a lead over John Ahad and Toby Hunt . R2 Leaderboard... 

4 March

Clandon Regis Golf Club Away Day

The Club has arranged an away day to Clandon Regis Golf Club, the headquarters of the PGA Southern Region, for Friday 5th May. There are places for the first 40 applicants. Details...

26 February

Winter Competition Rd 8


The final winter Stableford on Prince's was won by Sonia Inniss with 35 pts, with Cheryl Woodhouse in 2nd on 32 pts. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicap with CSS increasing by 3 and Sonia's playing handicap decreasing by 1. Ladies handicap list...

Sheena made it a double by triumphing in the Prince's Eclectic with a net 68.5. Her closest rival was Lia Donath on net 72. Result Prince's eclectic...


A one over par 70 saw Kerry Sargeant clear winner on 41 points – one ahead of Arthur Dolby, Vic Wadley and Tony Pickard. Stanley Hunt made his first appearance for some time and may be someone to watch this year, a competitive 37 points including a birdie at 13. Julian Diamond was dq’d under Rule 6-6d on evidence from the cards. Results...

Wind leapt to Prince’s defence with SSS remaining at 40 (65). Men's handicap list...

Richard Owen proved the uncatchable Winter Competition winner, eight clear of Peter Harrington. Congratulations Richard and Peter. Results...

Richard eventually tied with Kerry for the Prince's Eclectic on net 57 – Kerry securing 9 birdies in the process. Prince's eclectic result...

19 February

Winter Competition Rd 7


The final winter Stableford on Duke's was won by Lia Donath with 33 pts, with Di Jackett in 2nd on 31 pts. Results...

This was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

This being the final round of the Duke's Eclectic, congratulations go to Sheena Harrington who pipped the Lady Captain by 1 shot to win with a net 70.5. Result Duke's eclectic...


Maintaining his good form from the previous round (bar that 11), Ian Smith was head and shoulders above the field with 41 points. And with a one under par front nine and 24 points much more seemed in promise. Curiously, Arthur Dolby 2nd with 39 points also stood on the 10th tee with 24 points whilst Dave Williams shot a consistent 37 points. Results... 

CSS remained at SSS 40 (66). Men's handicap list...

Richard Owen has all but sewn up the Winter Competition with just one round remaining. R7 Leader board...

Ian’s round was almost enough to take the Duke's Eclectic out-right. Congratulations to Ian and Paul Appleton sharing with net 60½. Duke's eclectic result...

12 February

Monthly Medal


On a wet and miserable winter's day, Kate Marsh shot an excellent net 68 to easily win the ladies' February medal. Julie Smith was in 2nd place on 74. Results...

The CSS increased by 1 over SSS to 71, and Kate's playing handicap decreased by 1 to 27. Ladies handicap list...


Despite cold and wet conditions, Prince’s succumbed to some extremely fine golfing with Toby Hunt scoring 60 - all the more remarkable with a level par back 9 with 2 birdies. John Ahad again scored well shooting 62 with Tony Pickard and Jason Loubser scoring 1 below SSS 64s. Veteran Clause 19.8 exponents were on this occasion joined by Ian Smith with an 11 on 16th. Results...

With 36% of Category 1-3 players scoring within SSS + 2, CSS was reduced 1 to 64. Men's handicap list...

The order is naturally reflected in the first round of the Grand Medal Trophy. R1 Leader board...

5 February

Winter Competition Rd 6


Four ladies tied on 35 pts in the latest winter Stableford competition: Maureen Slade, Sheena Harrington, Jini Beacham and Rosalind Lake. On a count back, Maureen took 1st place and Sheena 2nd. Results...

This was a Reduction Only competition for handicap.

After 3 rounds in the Duke's Eclectic, Sheena has regained her lead on net 72.5, with Cheryl 2nd (74.5) and Tracy 3rd (76). R3 Duke's eclectic...


Winner of round 6 in pleasant conditions for early February was John Ahad with a consistent 40 points. A workmanlike performance from Handicap Secretary Paul Grand secured 2nd place on 39 points with a better back 9 from Jason Loubser. Electing as usual to play off 26, Dave Lawrence ended 4th – a Rule 18 infraction incurring a 1 shot penalty at 2nd hole. Results... 

Bowing to the balance of play, CSS was elevated from SSS 40 (65) to 41 (64). Men's handicap list...

Richard Owen maintains his lead of 10 in the Winter Competition from the group of Peter Harrington, Jason Loubser and Graeme Syme. R6 Leader board...

Paul Appleton has a 1½ shot lead from Jason Loubser in the Duke's Eclectic. R3 Duke's eclectic...

3 February

Ladies Autumn Weekend Away

The Ladies have announced the details for the Autumn Weekend Away. The venue is the Tewkesbury Golf & Country Club. Although the club has been to Tewkesbury before, we have not been to this hotel / golf course. More...

1 February

Annual Subscriptions

Annual subs are due on 1st February and are £45 with Senior members paying £22.50 (men 65 and over, Ladies 60 and over on 1st February 2006).

Make cheques payable to RPGC and either see Dave Williams at the Park on Sundays or email him.

29 January

Pairs Better Ball

In favourable conditions, the pairing of Jason Loubser and Andrew Wright triumphed with 47 points, four ahead of nearest rivals Toby Hunt and John Sowter. Results...

28 January

Annual Dinner Dance

By all accounts the Annual Dinner Dance was once again a resounding success. Sheena Harrington provided these photographs. Pic 1...  Pic 2...  Pic 3...

If you have photographs you would like to share with the website, please contact the Editor.

25 January

2005 Secretary's Report

In advance of the Annual General Meeting later in the evening, the Club Secretary has issued his report for last year. Read the report...

22 January

Winter Competition Rd 5


Di Jackett won the regular winter Stableford competition with a storming 38 pts. Three ladies - Pia Langeland, Tracy Wright and Sheena Harrington - were next on 32 pts with Pia taking 2nd place on a count back. Results...

Due to temporary greens, this was a non-qualifier for handicap.

Di's good round has secured her the lead after two rounds in the Duke's Eclectic (on net 76½), followed by Sheena in 2nd place (79½ ). R2 Duke's eclectic...


Frosty conditions prevailed for the first 9 or so holes. In a non-qualifier, Martin Wright adapted to the conditions posting 41 points, one ahead of Gurpal Sekhon. Results...

The Winter Competition sees Richard Owen maintaining a commanding lead on 127 points, 10 ahead of Peter Harrington and Graeme Syme. R5 Leader board...

In the associated Duke's Eclectic, Paul Appleton is now ½ shot ahead on 64½ from Kerry Sargeant. R2 Duke's eclectic...

15 January

Winter Competition Rd 4


Tracy Wright won the latest Winter Stableford with 33 pts, just piping Sheena Harrington into 2nd place on the back 9. Jan Oliver was a point away in 3rd. Results...

Again, scoring was relatively low so this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

With only one round to go, Sheena continues to hold the lead in the Prince's Eclectic on net 71½. Lia Donath is currently 2nd on 73 and Julie Smith 3rd on 73½. R3 Prince's eclectic...


Bereft of defences in benign winter conditions, Prince’s yielded to fine play and scoring from mainly low to mid-handicappers. Leading the onslaught was Richard Owen with 43 points with Kerry Sargeant and Ian Smith a point away. All players scored 30 or more points. Results...

Bowing to the balance of play, CSS was elevated from SSS 40 (65) to 41 (64). Men's handicap list...

In the Winter Competition Richard deservedly consolidates his lead. With 3 of the 4 rounds left on Duke's he is the bookies' favourite. R4 Leader board...

In the Prince's Eclectic, Richard retains his lead of four shots, now over Kerry Sargeant. R3 Prince's eclectic...

8 January

Monthly Medal


The new Lady Captain, Cheryl Woodhouse, got the new year off to a flying start winning the January Monthly Medal with a net 76, despite rather chilly and, ultimately, wet conditions. Two shots behind in 2nd place was Jan Oliver and 3rd was Lorna White, also on net 78. Results...

Due to relatively high scores, this was a Reduction Only round for handicap. Ladies handicap list...

Cheryl also clinched the LGU Bronze Medal and Tracy Wright the LGU Silver Medal for 2005 / 06.


Shrugging off the cold and wet conditions exacerbated by a nagging easterly, a focussed Geoff Foreman showed lesser mortals how to cope and claimed the Millennium trophy by 4 shots. His concentration was no doubt exemplified by a steely gaze on the par 3 tees. Indeed, Geoff returned 2 under par on the par 3s pocketing 2 birdies. Plucky performances were recorded by Toby Hunt 66 and Julian Diamond 67 in 2nd and 3rd place. Results...

Some players (including the Handicap Secretary) shivered into the portacabin realistically expecting a Qualifier for Reduction Only round – but the balance of play was such that CSS remained @ SSS 66. Men's handicap list...

1 January

New Year's Day Sweep

New Year’s day was blessed with good winter golfing weather and very few other players on the course.

Champion for the day was Pat King with 39 points with Rob Urquhart and Toby Hunt just a point away. Results...

Upcoming Events
Jan 7 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jan 14 Stableford Sweep
Jan 20 Dinner Dance
Jan 21 4-Ball Better Ball
Jan 28 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 31 AGM
Previous Events
Dec 31 3x6 (S,B,M)
Dec 24 American Greensomes Pairs
Dec 17 Champagne Chase
Champagne Chase (L)
Dec 10 Christmas Hamper
Dec 3 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Dec 2 Ladies AGM
Nov 29 Committee Meeting
Nov 26 Four Ball Better Ball
Nov 19 Winter Comp Rd 4
Princes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Nov 12 Winter Comp Rd 3
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Nov 5 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Nov 1 Committee Meeting
Oct 29 Four Ball BB Medal
Oct 22 Winter Comp Rd 2
Princes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Oct 15 Winter Comp Rd 1
Dukes Eclectic Rd 1 (L)
Oct 8 Bogey Sweep
Stableford Sweep (L)
Oct 6
Ruffians Ryder Cup
Oct 1 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Sep 27 Hoebridge Away Day
Sep 24 Lissaman Cup [TD]
Sep 15
Ladies Weekend Away
Sep 10 Monthly Medal GM 8
Monthly Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 2 (L)
Sep 9 Autumn Mixed Foursomes
Sep 3 Burgess Cup
Autumn Meeting BB (L)
Aug 27 Charity Cup
Aug 20 Captains' Day [TD]
Captains Day (L)
Aug 19 Rickmansworth Friendly
Aug 19 Keys Trophy
Aug 13 Trevor Allen Open
Aug 13 Clapham Common v Hoebridge
Aug 12 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Aug 6 Monthly Medal GM 7
Monthly Medal (L)
Aug 5 Bontor
Jul 30 President's Putter [TD]
Jul 23 Centurion Open
Silver Jubilee [AT]
Jul 16 Monthly Medal GM 6
Monthly Medal (L)
Jul 9 Association Trophy
Jul 8 Mens Invitation *postponed*
Jul 2 Richmond Park GC Open
Jul 1 Rickmansworth Friendly
Jun 25 Club Champ'ship R2
Club Champ'ship R2 (L)
Jun 24 Clapham Common v Hurst
Jun 24 Association Cup
Jun 18 Club Champ'ship R1
Club Champ'ship R1 (L)
Jun 11 JQ Robertson [TD]
Jun 10 Mitcham Friendly (L)
Jun 4 Monthly Medal GM 5
Monthly Medal (L)
Jun 4 Committee Meeting
May 28 Platinum Jubilee [AT]
May 28 Clapham Common v Thorney Park
May 27 Ladies Invitation
May 21 Shaw Cup
NAPGC S'ford Qualifier
May 14 Monthly Medal GM 4
Monthly Medal (L)
May 9 Committee Meeting
May 7 Ruskie Hall Open
May 7 Hawtree Match
May 5 Clandon Regis Away Day
Apr 30 Golden Jubilee [AT] [TD]
NAPGC Medal Qualifier
Apr 30 White Webbs Match (L)
Apr 29 Clapham Common v Iver
Apr 23 Summer Cup
Spring Meeting BB (L)
Apr 22 Spring Mixed Foursomes
Apr 16 Sweep
Apr 12 Committee Meeting
Apr 9 Coronation Cup [TD]
Spring Meeting Medal (L)
Committee Cup Rd 1 (L)
Apr 8 White Webbs Match (L)
Apr 2 Monthly Medal GM 3
Qualifiers for Men's Singles Match Play
Monthly Medal (L)
Mar 24
Ladies Weekend Away
Mar 26 Sweep
Mar 19 Diamond Jubilee [AT]
Mar 12 Qualifier for Men's Pairs
Captain v Secretary (L)
Mar 8 Committee Meeting
Mar 5 Monthly Medal GM 2
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 26 Winter Comp Rd 8
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Feb 19 Winter Comp Rd 7
Dukes Eclectic Rd 4 (L)
Feb 12 Monthly Medal GM 1
Monthly Medal (L)
Feb 8 Committee Meeting
Feb 5 Winter Comp Rd 6
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Feb 1 Annual Subs Due
Jan 29 Pairs Better Ball
Jan 28 Annual Dinner Dance
Jan 25 Annual General Meeting
Jan 22 Winter Comp Rd 5
Dukes Eclectic Rd 2 (L)
Jan 15 Winter Comp Rd 4
Dukes Eclectic Rd 3 (L)
Jan 8 Monthly Medal
Monthly Medal (L)
Jan 1 New Year's Sweep
2005 Previous year